Find lost keys in snow Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Keys in the Snow

  • from South Jersey (New Jersey, United States)









I received an email from Sheila describing how she lost her shed keys while shoveling snow after the last storm. They were in her jacket pocket, and when she was finished, they were gone. We set up an appointment after she left work at 7 pm.
Luckily, it was a small search area, as it was the coldest night of the year, 23 degrees. She showed me the area that she thought they would be in, so I started my search. About 15 mins and 21 cents later, no keys were found. I had to ask Sheila to move her car; because it was at the edge of the search area, and my detector was sounding off to the car.
5 minutes later, I had her keys. They were buried in a pile of snow & ice that was under the rear of where she had parked her car. She was so happy. She needs access to her shed as another snowstorm is coming in a few days.
I Love My Hobby!!

Keys Recovered in the Snow

  • from Erie (Pennsylvania, United States)

Recovered Keys

In the early morning hours, I received a text message from Sawn who had been desperately searching for her keys in the snow. She searched for them but with no luck, and knowing the expense to replace these keys, she turned to the internet and found me on the Ringfinders web site.


I met Sawn in the parking lot of her apartment complex. After a brief conversation and walkthrough of her path, I got started.

After detecting for just minutes, I popped her keys out of 8 inches snow. Sawn was amazed and delighted. Within minutes of my arrival, Sawn was in her car and about her day.


Thank you Sawn, for entrusting me to locate your lost keys!

Lost Car Key… Found In Williamsburg, Iowa


I got a call today to search for a single lost car key. It was lost several days ago in a snowy yard. The lady had rented a detector but couldn’t find it. So she found my number today and gave me a call.

Luckily I wasn’t busy so I got my equipment together and drove over. I can see why she had trouble with a rental, there were all kinds of junk targets and interference even after turning my sensitivity down. After awhile I did come across a nice shallow target that was her key. She was very happy to have it back.

How to find lost keys in the snow

  • from Rockport (Maine, United States)

After being alerted by my brother that his employer had lost her keys in the snow outside her house, I made contact with her and headed over to see if I could help. After about 20 minutes I was able to locate the keys and fob in a snow bank the plow had created at the end of her driveway.