Metal Detecting 3rd Beach in Stanley Park Vancouver, Turns up a Lost Silver Ring
Mid September I received a call from a lady who lost her diamond engagement ring at 3rd beach in Stanley Park. I responded quickly and spent over two hours searching for the ring with no luck.During my grid search I found over a hundred bottle caps and pull tabs along with a beautiful silver ring that had a moonstone and garnet set in it…I never found the ring I was looking for and later that evening the lady called and told me she found her ring when she got home…That happens from time to time.So when I got home I posted the ring I found on the Craigslist but I had no response…Later that month while I was in Napa Valley visiting my brother & sister in law I was checking the Craigslist and saw a posting that caught my attention and when I opened it… there was a write up about a young lady who lost her moonstone and garnet ring. I sent her an email to let her know that I found her ring and she was very happy…today I met up with her and returned the ring…She told me it was a birthday gift from a very good friend, she felt horrible losing the ring only 5 days after it was gifted to her.
It was very nice meeting you today and I’m happy that your ring is back were it belongs!I love my job! Lost something?Call me ASAP! Watch the video for this recovery on the video below…