Last Minute Ring Return by Ring Finder

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)


I Lost Sunglasses, Found Ring, Exchanged Ring for Sunglasses

I was having a great swim in the vacation resort’s pool, when my sunglasses came off my neck. While searching for the sunglasses I found a wedding band. When I surfaced, I was told my glasses had been found and were on the upper bar. I went to trade the ring for the sunglasses but before I could ask the barmaid she started a rant about the ring. It seems the owner was having his last meal at the resort and was leaving in a few minutes. The ring’s owner came from the resturant, the ring was returned, photos taken and best wishes for the couple who had been married less than on month. In the excitement I almost forgot to retrieve my sunglasses from the bar counter. Strange thing but the man’s name was Scott and the barmaid’s last name was Scott also. All things happen for a reason.

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