Richard Browne, Author at The Ring Finders | Page 14 of 18

Two lost Items, Same Person, Same Day. Lost, Found and Returned Dennis, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

It just was not Artie’s week, first he lost his e-cigarette in the ocean. I had found the device not knowing it was Artie’s, so home to the junk bin it went. Two days later while looking for another lost item, Artie asked me if I had found an e-cigarette. Yes I did and I returned it to him. Later that afternoon I got a call from Artie…Rick I need your help. My daughter pulled a medallion off my necklace and dropped it into the ocean about where you found the e-cigarette. 20 minutes later I was in rough seas and among seaweed looking for the medallion. Another 20 minutes and Artie became the first person I had the pleasure of returning 2 different losses and returning them on the same day, but not at the same time.
A celebration followed at Artie’s home. Amazingly a friend of Artie’s’ that I had returned a ring to a couple of years ago was also at the celebration. You just never know what one will find while pursuing the hobby of metal detecting.



Wedding Band with a History Lost, Found and Returned Barnstable, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Father’s Day, a day of memories, gathering and new happenings to remember.

Kevin’s mother was a denatal assistant who had made a wedding bands from old dental gold.
Unforunately she lost it sometime after her husband’s band had been lost on a nice little sandy beach. Kenvin had the opportunity to replace both his father’s and mother’s rings many years ago, while on deployment with the U.S. Coast Guard. Upon his father’s passing Kevin was given the wedding band by his siblings. The ring was then passed on down to Kevin’s son, Steve who had the unfortunate luck of loosing the ring on the same beach his grandfather had lost his first wedding band. I was called and could not wait to start a search for the missing ring. I found the ring I was looking for, but not the original ring that was lost so many years ago.



A note from Steve:

Dear Richard
Thank you so much for finding my ring earlier this month. It was a truly terrifying experience that was only stopped due to your skill and generosity. Nobody should have to get up early on Sunday and yet you obliged. I have been meaning to thank you for this, but my wife and I purchased and moved into a house since the incident, I apologize for the delay. I wish to send along our most sincere gratitude for what you did. It meant the world to us and even more to me personally. Without your skill the like of this married man would have been filled with more sorrow, disgust, and condescension than I could have handled.

Thank you.


To The Moon…Ocean and Return of Lost Ring from Cape Cod Bay

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)




From the Hand to Sand and Sea and then “To The Moon…” and the dogs; A Cape Cod Ring Return

While enjoying my Caribbean vacation, I received an e-mail a request for help in finding a lost wedding band on Cape Cod. I just could not leave the tropical island for another week. So I offered up two other detectorists that could do a search. They went twice in the next couple of days, with no success. I returned home and a week later the tides were right for another search. An hour and a half later this lovely ring with a unique inscription of “to the moon…” was in my scoop. The day I found the To The Moon ring was the day the Appalo 11 landed on the Moon with Neal and Buzz. Janice’s husband has a tatoo of the Earth as seen from the Moon and the Moon was full. The ring was given to Janice’s parents who told many details of the ring’s meaning.
As a Thank You, a donation was made to the Yarmouth Police K-9 Fund.
What a wonderful time I had when I returned from my vacation with a tan and smiles all around.

A Boat Ride to Find and Return Lost Wedding Band on Nantucket, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

There is nothing more I can add, except for my thanks for getting me involved with your misfortune.
Rick Browne

Version 2


Testimonial and picture attached
Thanks so much again Rick for everything

On July 18, 2016 after I climbed into bed, my wife turned to me with tears in her eyes and said « I lost my parents wedding ring today. »  Her parents had been married with that ring almost exactly 50 years ago in 1966 and we had gotten married with the same ring 15 years ago in 2001. This ring had a tremendous amount of sentimental value to my wife as her beloved mom had passed away 20 years ago. Needless to say she was devastated.  My wife and children and I had been at the beach on Nantucket and she was playing in the water with our youngest child. I knew within a relatively small area where it must have happened, the water was shallow, and that beach only has small waves. But how could I find it under the water buried in the sand? I started researching waterproof metal detectors online but soon came to realize that the real and right equipment for the job cost a fortune, there was no guarantee I could find the ring anyway, and I really didn’t know what I was doing. Plus, even if I ordered the right equipment and had it sent overnight, I would still lose a day significantly reducing my chances of finding it.  I started looking to see if I could rent the equipment locally or if there was a someone I could find to hunt for the ring for me.  Fortunately in my search I happened upon, a directory of treasure hunters willing to help people search for lost valuables on land or in water. I saw that a highly experienced detector and treasure hunter named Richard Browne lived on Cape Cod, and I sent him an email that same night and told him what had happened.  He called me first thing the next morning and said that he would be willing to come to Nantucket and give it a shot.  I sent him a ferry ticket and then picked him up at the ferry terminal early that afternoon the 19th.  We headed to the beach and we mapped out a search grid which was tougher than I thought it would be because the tide was lower than it it had been.  This made it more difficult to judge where exactly in the water my wife had been. Then Rick went to work searching the grid. Vertically, horizontal, and finally diagonally. Every time he stopped we would hold our breaths but after 2 hours all he had found was 12 cents and a used CO2 cartridge.  Given he had covered our grid pretty exhaustively by that point, my wife and I began to lose hope.  Just then he stopped again, and I said to myself, that’s exactly where it should be.  He turned around and looked at my wife and she ran down to the water. He asked he what the ring looked like and when she looked in his scoop there it was, her parents ring. Success!!!! My wife was overcome with emotion.  We all went back to our house and had a celebratory drink with Rick on our deck as we watched an incredible sunset.  A little while later we dropped Rick back off at the ferry and he headed back to the Cape. Nobody we tell this story to can believe it. We went from despair to the top of the world thanks to our hero Rick Browne and to  

Jon J- 

Found Car Keys on Cape Cod Saved owner $1000

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)


It was just one of those mornings with a few minutes before having to leave the house so Amy-Rose went to pull a few weeds and toss them into the woods. With birds singing in the background she did not realize that with the weeds so went the 3 car keys and two remotes. It was noon when I started to search for them, in between the shrubs, with very little room to swing a detector’s coil. However with a 3×18 inch search coil I could “jab” into the foliage. About fifteen minutes into the search my ears were rattled with the sound that was either the keys or a large can…Yes it was the ring of keys. The car could now be driven to the dealer and there would be no tow charge or charge for all the keys. I left with one smiling lady in amazement that I had found the keys.

Last Minute Ring Return by Ring Finder

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)


I Lost Sunglasses, Found Ring, Exchanged Ring for Sunglasses

I was having a great swim in the vacation resort’s pool, when my sunglasses came off my neck. While searching for the sunglasses I found a wedding band. When I surfaced, I was told my glasses had been found and were on the upper bar. I went to trade the ring for the sunglasses but before I could ask the barmaid she started a rant about the ring. It seems the owner was having his last meal at the resort and was leaving in a few minutes. The ring’s owner came from the resturant, the ring was returned, photos taken and best wishes for the couple who had been married less than on month. In the excitement I almost forgot to retrieve my sunglasses from the bar counter. Strange thing but the man’s name was Scott and the barmaid’s last name was Scott also. All things happen for a reason.

Flight of the 111 Ring…Lost, Found and Returned in Dennis, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Early Contact Makes for Best Chances in Lost Ring being Found and Returned, Cape Cod.

A little football in the water seemed like just the thing to start an evening off with. Splish Splash His Ring Took a Bath. And All the Kings Men Could Not Find the Ring again. By chance Patrick read about and contacted me. I made arrangements with a B&B owner to park in his lot and search his beach at a time that would not interfere with his guests. The next morning was set.
Again with a wealth of knowledge as to the area to search it took me only 45 minutes to find the ring.
The B&B owner was made a believer and now has my name and phone number handy should any of his guests need my help. Some inscriptions just need to be explained. Inside this ring was the number 111, which turned out to be the flight number Patrick met his wife on.
The ring’s return took a bit of doing as I was leaving on a weeks vacation and Patrick’s work schedule
just did not allow him to make a trip to Dennis, Ma in the next couple of weeks. The solution was to mail the ring. I have mailed several rings and never had a problem. This time a Tracking ALERT showed his address did not exist and the package was being forward to another town. Monday morning came and a call to the USPS confirmed a computer glitch and the package was to be delivered in that day’s mail. And it was. Just think were we would be without computers. NO METAL DETECTORS?


Lost Ring Yarmouth, MA Leaves Man at Rope’s End

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Out for an early morning walk Devin came across a rope swing hanging over a pond. He climbed the tree to reach for the rope and his wedding band, just 362 days old fell from his finger. My search of the never before seen area with heavy brush cover yielded only one target, a silver quarter. Now knowing the area, I call Devin for a bit more information on the ring’s loss. I traded in my Big Foot Coil for a Sniper coil and went back for a second search. I also carried along a ring with an orange tail tied to it. I climbed the tree, dropped the ring and started the search in the area of the dropped ring. Within 6” my detector emitted a golden signal. I bent, moved brush and dirt away…no ring. I still had the signal so more dirt was mover, and with no ring in sight I put my finger under a tree root, removed dirt and the ring. Unfortunately, I found the ring on the 366th day, it was not in its’ proper place on its’ first anniversary. Still the anniversary was a success and the ring is now back where it belongs. Happy days to follow and many more smiles will surely be in Devin and Brenna’s future.



FINALLY! I Found Owner of Lost Ring West Yarmouth, Cape Cod MA.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

FINALLY! and its meaning.
Ron & Mary ring1



Last summer while waving to his children that were on the beach, Ron’s ring took a slide off his finger and a plunge into the water. As hard and long as Ron tried to find his ring, he had no success. He and his wife decided to enjoy the rest of their vacation and left a note with the property owners should some one find and turn in the lost wedding band. Months passed and having very little luck in finding anything I started detecting the lesser used, private beaches. Late in December I found Ron’s ring. The property was closed for the winter and would not re-open until mid-May.

Mid-May came and I called the property office. I did not get a chance to fully describe the ring I had found before Heather was telling me of the entire inscription and where and how the ring was lost. Due to their privacy policy Heather could not give me the owner’s information. But she said she would contact the owner and have him call me.

Ron and I played phone tag for the next day. We FINALLY connected and after confirmation was made I mailed the ring the next day – Friday. I was informed that the package would be delivered on Tuesday. It is hard to believe but the package was delivered Saturday – the next day. FINALLY the ring was back where it belonged, on Ron’s finger. During our conversation I had to ask. . .what was the meaning of FINALLY being engraved on the inside of the ring. It seems Ron and Mary had known each other since early grade school. They were friends, but never close until many years lafter. It took a long time for their true love to FINALLY blossom. Now they have been married for 13 wonderful years. It was worth my and their wait to FINALLY reveal the story. I always enjoy being part of a ring return with smiles.

It was just meant to be!

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Lots of sand and very little snow this winter have kept the calls for help to a bare minimum here on Cape Cod. Today I answered my first call this year for help in finding a lost wedding band. A beautiful day, blue sky, bird songs in the air, and 8 inch high brush made for an interesting hunt in the woods. I took my biggest detector coil, and adjusted the detector for « gold » and a « on the surface » target. OOPS, got a bit to close to a metal fence but the indication was it was not gold. Moving on…to the back side of the hunt area without another signal, I turned and went back to the front edge of the woods. A few small signal, nothing that would be a ring, I continued around a tree and on to the bird feeder. A good signal, was it the feeder’s pole or the ring? I moved some over burden and then some decaying ground cover before I knew it was not the pole and that it was indeed the gold ring.
Jane could hardly believe she had the ring back on her finger, where it belonged. A few casual words and we quickly connected as Jane was from Montrose, Scotland and I had been stationed in the next town over, Edzell. A quick catch up and it was time to bid Jane a « Cheery Bye ». My photos did not process well, so all I have a one fair shot of the ring. I shall always remember Jane’s smile and heart felt thanks. It was really a pleasure to help such a wonderful and sincere person. OH, I must mention that Jane’s maiden name and my last name are the same and I married a wonderful woman named Jane. Our meeting was just meant to be!