Phone tag to find the Key Fob owner in Kelowna.
Friday night I received a phone call from a fellow detectorist, who asked if I could assist a lady with a lost key Fob. He gave me the ladies number, but the group of ladies stranded could not identify the park where they where at, they forwarded me on to their Aunt from Edmonton. By the time we figured it out it is was dark, I told them I would be there the next morning. Saturday morning I got there at 7am, without any specific location, just by the parked red Mazda, sand or maybe the grass? I started gridding the sand, and after 30 minutes I had the Car Fob. I phoned the Aunts number, phone not in use, so I called the initial detectors request, and he did not know, but his brother did, I called his brother who contacted the lady and said she would call me back. Her friends turned up and sure enough it was their Key Fob. They started the car and drove it to the owner. Key fobs are expensive to replace, especially with the car stranded.