Diamond ring lost and found Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Diamond Rings in Naples, Florida Found & Returned by Metal Detector

  • from Marco Island (Florida, United States)

[April 23, 2019 – Naples, Florida] Got a call from Brian’s wife who reported having lost two rings at the beach.  The rings she’s carefully guarded in her pocket were likely lost as she was tending her children and applying more sunscreen.  So, why hire a professional metal detector?  Well, several hours of searching, traffic, and sifting through the sand had only managed to broaden the search area and drive the rings deeper.  The wedding band was the first to be found.  It gave off a faint signal being buried in about 5-6 inches of sand and canted at a 45 decgree angle.  The diamond solitaire proved to be a bit more tricky.  It was found nearby, yielding only an occasional very very faint signal as it was 6-8 inches deep standing nearly straight up.  The rest is now history and another “story” added to a family’s memorable vacation in Naples, Florida.  What was once lost has been found – thank God!

If you’ve lost a ring or sentimental item, don’t hesitate calling.  Literally, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!  With years of metal detecting experience, the best and most sophisticated metal detecting equipment, and numerous recoveries and even more finds, the testimonials and results are why you need to hire a professional metal detector.  Call Mark (239)500-RING [7464] or Text (239)770-7873 – metal detector rental services – Naples, Marco Island, Ft. Myers, Bonita Beach, Estero, and greater South Florida.  It’s only lost until you call!

Metal detector hired to find lost rings

Lost rings found by metal detector in Naples Florida now reunited with owners.

White Diamond Ring Lost! Fort Saskatchewan AB, Alberta

  • from Edmonton (Alberta, Canada)


I received a call from Amanda requesting my assistance to locate a very special ring that she had lost on Saturday evening.  Amanda and her friends spent a good part of Sunday afternoon looking for her ring but with no luck. She then decided to goggle « Lost Ring » and my name popped up. She called me I agreed to meet her this evening.  Within five minutes of meeting we found her ring in the snow.   She could not believe that her ring was back on her finger in such a short time.

Another happy client!

Thank you Amanda for entrusting me and The Ring Finders to locate your Ring