hire metal detector Philadelphia area Tag | The Ring Finders

IPhone lost in Snow in Philadelphia, PA….Found and Returned!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

After the largest snow storm of the year dumped 6 inches of snow in Philadelphia this week…Adeep ventured out to have some fun in the deep snow drifts around his University City apartment. Unfortunately his Iphone slipped out of his pocket while playing around. His « find my iphone » app got him close to the location of the lost phone but it was clearly under the snow somewhere! He found me listed in the Ring Finders directory and several hours later I was there with my metal detector! He pointed out where he was fooling around in the snow….and where the « find my iphone » app was suggesting its location. Less than 10 minutes into search I got the signal I was looking for with my machine…moved aside about 8 inches of snow…and there was his iphone!!! Adeep was surprised and very happy that I was able to locate his lost phone so fast!

Gold Wedding Band Lost, Found and Returned in Ambler, PA!!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Mike contacted me after losing his gold wedding band in his backyard in Ambler, PA. He was about to start making meatballs for dinner so he took his ring off and put it in his pocket. He finished the meatballs and went into backyard to kick around a soccer ball with his son. He noticed his band was no longer in his pocket after re-entering his house. Total time between putting his ring in his pocket and noticing it missing was less then an hour! Clearly must have fallen out while kicking the soccer ball in backyard…he spent hours looking and raking the backyard but no luck. He found me in the Ring Finders directory…and I met him 2 days later. He took me into his backyard and showed me where he was playing soccer with his son. Like I always do I started grid searching very methodically…starting at one end and working toward the other. 10 minutes later, I was in the exact middle of the « soccer field » when I finally got the signal I was looking for…the grass was a little high and there were quiet a few leaves but I still immediately saw his white gold wedding band gleaming up at me! I was very happy to be able to return Mike’s ring to him!


Gold and Diamond Earring Lost, Recovered and Returned in Wayne, PA!!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Lesley contacted me through the Ring Finders directory after losing  an extremely sentimental gold and diamond earring the day before. She was heartbroken with the loss and determined to find it! When I arrived at her home the next day she explained after a detailed investigation(involving her Ring doorbell camera!) that her valuable earring either fell off in her or her neighbors yard…the local convenience store (Wawa) or the bank. She went to the wawa and bank and looked and asked if anyone found…then went home and printed lost and found signs to post as well. She also purchased a metal detector online to begin searching hers and her neighbors yard. That’s when someone told her about the Ring Finders directory and hence the call to me! When I got there she had the other earring and I was able to calibrate my machine to it. It rang up a strong 12-13 on  my Minelab Equinox Metal Detector….so that was the signal I was looking for! She first took me to the neighbors yard where she stopped to play with there dog …there was a crazy amount of newly fallen leaves in a grassy area around a large magnolia tree. Lesley thought the earring most likely came off while she was playing with the dog…well…she was right! after a 10 minute search…BOOM….sure enough I got a strong 12-13 signal on my machine! With Lesley standing next to me…I spread the deep leaves apart…and behold her beautiful large gold diamond earring! Not sure I have ever seen anyone so emotional as Lesley at that moment…the joy and relief! I was so happy to be able to come through for her!

Gold Wedding Band Lost, Recovered and Returned in Radnor, PA!!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

James got in touch with me via the Ring Finders directory after losing his white gold wedding band while at a football practice at Radnor High School in Radnor, PA. I met James the next day at the field and he told me he is the coach of his young son’s football team…he was in the middle of the practice and tossing the football back and forth when he felt his ring come off. He didn’t see it fly through the air but felt it come off for sure. He borrowed a friend’s metal detector to try to find it himself but no luck, He decided he needed the help of a pro…hence the call to me! James was pretty sure of the area of the field where it came off….probably a 30 square yard grassy area. In my experience with these kinds of recoveries where it comes off when throwing something….its quite unpredictable where the ring could’ve flown to. I proceeded to cover the area in a grid like fashion….almost like mowing a lawn…and thoroughly covering every square inch of the search area. A gold ring on the surface has a unique signal on my detector so while I was getting a lot of signals none suggested his ring. About 20 minutes into my search…BOOM… I finally got the signal I was looking for. The grass was quite deep so I had to push the deep grass aside…but after doing so there it was!!!! Don’t think James believed me when I first said I found it….he was so happy and relieved when I handed it to him! I was very happy to be able to get his ring back to him!!!

Platinum Wedding Band Lost, Recovered and Returned in Penn Valley, PA!!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Leonard found me in the Ring Finders directory after he lost his platinum wedding band in an elementary school playground in Penn Valley, PA. He spent hours searching for it before reaching out to me for help. I met him the next day at the playground and he explained that due to some recent weight loss the band had become quite loose on his finger. He was with his son and wife at the school’s playground and had his hands full with all kinds of kids stuff when he figured the band must have slid off his finger. He spent the majority of time and was quite convinced the ring fell off in the mulched area of the playground but he also thought maybe it fell off during his walk back and forth to car. I started with a quick scan of entire mulched area of playground….then took 20 minutes and scanned the entire walking path to where his car was parked. Leonard was hanging with me and looking with his eyes as well….we were both convinced it must be there somewhere. After about 60 minutes I was ready to suggest to him we should wrap it up when he told me he dropped a pretzel very near/under a long aluminum bench along the border of the playground. I obviously didn’t check there since a huge metal bench would interfere with my metal detector…we grabbed both ends of bench and moved it 5 feet away…and I proceeded to detect that area. BOOM! I got the beautiful surface ring signal on my detector I had been hoping for! I looked down and there was his beautiful ring! I think I whooped and hollered and scared Leonard! I told him I found it….and his smile said it all! I was very happy to find Leonard’s ring for him!!!

Sentimental Wedding Band Lost, Recovered and Returned in Philadelphia, PA!!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Clifford contacted me through the Ring Finder Directory after losing his tantalum wedding band at a school playground in Philadelphia, PA. He texted me and asked if we could discuss my services and the details surrounding his lost ring. In speaking with him he conveyed he was supervising the children on the playground while his ring was in his pocket…he believed the ring probably fell to the ground after he took his phone in and out of his pocket several times. He noticed the ring was missing while still there but the grass was quite deep and the area where lost was large. He figured his only hope was a metal detector…hence the call. I met him at the school the next day and he showed me the area where he was standing when the ring was lost. School was in session at the time so I had quite an audience looking on! Like most school yards trash was abundant so my machine was very noisy and I had to hyper focus on only stopping for a « surface ring » signal unique to my detector. Well after about 20 minute of searching I finally got the signal I was looking for….after bending down and pushing the high grass aside….there was Cliff’s beautiful band! Cliff had to go to work so he wasn’t present when I found…I immediately texted him a picture of his ring…and received « My guy! You are awesome » text back! I was happy to leave the ring with one of his coworkers to get back to the rightful owner!!!


Stunning white gold diamond ring lost(3 weeks ago), recovered and returned in Philadelphia, PA!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Kathleen reached out to me 3 weeks ago after finding me in the Ring Finders Directory. She lives in the Fairmont section of Philadelphia with her husband Eric. She was quite stressed and anxious as she conveyed to me that her beautiful custom-made white gold diamond engagement ring had gone missing. Over the phone she did a great job explaining the details surrounding the lost ring….she keeps both her rings(diamond & band) in a bowl on the kitchen counter…the bowl is shared also by her and Eric’s car keys. They were moving both their cars in and out of driveway and garage so they could start their day. Next thing she knows her band is in the bowl…but no diamond ring! She and Eric turn the inside and outside of the house upside down looking for the ring figuring when one of them grabbed their keys from the bowl they accidently grabbed the ring too…or possibly the ring was stuck on one of the keys. After hours searching the kitchen, cars, stairs, outside steps, driveway and garage…No luck.  So she calls me….I’m happy to talk to her and give her advice but I’m really thinking my metal detector really won’t help much because if the ring fell….it would most likely be on the floor, driveway, stairs or someplace that she would see without the aid of a metal detector. I always like to manage expectations and I do not like to ask someone for a call-out fee when it’s unlikely I’m going to be successful. She does mention this narrow garden bed that runs downward along their front stairs to the driveway. She tells me its a very small area with not a lot of plants/shrubs. I recommended that she thoroughly search the entire area again…including that garden bed just with her eyes and maybe a flashlight. I told her if she still wants me to come out she can call me back. 3 weeks later!!!!!….she calls me and says she would like me to come and search with my metal detector. I admire her refusal to give up!!!!

I got there today and met both Kathleen and Eric. As I arrived and was walking up the steps I saw the little garden bed she was talking about…a small area jammed solid with low junipers. No way I’m able to sweep my detector in that bed….happy I brought my 6-inch coil! I met them in the kitchen and she went through again the details of how the ring came up missing. I’m still thinking based on everything she tells me it’s either in one of the cars or on the driveway or stairs. We go outside and I quickly scan the driveway and garage area…no luck. I then start working my metal detector down the stairs in and out of the garden bed with the juniper shrubs. I’m pushing junipers up while shoving my detector underneath and sweeping my detector the best I can in the tight space. I was getting some signals on and off again from a cable that was running through the bed….but no signals suggestive of a gold ring. Eric and Kathleen were looking down on me from the top of the stairs. I found out later Eric had just suggested to his wife that they may have to accept the fact the ring is gone forever when I got an amazing signal from my machine…I was under a juniper shrub 3/4 of the way down the steps. I pushed the shrub out of the way…and  was crazy surprised to see this beautiful white gold diamond ring sitting there amongst the leaves and roots. I took a closer look to make sure what I was seeing….when I was sure it was, in fact, a diamond ring I looked upward to Kathleen and Eric with a big smile and nodded my head yes. I think they were stunned and confused….So I nodded my head again indicating yes…I think I heard « no way…you found it? ». I then reached under the shrub picked up the ring and handed it to Kathleen. She screamed and ran into the house with it to share the news! I found out soon after that the ring was custom made with diamonds that were from generations past and the sentimental value of the ring was close to priceless to them. As a Ring FInder sometimes you go on a job and you expect a good result and recovery…I had my doubts about this one. Have to give Kathleen credit for never giving up! I was very happy over being able to reunite this nice couple with their beautiful ring!!!

Beautiful, Sentimental Gold Charms Lost, Recovered and Returned in Swedesboro, NJ!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Got a late night text from Renee after she found me in the Ring Finder Directory. After a few days of frantic searching and the purchase and attempted use of a cheap metal detector she decided to reach out to a professional! In our text conversation she shared with me that she was out berry-picking at her home in the Swedesboro, NJ area when her hand got caught in her beautiful gold, charm-laden necklace and the chain broke spilling all the charms over a grassy area. She was able to find the chain and 2-3 of the charms but couldn’t locate 2 of them. She told me that she acquired the charms in France many years ago….and they were extremely important to her. I agreed to meet her the following afternoon. Upon arrival to her home I first asked to see the similar charms she was able to recover….I scanned them with my detector to firstly make sure my machine could pick them up and secondly to calibrate my machine to pick up just them when scanning the area. She made it easy for me by marking the area where the chain broke and she found several of the charms. I was about 3 minutes into the search when my machine let out a sweet low tone that suggested gold! With Renee at my shoulder I bent down and pushed some grass out of the way….there they were! The immediate relief and joy showing on Renee’s face makes it all worth it! I was very happy to be able to reunite Renee with her very important and sentimental charms!

Gold and diamond wedding band lost, recovered and returned in Broomall, PA!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Shawn reached out to me via text today after finding me in the Ring Finders directory. We got on the phone together and he shared with me the details surrounding the disappearance of his wife’s white gold and diamond wedding band. Apparently yesterday afternoon his wife decided to take their 15 month old boy on a stroll around the neighborhood. After getting him situated in the stroller she removed her 3 ring wedding set(2 identical white gold diamond bands and a solitaire diamond ring) to put sun block on the baby and placed all 3 rings on the top of the stroller. She forgot to put them back on before starting the stroll and made it about 6 blocks before noticing them there. Unfortunately at that point only 2 rings were still there…1 of the bands fell off somewhere during the walk. I got to their house in Broomall, PA around 4 pm that same day. Shawn and I re-enacted the whole incident and walked the entire path where his wife strolled with the baby. It was a poured concrete sidewalk with grass on both sides. It was a pretty large search area! Shawn said he spent 4-5 hours searching the day before just with his eyes and with a flashlight at night. He even considered buying or renting a metal detector before deciding to call me. As I always do, the first thing I do is a quick demonstration of my equipment to give confidence that we wont miss it if I get over it. The great thing about this particular situation is that Shawn had the 2nd identical band that I was able to scan with my machine(Minelab Equinox 800) to see exactly what # it would ring up as. In the case of this band it was a solid 9-10 every time. With that info I was able to set my detector to just zero in on that target id. As I always do I brought a back up detector with me which I also set up to just zero-in on that 9-10 target. Shawn was all to happy to join the search by manning the 2nd detector and with him on right and me on left…we went to work. As an experienced detectorist I knew what to listen for so I was able to move pretty fast…Shawn to his credit was doing a pretty good job himself but maybe a little distracted by some errant sounds and trashy signals. Anyway we got about 4 blocks into the search and I felt like this was the most likely place the ring fell off…It was a little downhill and the sidewalk was bumpy. I was ahead of Shawn on left and got the perfect signal I was looking for…a screaming surface 9-10 signal. It was deep grass but I didn’t even look down…I knew what it was! I called Shawn over with the other detector and told him to sweep right where I pointed. When his detector start screaming with a 9-10 signal he looked at me with amazement…do you think that’s it? I said look….and sure enough there it was!!!!

Shawn readily admitted that no way he would have ever found the ring with out a metal detector and most likely wouldn’t have found it even if he bought or rented one. I tell people all the time that the experience of the detectorist is as important as the machine itself. To finish the story…Shawn texted me later to tell me his wife was beyond  ecstatic about having her complete set of rings back on her finger!

Wedding Band Lost 10 Years Ago Found In Chalfont, PA!!!

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

While out metal detecting today,  I was approached by the property owner’s neighbor who was curious about metal detecting…he also gave us permission search his property!  Joe had lost his wedding band in his backyard 10 years ago!  After speaking to him about the location, it was recovered and returned within 20 minutes of searching!  Another great recovery and return!


Cherished and valuable rings and jewelry get lost on the beach and in the ocean, they can be recovered. If you lost a ring or a piece of jewelry even your car keys I can find them! Just a phone call away!

Cherished and valuable rings and jewelry get lost, they can be recovered. If you lost a ring or a piece of jewelry even your car keys I can find them! Just a phone call away!