Jeremy Roth, Author at The Ring Finders

Lost wedding ring in RV Park

  • from St. Louis (Missouri, United States)

While traveling back home from Arkansas over the weekend I had encountered a big mishap at our stop over outside of St Louis on Saturday night.

We had just parked the trailer and were walking the dogs when Penny’s leash caught my wedding rings just right and they went FLYING… Into the middle of a field of very thick, tall grass. Of course it was dark, why wouldn’t it be!! I didn’t move from my spot while Joe took the dogs back and grabbed flashlights. We searched for about 2 hours. We started weighing our options. Joe jumped on Reddit reaching out to see if he could find anyone willing to bring a metal detector for us. He stumbled upon a website called

Luckily Jeremy Roth – The RingFinder’s responded right away and offered to come out early the very next morning so we wouldn’t have any delays in our travels. With his help I was able to recover my rings. And let me tell you, we weren’t even close to looking at where it had landed. The physics still isn’t adding up to me but what a relief!!! I’m forever grateful for Jeremy.

So if you ever lose a ring or other sentimental/valuable jewelry, check out A really great resource.

Platinum Ring Recovery

  • from St. Louis (Missouri, United States)

I was contacted on 6/4/204 to find a lost Platinum Ring. Here’s her story


Last week – on the way out of town (literally the family was in the car) – I decided I needed to water my plants on the patio. A decision I’d come to regret. The cicada game was fierce and I was watering with my right hand and swatting them away with my left. And then, I felt my wedding ring fly off my finger. But I didn’t see where it went – and didn’t hear it hit the patio and land. I was sure it was in one of the four bushes there – but with a few minutes of checking we gave up and decided we’d look upon our return Sunday.

Well, after a several hour Sunday search and three bushes dismantled branch by branch – we gave up and decided to get professional help.

I contacted Jeremy Conrad Roth from The Ring Finders and he said he could be out within a day. 🥳

Then, to add more fun variables to a horrible situation – the lawn care came while I was away and mowed the lawn where the ring could’ve been even though I contacted them and canceled. 😡😭

But, the next day – after a few hours of completely selfless work on Jeremy’s part (and after I started to lose hope a little) Jeremy did not give up and went in for another check of the original suspect bush and saved the day!! HE FOUND MY RING!!!

I may have to plant some new bushes by the patio – but I have my ring back!! If you ever need help finding a lost item – call him!