Lost and found Edmonton and surrounding area Tag | Page 2 of 2 | The Ring Finders

14k Gold Wedding Band Lost. Bannerman NE, Edmonton, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Nolan called me while I was out doing a search for another ring to ask me if I could help him find his 14k gold wedding band which he had dropped on the side of the road while walking last evening.  He searched for the ring this morning but could not find it in the snow.

I meet up with Nolan and he showed me the area he had been walking and approximately 5 minutes later I found his ring. Another very happy Client!  Thank you, Nolan.


18k White Gold Wedding Ring Lost, Weir Industrial S/E Edmonton Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Gaurav called me this morning requesting my service to locate his 18k white gold wedding ring which he had just lost while brushing snow off his car. He and a friend spent about one hour searching around the car with no luck and gave up.

Gaurav did a Google search and found me! The rest is history.

I meet Gaurav in the parking lot where the ring was lost and he told me what had happened.  I could see where he had been searching and the pile of snow which he had pushed to the side. I gave Gaurav one of my test rings and told him to show me how he was brushing the snow and to let the ring go to see which direction the ring flew.  The ring landed in the area where he had shoveled the snow to a pile, so I knew without a shadow of a doubt that the ring had to be in that pile of snow.  Bingo, I called Gaurav over and told him I had found his ring.  He was very happy to have the ring back on his finger! He told me that he had just gotten married three weeks ago and that he had also missed his flight back home to Vancouver today because he had to find his ring.

I was very pleased to be able to give Gaurav a happy and memorable stay in Edmonton.

Norm Peters
The Ring Finder
When you want your lost ring to find you! Call now.

Lost Tungsten Wedding Band, Terwillegar Dog Park, Edmonton Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


Shamal called late Wednesday requesting my service to locate his Tungsten wedding band which was lost on Tuesday while he was having a fall photo shoot with his wife in tall grass.

We both agreed to meet on Thursday evening at the park. Shamal put me within approximately 10 feet of where he said his ring fell off! The grass was about one foot tall and it was very hard to see anything on the ground. Shamal searched for a few hours but could not find his ring.

He Googled and found theringfinders web site and contacted me!  Within fifteen minutes I had Shamal’s ring back on his finger. Another happy client.

Thanks Shamal for contacting me.

Lost Diamond Ring, Ma Me O Beach, Alberta, Canada.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



I received a call from Noreen on June 24th regarding a diamond ring that her mother Edna had lost while out swimming in the lake the day before.  After asking Noreen a few questions I agreed to drive out to the lake the next day.

June 25:  I arrived at Ma Me O Beach and met Noreen and her mother Edna, at the cabin. Noreen showed me the area that they were in the lake swimming. The area was huge, approximately the size of a football field. I told Noreen that the search was going to be tough, almost like looking for a needle in a hay stack!

The search took me over four sand bars which were waist deep, and chest deep between each bar. It was good that Noreen had pictures of her mother on a float tube and this gave me a good reference point to start my search.  I searched the area for about four hours and called it a day. I told Noreen I would be back the following day.

July 26:  I decided to do an early morning search because the lake would be smooth like a sheet of glass which made it a pleasant time to search. The water was clear so I was able to see the sandy bottom.  Noreen also wanted to assist in the search so I gave her my backup detector.  We went over the search area that I did the previous day and had no luck. The weather forecast for the next few days was not good; the lake would be very rough and impossible to do a good search.

July 3:  The Lake was calm and a nice day for a search.  After studying the pictures and checking my GPS tracking I decided on an area but again had no luck.  My equinox 800 developed problems so I changed to my 3030 and proceeded to search, again with no luck.


July 11:  A very busy day at the lake with lots of people out.   We covered a huge area with no luck.


July 16:  I expanded my search area.  I must say for a busy lake the bottom was very clean with hardly any junk in the lake. Again, another day with no luck.


July 21:  I regrouped with Noreen and her brother Dan and asked again the same questions which I had asked before.  I must have sounded like a broken record to them but it was very important to me. Again we did a thorough search of the area and again no luck. I could tell Noreen and Dan where starting to doubt if the ring was ever going to be found. I told them I would find that ring and that it just takes time. Edna said to me that the ring is gone and someone else was going to find it. I told her if someone was going to find it that would be me.  That helped to reassure Edna.  Edna had just celebrated her 93rd birthday on the day she lost her ring.  The ring had been given to her by her father and had been on her finger for the past 60+ years.


July 26:  I did a weather check and the lake was rough, but the day was expected to be a nice so I decided to head out again.  When I arrived, the lake was rough so I waited it out and by noon the wind died down so we were able to search again.  I told Noreen that I was going to find the ring today if I had to stay in the lake all day!  Two hours into the search I received a loud tone followed by a sweet low tone.  Music to my ears! I knew it could be the ring.  I scooped it up and to my surprise there was the ring!  I walked over to Noreen and asked her if this was “IT”.  She could not believe that I had found her mother’s ring after so many hours in the lake searching.  What a wonderful feeling that was for me to be able to see Edna put the ring back on her finger.


Thank you, Noreen for sticking with me and not giving up on me.  Another happy client




Lost Wedding Band, Buena Vista Park, Edmonton Alberta, Canada

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Donnie requesting my services to find his wife’s wedding ring which was lost along road way in the park.

Donnie explained that the ring was lost on Tuesday evening and he had spent three days looking for the ring he even purchased a metal detector but to no avail. Donnie had planned on heading back early Saturday morning armed with a flashlight to try again, then he decided to check the internet for tips on finding lost rings, he found “Theringfinder” web site and contacted me.

I agreed to meet Donnie at the park he showed me the area where the ring could be. The area was dense tall grass and brush which made the search very difficult to find anything especially a tiny platinum ring.

I decided to change my search coil to a six inch double-d smart coil which made the search easer around the dead thick foliage and within about fifteen minutes I heard a sweet tone. I found the ring and when I showed Donnie the ring he could not believe how quickly I had found it. I explained to him that it takes years of experience to learn how a metal detector works and that each metal detector is unique, that’s why you hire a professional.

Donnie was very happy to have the ring back and return it to his wife.

Thank you Donnie for entrusting me to locate your wife’s lost wedding ring.

Lost Platinum Wedding Band, Strathcona Athletic Park, Sherwood Park, Alberta.

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)

Theresa emailed me last evening requesting my services to find her husband’s wedding band which he had lost while playing baseball at the park.

Her husband Everett  called me this morning and explained that he had lost the ring at the ball diamond and had spent a considerable amount of time looking for the ring with no luck so I agreed to meet him at the park within 45 minutes.

When I arrived Everett and Theresa were  busy looking for the ring. While setting up my equipment I gave Everett some marker flags and told him to place the flags where he thought the ring could possibly be.   Everett did a fantastic job in marking the field and it was a huge area to cover.

After about 1/2 hour I heard Theresa shout out  « I found it » and I looked up and there she was about 30 feet outside the marked area where Everett had placed the flags.  Just goes to show you never know where a ring can end up!  Fantastic job Theresa in finding Everett’s ring.


Lost Gold Wedding Band McCauley Neighborhood Edmonton, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call on Thursday from Mike requesting my assistance to help him find his wedding ring which he had lost a couple of weeks ago. When I asked Mike how he had lost his ring he replied that he picked up a runner off his dresser because it had some dirt on it. He had walked out of the front door to shake the runner and thought he had heard a ping noise but without realizing what it was, He returned back into the house. After a couple of days Mike realized his ring was missing from his dresser. He searched high and low for the ring in the house with no luck. He then recalled the ping nose that he had heard, and that it must have been his ring that hit the sidewalk and bounced on the lawn. Mike spent hours looking for the ring with no luck.
I stopped in on Mike this morning and he showed me the area where he thought the ring could be. I searched through dead leaves and pine needles and I told Mike that since the foliage was near the same colour as his ring it would be very hard to locate the ring with the naked eye. I searched the other side of his side walk and found his ring neatly covered in pine needles. Mike was very grateful that he had found me on the Internet.

Another happy client.

Thank you Mike and Maryann.


Lost Earring Queen Elizabeth Park Edmonton, Alberta (Found)

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Annette yesterday requesting my service to help her locate an earring that had been lost Wednesday in the park. We agreed to meet this morning.

When I met up with Annette  she said the earrings were very special to her as they were hand made in South Africa and had sentimental value to her.  Annette showed me the area where she had been walking , and that was now covered in fallen autumn leaves  just like her lost earring.

After about a 1  1/2hour search her earring was found and Annette was very happy to have her missing earring back in her possession.

Thank you Annette for entrusting me to help you find your lost earring.


Engagement Ring Lost On Country Road Near Holden, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)



Brandon called me yesterday afternoon asking if it was possible for me to come out to Holden and look for his girlfriends lost engagement ring.  After asking Brandon a few questions I agreed to meet him around 5Pm.

I met up with Brandon in the town of Holden,  then drove another 5 miles to the location where the ring was lost.  The area consisted of 1/4 mile of gravel road and Brandon told me she was walking along the side of the road heading east which meant the ring could als0 be in the ditch. After 2 hours of searching the ring was found on the road and Brandon was so relieved to have the ring back that he immediately called his girlfriend to tell her the good news.

Thank you Brandon for entrusting me to find your lost Ring.





White Diamond Ring Lost! Fort Saskatchewan AB, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Amanda requesting my assistance to locate a very special ring that she had lost on Saturday evening.  Amanda and her friends spent a good part of Sunday afternoon looking for her ring but with no luck. She then decided to goggle « Lost Ring » and my name popped up. She called me I agreed to meet her this evening.  Within five minutes of meeting we found her ring in the snow.   She could not believe that her ring was back on her finger in such a short time.

Another happy client!

Thank you Amanda for entrusting me and The Ring Finders to locate your Ring