Lost… Diamond Engagement Ring & Wedding Band/White Rock
Today I had a search for a lady who lost both of her wedding rings at White Rock Beach. After talking with Ali on the phone I knew the chances of finding her rings were slim due to the fact that it was likely lost on the short grass where she and her family were sitting, making the rings easy to spot.
She had taken them off to put suntan lotion on her kids and put them on the towel she was sitting on, after a while it was time to go and she got up and her son picked up the towel and they left for home.
After around a half hour she realized what had happen and raced back to where they had been sitting to look for her rings…No luck, they were no where to be found. Franticly searching for her rings strangers stopped and helped her look but no one found them.
When I arrived the next day and met Ali and her sister they showed me the spot, I searched the grass and then the small bush area but no luck.
I brought a towel and a couple of rings of no value but ones I would use to do a test with and placed the rings on the towel and asked Ali to pick up the towel like her son would have done. This showed us that the rings didn’t travel far at all and ended up on the grass close to the towel. This would have been very easy for someone to spot.
I believe there are good people in this world still and the person who found the rings is looking for the owner… If you found the rings here is Ali’s contact number… 604-870-8825
I hope your rings find you Ali.