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Indian Rocks Beach Wedding Band Recovery

Pete and his family came across state for a spring break vacation. On Thursday morning the whole family gathered on the house patio and Pete helped everyone get well covered in suntan lotion. The whole family walked the sandy path through the sand dunes and spread out on the beach. After spending the whole day frolicking in the sand and water they picked things up an headed back up the path to the house. When Pete set things down on the patio he noticed he no longer had a wedding ring. They tried to look for it but where to look, they had been everywhere on the sand and in the water.

That evening Pete started looking for help and found SRARC on The Ring Finders right away. He gave Mike Miller a call and Mike set up a hunt for Friday morning at 7:00 am. Luckily a large group of hunters was available. Jim and Gerri Adams, Stan Flack, Ed Osmar, Rick Magyar, Tom Jones, and Mike headed for the beach with Pete at 7:00 am. The group spread out wit two in the dry sand and 6 in the wet sand to start. After covering the total wet sand area 5 moved into the water and 3 continued in the dry sand. After about 15 minutes in the water, Rick gave the « I got it » thumbs up sign. We all headed toward the path back to the house and Pete figured something was up and came out to meet us. When Rick handed him the ring he was a happy man. He muttered something like  » You guy’s saved my life ». I’m thinking his wife was not to happy with him losing the ring. Well there are lots of smiles now. Great Job Team!!!!


Another Lost Wedding Ring Found in Snow at Killington VT Ski Area

  • from Barre (Vermont, United States)

Had another wedding ring mission in Killington Vt this morning. Met some very nice people, too. We were successful thanks to his great location marking and memory, and it took only about 15 minutes! Got spoiled by the Killington ski area when they brought us up the mountain on a company snowmobile!

Last weekend he had been skiing in the woods, next to the ski trails, and took a minor fall. But, when he shook his snow-filled gloves out, the ring went flying into the snow. He and friends searched hard for about 6 hours, shoveling and sifting the snow, and even buying a metal detector from a local store. Not knowing if the detector was working properly, he gave me a call to help look. I was excited all week, looking forward to the challenge of the hunt!

So, he took today off from work and drove back up from New York City and met me there this morning. After getting all the permissions needed from the ski area, which was a lot of work for him, we went up and started the search. Before we started digging, I ran my detector on top of the snow all around the location he thought it should be at. I was about to give up and start digging in the 3 feet deep snow, when the glorious sound of metal being detected rang out! It was his cherished wedding band that he was never going to give up on.  (by coincidence, it was the 2nd platinum men’s wedding ring that I’ve found in Killington, in less than a month!) It was only about 5 or 6 inches deep and only about 3 feet from where they had searched so hard the weekend before.

We came prepared for an all day hunt, he even brought sandwiches for us. I figured it could easily turn into a full day or maybe even 2 or 3 return trips to the area after the snow had melted. It was very nice to see the ring reunited with a happy owner.



Please click on my name above for more about this service, my contact information and other success stories.

Unexpected Recovery of a Lost Gold Ring Found in Wendale N.C.

  • from Hillsborough (North Carolina, United States)


On 3/10/15 , I was at a friend of a friends place helping to find a lost class ring a lady named Melody lost over 30 years ago when I made an unexpected Discovery. Hers the story of the find..

My friend James told me of a lady friend of his named Melody who had lost a gold class Ring over 30 years ago at her home site. I went out there on 3/10/15 to see if I could help her find it using my ATgold metal detector. As I was searching for her lost ring I made an unexpected recovery which was unexpected to her as well.. I had been searching for awhile with no luck when I got a really good strong signal.. I dug the target and out pop a ring made of gold, At first I thought I found her ring but when I looked closer at the ring I noticed it was not a class ring but it was a gold U.S, Army / Airborn Ring.. I showed it to Melody and to her suprise she reconized it was her dads ring who had passed away in 2011.. She did not even know the ring was lost so it was a great suprise to see it again.. I searched the rest of the day for her ring but did not find it.. But I will be going back to search again.. Even though I did not find Melody’s Ring , I did find her dads lost ring whiched made her very happy..


army ring 037 army ring 037 (2)

Lost Wedding Ring, Found In Huge Snowpile In Killington VT

  • from Barre (Vermont, United States)

Hi Folks,

Last night I received an email from someone who lost his platinum wedding band. He and his wife and several friends were up from New Jersey to enjoy a snowy wonderland at Killington, Vt. They had rented a chalet near the ski area for their vacation, but were returning home the very next day… explaining why the word « emergency! » was in his message. Earlier that day they were having some fun on top of a huge snowpile when he realized he had lost his ring. They tried hard to find it and had no luck. He was looking into renting a metal detector when he saw my listing on TheRingFinders website. So, I called him late that evening and said I could be there at 8:00 the next day.

This morning I met them there. They were extremely nice young people, and volunteered to help look. I brought 2 detectors and some shovels, they searched around the edges of the pile with one detector and I searched on top with the other. I figured if we couldn’t find it this way, that we would have to start shoveling and checking each layer with the detectors. Within only about 15 minutes my detector went off. There it was! The beautiful ring had been stepped on and pushed deep into the snow. We all were very happy to see it! Wish all hunts were this easy!!

I was prepared to search all day, but luck was on our side this time. If we hadn’t found it today, things would have gotten much more complicated if we had to wait until Spring. They would have been back home in NJ, and I would have had to get permission from the landlord, go back to Killington and pray that it was still there so I could recover it and mail it down to them.


Please click on my name above for more about this service, my contact information and other success stories.

How to Find a lost ring in the snow in Sauble Beach & Walkerton Ontario Area

Hello everyone,

My name is Mitchell Clark and am based in Walkerton, Ontario, Canada. I am a new member to the Ring finders and will search areas including Walkerton, Hanover, Sauble beach, Saugeen shores and surrounding areas. I have been finding rings for people for several years in the water,dirt, sand and snow!

Thanks for your time,

Mitchell Clark

Lost Ring in Provo, Utah: Found

Hi. My name is Larry Fluckiger.

I joined The Ring Finders to help people find their lost wedding rings and other jewelry in Provo, and all of north and central Utah. I would love to bring my metal detecting equipment to find your lost items. You only pay me what you think my service is worth. Give me a call so we can work out a time for me to come.

I understand how devastating it is to lose a prized wedding ring. I’d love to help you find yours.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Lost Women’s Wedding Ring in Snow in Westerville, OH. « FOUND »

  • from Newark (Ohio, United States)

I received a call about a lost ring in the snow. She was cleaning off her car of snow, then removed her glove to flicked her hand to get the rest of the snow off. Then moments later she noticed that her ring was missing from her hand. After her husband and herself searched in the snow with no luck. They gave me call to help. Within an hour I was there to help them and started searching. After eliminating many buried items in the frozen ground, there was the ring. He and she was very happy to have the ring back.


Lost Women’s Wedding Ring in Snow in Westerville, OH. « FOUND »


Lost Women’s Wedding Ring in Snow in Westerville, OH. « FOUND »



Lost Women’s Wedding Ring in Snow in Westerville, OH. « FOUND »




Lost Keys at Malibu Creek State Park…Found.

  • from Redondo Beach (California, United States)


I received a call from Pat this morning worried because she had lost her keys the day before. I agreed to meet her at the location, which would take me a couple of hours to get to. When I arrived Pat showed me the area, and it was covered with tall grass and weeds grown from recent rain storms. She told me that the bundle of keys was large, so I figured the hunt would be pretty simple. Also she was worried because some of the keys would be very hard to replace. Her car key was also with this bundle, so the likelihood of them being lost in this location was great because she had them when she arrived, but when she got back to her car she could not get in.

I proceeded to hunt in the tall grass, and worked the area slowly and surely. I covered the area completely, and then went out of the box. I then started looking in areas that might not have been a possibility, but still with no luck. It was a warm day here in So. Cal. (about 85 where I was hunting), so I went back to the truck to get a drink of water and regroup. I then went over the first area again with no luck. I knew from what Pat had told me, those keys had to be there, so I had to press on. At this point I decided to switch detectors, and went to a 6 inch coil, and then proceeded to begin the whole search again. I got to the mid way point when I got a confirming signal. I put in my pin pointer, and found Pat’s keys in weeds that really were not too high, but had wide leaves which were able to hide her keys quite well.

Pat had gone off walking her dogs when I found her keys, and was walking back as I was getting back to the car. At this time I raised my hand with her keys dangling, and could see relief appear on her face. It was a pleasure to be able to help Pat today, and to know I was a part of the joy she experienced.

If you lose your ring or other metal item of value, call as soon as possible. I will work hard to help you find what you thought might never be found again. I search,  Beverly Hills, Hermosa Beach, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Seal Beach, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, Venice Beach, and all parks, yards, gardens, and ponds (to 5 foot depths) in all of Orange County, all of Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.

Wedding Ring found in Cranston, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On February 8, 2015, I received a call from Steve regarding his lost wedding ring.  He explained that he had lost the ring while cleaning out the gutters and shoveling at his home.  Steve searched desperately for hours and even borrowed a metal detector from a family member, but he had no luck.  He decided to consult the internet to see if there was anyone who could help him.  Steve located me on The Ring Finders website, noting that I had recently found a military school ring in the snow.  He contacted me during a snowstorm to see if I could help.  I decided to go to his home immediately for fear that the new snow would only make the search more difficult.  I located Steve’s wedding ring in fifteen minutes under a few inches of snow.  Steve, and his wife, were amazed and very happy to have the ring back.

SteveSteve's Ring

Military School Ring Found in Saunderstown, RI

  • from Charlestown (Rhode Island, United States)

On January 30th, I received a call from Christina of Saunderstown. Her son, James, recently got home from deployment in the armed forces.  While playing with their dogs in the yard, James lost his military school ring in the snow.  James was very upset about losing the ring.  After searching for hours and even trying his luck with a rented metal detector, he could not find the ring.  Christina got my contact information from The Ring Finders website and called me.  I went to their home that same evening, even though it was already dark.  After over an hour of searching, I located the ring buried under a few inches of snow.  In his note of thanks, James wrote: « When I first lost the ring I thought it was forever lost. There are very few people who go out of their way to help others but you changed your daily routine and came down to help on the same day. I can’t thank you enough for your help and your professionalism throughout this process of finding my ring. »

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