Lost Ring Lavallette NJ Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Wedding Ring lost in the Ocean, Loveladies NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Kevin sent me an email about his lost ring in the ocean. He had been waist-deep in the water when, while catching a football, the ring popped right off. He provided all the key details—time of day, water depth, and exact location—which made it easier to plan the recovery. We agreed to attempt the search, and I headed out during the next low tide.

When I arrived, Kevin’s father met me on the beach and pointed out the spot where Kevin had been. He even reenacted the moment Kevin caught the football. Water recoveries can be slow, and after 45 minutes of going back and forth over the area, I still hadn’t found anything. But I kept at it, and eventually, I got a sweet low tone from my metal detector—a promising signal.

Digging in the crashing surf was tricky, and I missed the ring on my first two scoops. But finally, the ring was safe in my scoop. I walked slowly up to Kevin’s father, who was sitting nearby. I told him I had searched the entire area Kevin described, only getting one signal. Then, I pulled the ring from my scoop. The look on his face was priceless—pure relief and surprise.

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Lost engagement ring in the ocean, Ship Bottom NJ, LBI, recovered by Edward Trapper NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey    Kate reached out to me wanting to know if it was possible to locate her engagement that slipped off her finger during the day somewhere at the beach. It was late in the evening, and after determining that it was close to high tide when it most likely came off, it would be best to wait until the early morning low tide. We arranged to meet early the next morning at the dune walkover. As we were heading to the location I had asked her to mark in google maps we talked about the main things she could remember leading up the the ring disappearing. Once we got to the spot, she showed me some pictures she had, before and after the ring went missing. Something didn’t look just right, but I figured I would check the area that was marked. After coming up empty handed I asked her to see the pics again, it was then I knew that was not quit the right location. I adjusted the location about 40′ to the north, and things looked just right, including the piles of seaweed that had pushed high up on the hill the prior day when the pics were taken. Kate confirmed after looking at the pics that this was absolutely the right location. Combined with the rough surf, was the fact that she was boogie boarding, and that is never a good thing when doing a recovery. Kate did remember one wave that knocked her down, where she lost the board, and that was luckily close to the beach in waist deep water. I decided to hit that area real quick, and while Kate was in about knee deep water looking, I got a signal that made my eyes open wide. With the waves crashing right where I was, I took extra time to zero in on the exact spot, and hoped to grab it on the first scoop. Sure enough I had it on the first try, BINGO, it was her absolutely stunning ring!!!!! Kate had no idea what had just taken place just a few feet behind her, as I scooted up the hill , past the waves to get a better look and clean it off. At that moment I decided to make a video to capture her response, which you will see I’m not very good at. (Will be posted soon) Her reaction was something that makes this profession SO SO rewarding that no words could ever explain.

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More amazing recoveries found here, lost ring LBI

I-Phone lost in the surf, Lavallette NJ, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

  Tony was doing some surf fishing in Lavallette NJ early one Saturday morning with his buddies. It was pretty close to high tide when he realized his phone was missing, but he wasn’t quite sure where it could be. He looked everywhere possible when he figured it must have fallen out somewhere in the water while he was fishing. Loosing a phone can be very devastating with all the pictures, videos, and other information that can be stored on them now. Needless to say this was the situation with Tony, especially the pictures and videos of friends and family that can NEVER be replaced. Luckily I was able to locate his phone during the next low tide, about  20′ down the hill, right where the low tide waves were breaking. It was already buried in the sand over 12″, and prob. very close to being lost for ever. Time is so important when recovering lost items in the surf or ocean, that is why you need to call  ASAP when an item is lost.

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Lost ring in the sand, Mantoloking NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey It was late in the evening when I received a text from Connie asking if I would be able to assist in finding a beautiful ring they lost on the beach earlier that day. After texting back and fourth we decided to have her call as it was much easier. Mark and Connie were very anxious to recover the ring, so we decided to meet on the beach in about 30 min. due to the amount of beach traffic, and also the location of the ring possibly being pulled into the ocean, as the tide was coming in. We had one picture they had taken, which would assist in lining up the location, and a few holes their daughter had been digging that day. I arrived first and headed out to begin searching. It was very dark that night, so with the one picture Connie had sent I started to line up a spot with the landscape in the background. After doing a quick search of the first spot I noticed the flagpole I had used was not the correct one, then realized many houses had flagpoles. Moving down the beach a bit. I started another search in a spot that looked promising, by then Mark and Connie had arrived, and  the second spot turned up empty. We all got together to examine the picture one more time, and found a spot just a little further which looked very promising. If you have ever been on the beach on a dark night, you will realize that lining up a small location with a picture, while also figuring out the correct angle it was taken from is quite challenging!!! Well, needless to say, after a few short sweeps of the 3rd spot, bingo, I got the signal I was waiting patiently to hear. To Mark and Connie’s amazement, the ring was in my scoop.

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Lost necklace in the sand, Lavallette NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Jersey shore ring finder ring finder south jersey Got a call from Allison about a cross and chain lost in the sand, in Lavallette NJ. She said her son Jake was there with some friends, and before entering the water, he removed it and wrapped it up in his towel for safe keeping. Later on he remembered it was in the towel, but after looking around for quite a while it was nowhere to be found. After digging around the entire area with no luck, they used a metal detector, and had the same results. I met them on the beach, and they had the entire area marked out which is always a good thing. After searching the area in two directions with no luck, we decided to look to the south, which was the opposite side of where the towel was positioned in the first location. A few feet into the new area I received a faint but solid tone, and bingo, there it was. Most likely Jake came out of the water an grabbed the towel, and by the time it was opened enough for the cross to fall out he was about 25′ of so from the original location.

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Lost necklace at the beach, Point Pleasant Beach NJ, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

  Amanda sent me a text later in the evening, asking about my services. Amanda and her husband Dave were at the beach, where she had removed her NJ State Trooper medallion necklace and placed it in the beach bag for safe keeping. She was extremely heartbroken, as she wore this every single day for over 20 plus years.  After they returned home it was missing, so they backtracked every step with no luck. They also raked the entire area of the beach where they had set up their chairs and towels for the day. The only possible thing that could have happened was it came out during the day when Dave removed the car keys, and mistakenly fell into the sand. Amanda didn’t want me to come out late at night, but no way would I leave the necklace sit in the sand over night, and possibly disappear with the tide, or risk it being found by an suspecting beach comber. I met Dave at the beach within 30 min. and had Amanda’s  necklace in the scoop just a short while later. Dave was in total disbelief I found it so fast, especially after they had done an extensive search prior to my arrival.

Lost cross and chain in the sand, Lavallette NJ, OB3, recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

Ed called about his beautiful chain and cross that disappeared into the sand while they were at the beach. He had given it to his wife for safe keeping while he went in the water. Somehow during a fantastic beach day it went missing. Ed explained the only place it could be was in the area of their towels and chairs, and positively not in the water. I arranged to meet Ed and his family on the beach in Lavallette, later that evening when some of the traffic cleared. They had already marked out the area, which had some fixed landmarks close by, and are always a big plus. I boxed out the perimeter, and when I got to the original starting point, and turned in just a bit to take my second swipe, I got a nice low steady signal that had cross and chain singing in my  headphones. Bingo !!! just as I thought, it was in the scoop. The chain had snuck through the scoop, which his wife quickly spotted shining in the light.

Wedding Set snow recovery at the Jerey Shore

Got a call from Andrew asking for my help finding his wife’s wedding set she lost in the snow playing with her child. Told him I would be there the next morning and was met by his wife Kelly. She showed me where she felt them come off her finger as she brushed the snow off. There were multiple targets in the ground so I had to check them all but after a few minutes I found the first ring and knew the second wasn’t that far away, a couple of swings of the detector later out came the second. It’s always a great feeling seeing the smile that comes with the recovery, reuniting someone with their lost item. Was glad I could help.
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Ring Finder .. Thanks Dennis Burlingame

I frantically called Dennis today to see if he would be able to help me find my wedding ring at Pt Pleasant Beach. It had come off my finger as I applied sunscreen on my daughter. He was at the beach within the hour and located my ring within 2 mins of beginning his search. Calling Dennis was the best thing I could have done because there was no way it would have been located without him. Thank you so much for finding my ring today Dennis. It means so much to me and my wife that you dropped what you were doing to come assist us today.

Again thank you so much for rushing out to Pt in the middle of your shopping to help us.  We are forever grateful.


Wedding Band recovered in Brick NJ by Dennis Burlingame

Got a call last night from Helen asking if I could help in locating her husband’s Larry’s wedding band. Told her I’d be happy to and made arrangements to meet them the next day. Turns out that Helen and Larry were having an argument in during that Larry gave his ring back to Helen and in the heat of the moment she threw it off the back deck. Regretting it they tried to find it but had no luck. In doing so they threw things off the deck to get an idea where it might be. Helen said to me it was further back in the yard and I started there but no results. The second area was closer to the deck and within about 15 feet of it I found his ring. She must of thrown it more down then out. They were so glad to get his ring back and promised no more arrangements. A great happy ending.

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