ring lost in grass Tag | The Ring Finders

Bethesda, Maryland Man Loses Wedding Ring…Found by Ring Finder Brian Rudolph

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Dan’s platinum wedding band that was rescued from the ground by THE RING HERO, Brian Rudolph

Dan’s excitement and relief can be seen as he holds up one of his most special possessions which was found by detectorist Brian Rudolph

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (also known as THE RING HERO) searches  Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses and Vehicles. He Will Find Your Lost Item! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Dan lost his wedding band and he didn’t know where it fell off of his finger. The ring wasn’t even loose and by the time Dan discovered that it was missing, he didn’t know where to start looking for the irreplaceable keepsake.

Dan looked for about an hour around his house and outdoors but unfortunately the ring never turned up. At some point, the sad gentleman looked online to see if there were professionals that search for lost items such as rings. He was so happy to find THE RING FINDERS, an elite international directory of metal detectorists who specialize in recovering lost items of all kinds (especially rings).

I received a text from the client inquiring about my services. I was happy to discuss details about the disappearance of his beloved wedding band. I asked Dan if he still had the trash from a week ago during the time his ring went missing and he confirmed that he did in fact save the garbage. I encouraged him to first check the trash bag before setting up a time for me to come to his property.

By the time we finished talking on the phone, it was clear that the only areas that I could metal detect would be spaces near the basketball hoop / base, the side yard located behind the hoop, the neighbor’s side yard and the front yard including the bushes.

I arrived at Dan’s house the next day and we immediately reviewed all of the potential areas that I needed to search. His kids were excited to watch THE RING HERO at work.

I metal detected around the basketball hoop, all of the areas on the left side of the property, part of the front and side lawn of the neighbor’s house, the client’s backyard but towards the front portion of the house, as well as the bushes in front of the property. Nothing turned up.

The last place to search was the front lawn. Dan was playing soccer with his son before playing some basketball on one particular day and so it was a slight possibility that the ring could have slipped off somewhere in the grass or in one of the flower beds.

I metal detected in straight lines, back and forth across the property until I came to the area where Dan remembered retrieving the soccer ball at one particular moment during his play time with his son. As I neared the end of the grid lane, my metal detector gave me a very promising signal. It was in the range of a men’s wedding band and it was located above ground or maybe just below the surface.

As it turned out, when I knelt down to the ground to investigate the target signal, there it was, the ring that I had been looking for for the past hour! I could see the platinum halo below the grass line just waiting for me to recover it and return it to its proper owner!

I was so happy for my client! I surprised Dan and his family inside their house just minutes after recovering the ring. He couldn’t believe it! He studied it over and over again and I told him to check the inscription inside which would prove that I found his one and only wedding band! Carolyn (Dan’s wife) was just blown away by my efforts! The children were all excited and couldn’t wait to see where I actually pulled the ring from the ground!

Before I left the property, the family thanked me over and over again for being their RING HERO! It was truly a gratifying experience to rescue something so irreplaceable and so special to this couple – something that would have never been seen or worn again had it not been for my expertise and for my own personal reliance upon my Lord and Messiah…my true Ring Hero!


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Wife Loses Husband’s Wedding Band at Vienna, Virginia Private School…Found by Detectorist Brian Rudolph

  • from Washington (District of Columbia, United States)

Tommy’s 18 karat white and rose gold wedding band that professional ring finder Brian Rudolph successfully recovered after hours of metal detecting.

Metal detectorist Brian Rudolph holds up Tommy’s 18 karat white and rose gold wedding band that was found at one of the possible search sites where wife Katie potentially lost the irreplaceable keepsake.

Brian Rudolph, Lost Item Recovery Specialist (Land, Water, Sand, Snow, Leaves, Cliffs, Houses & Vehicles) Will Find Your Lost Keepsake! Call ASAP (301) 466-8644!

Katie was given Tommy’s 18 karat white and rose gold wedding band to keep safe while he headed to the hospital for a medical procedure. She decided to wear the special jewel on her index finger as she drove one child to a Vienna, Virginia private school and the other one to an Oakton, Virginia dance studio. By the time Katie completed her drop-offs, she stopped at a Starbucks drive thru to buy a cup of coffee and it was there that she realized that her husband’s very handsome wedding ring was no longer on her finger!

In a panic, the poor wife who had been entrusted with Tommy’s irreplaceable keepsake, first checked her car to see if it slipped off her finger and dropped to the floor or fell between the seats. Then, when nothing was found, she quickly
headed back to her daughter’s nearby dance studio. When nothing panned out there, she returned to her son’s day school campus to see if she could find the lost band somewhere near the drop-off gate entrance and at the school’s designated donation station where Katie handed some bags of clothes to one of the teachers. Unfortunately, the perplexed young lady had no success in recovering Tommy’s wedding day « souvenir ».

After the Oakton, Virginia spouse spent another couple of frustrating days searching for the ring in the same places as before, Katie had no choice but to leave her information about the missing ring with the school, the dance studio and at the Starbucks. A « lost and found » bulletin went out to all of the day school program parents just in case somebody happened to pick up the precious piece of property sometime later that week. Still, there was no happy breakthrough or positive leads that became of all of her diligent efforts to retrieve the runaway ring.

Katie felt very guilty for losing her spouse’s special « symbol of love ». So much so that she began looking online to rent a metal detector to further her efforts. During her search on the internet, the desperate young lady happened to stumble upon a metal detectorist directory called THE RING FINDERS – an elite international database of ring finding specialists who enjoy solving mysteries just like this one. Katie contacted me and filled me in on the entire story regarding the loss of Tommy’s ring.

Even though this particular search project did not look too promising in regards to a successful recovery (since the loss of the ring appeared to have taken place in one of three public environments), I was greatly up for the challenge and I couldn’t wait to start the search the very next morning.

When I arrived at the private school in Vienna, Virginia, I first searched Katie’s vehicle with some special search equipment. Though it was extremely cold outside with a chilling temperature of 32° Fahrenheit, I was determined to conduct a thorough investigation for Tommy’s missing ring. I ended up concluding that the band was not lost in the car.

Next, my client showed me where she walked and dropped off her little boy at the outdoor playground fence gate. Katie clearly remembered holding his lunch bag with one hand and struggling to release her young one with the other hand due to the boy having an emotionally difficult morning. We then walked over to another side of the property where my client had deposited her give-a-ways out by a designated outdoor donation station.

I held off doing any searching at the school premises until Katie oriented me over to the Oakton, Virginia dance studio and at the local Starbucks where she realized Tommy’s ring was no longer on her finger. I metal detected and scanned both of those potential search sites and unfortunately there was no sign of the wedding band at either one of those two locations.

Once I finished checking out the Starbucks drive-thru area, I returned to the school and immediately began setting up my grid tapes out on the parking lot. I first wanted to check the concrete pavement to see if the ring fell off of Katie’s finger during the time that she either carried her child to the drop off site or if it went missing while taking the bags of clothes over to the donation station. The purpose in checking the parking lot first was because later that day the entire area would be filled with cars due to an afternoon function. I wanted to make sure that I had full access to every square inch of that blacktop before visitors began to show up.

I spent at least a couple of hours out in the bitter cold weather grid searching almost the entire parking lot of the school. It was a lot of territory. The reason why I did the majority of the concrete was because the ring was heavy and it was quite possible that if it fell off, it could have rolled down the parking lot since it was on a decline. When I completed that task, I was 100% confident that the ring was not on the parking lot pavement. This did not mean that someone had already eyeballed it and picked it up sometime the last couple of days.

Next, I took my metal detector over to the patch of ground where Katie dropped off her son with the school staff. It was the last place to check before I had to wrap up the search. There were leaves and little clumps of grass here and there around the outside of the fenced in area. Not only had Katie searched that particular section already, but plenty of other parents and teachers who had gotten word about the disappearance of Tommy’s precious sentimental piece of jewelry also scanned over that same territory. Up to that point nothing was discovered by any of the good Samaritans in this particular « hot zone ». Yet, I never base my search strategies on escaping the odds. One must search everywhere just in case the lay person happens to miss the obvious areas. That’s why it’s so pertinent that people reach out to a professional metal detectorist like myself instead of trying to do the search on their own.

Well, I am so very happy to share that after metal detecting the area near the fence line where Katie dropped off her son, I eventually picked up a wonderful target signal coming from underneath some leaves over to the left of the chain link fence entrance gate. I knelt down to the ground and took out my handheld metal detector to pinpoint the exact location of where my machine detected the signal. After removing a few leaves, there it was!… I found it! Right in front of my eyes was the very handsome white and rose gold wedding band that I had been searching for for the last few hours! I did it! I successfully recovered Tommy’s lost ring! With all of the foot traffic coming and going at that drop off point, nobody ever eyeballed the long sought after « symbol of love »! Incredible! It was lying there under a few leaves for a number of days and yet It was never recovered by anyone!

When I surprised Tommy and Katie with the great news, the couple immediately reacted as if they both were in a state of shock when I pulled Tommy’s lost wedding band out of my pocket! As I handed them the irreplaceable wedding memento, the two couldn’t believe what they were staring at! Even though Katie grabbed a hold of whatever hope she could muster up when she initially hired me to search for the missing keepsake, the young lady admitted that she didn’t think that they would ever see that very special ring ever again! I am so glad that at the end of this special ring story… I was able to prove my client’s intuition to be quite wrong! I love it when it works out that way!


To receive a NOTIFICATION letting you know when the video is uploaded to YOUTUBE: go to YOUTUBE by CLICKING THE LINK BELOW or OPEN your YOUTUBE APP on your device, go to the SEARCH BAR, type: THE RING HERO, click SUBSCRIBE and lastly, CLICK ON THE « BELL » to receive NOTIFICATIONS when this latest search video is available to view! 








14K Engagement Ring Found – Marshall Virginia

  • from Leesburg (Virginia, United States)

Call Ray for lost items 571.258.7217 www.mygoldfinder.com

Received a call from Kenny about a lost 14k Rose Gold engagement ring in Marshall Virginia. The ring had been lost for about a week. His wife lost the ring in a grassy knoll in front of his property. Kenny and his wife both searched frantically for several days. Kenny even rented a metal detector from a local shop but with no luck, so he did a little more research and came across theRingFinders network. Kenny provided me a few more details and we made arrangements for me to be at his location early the next morning.

Upon arriving I was hopeful as the area was not very large, however I did get a little nervous after seeing the amount of trash in the gully, but that’s why I’m here. After greeting Kenny I got to work quickly, gridding out a few short paths, eliminating hits I knew to be trash. After about 40 minutes I got a solid hit on the Equinox 800, vdi 10-11. There buried under the leaves was this beautiful rose gold ring!

I sent Kenny a text with a photo of the found ring. He was so overjoyed and surprised I found it so quickly, and stated he wouldn’t tell his wife until she came back from church. Great surprise on a Sunday morning!!

God Bless and happy hunting.



Lost Platinum Wedding Ring West University – Houston, Texas (found) by John Volek

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Platinum Wedding Ring lost in backyard of a residence in West University – Houston, Texas (found) by John Volek

I was contacted by Blake regarding his lost platinum wedding ring at his parents house in West University – Houston, Texas.

Check out the video to see the story and recovery of Blake’s wedding ring.


The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

« Don’t Wait-Call Now! »


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                                         Don’t wait… Call now!


Wedding Ring Lost in Grass during Demolition Project (found) by John Volek TRF-Houston

  • from Sugar Land (Texas, United States)

Wedding Ring Lost in grass during demolition project in League City, Texas (found) by John Volek TRF-Houston.

I was contacted by Alissa at 5 am yesterday morning regarding her lost wedding ring…I may have missed that early morning call, but returned it later that morning. Alissa reported during a home remodeling project…the demolition of  a rear porch and deck at her home she lost her wedding ring. Alissa said she was pretty sure if flew off her finger while she was throwing debris during the demolition.

Check out the video to see the recovery of Alissa’s Wedding ring.




The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service-Houston

Lost Something Important? We can HELP!

The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service in Houston can locate you lost engagement ring, wedding ring, favorite piece of jewelry, family heirloom, or other important personal item.

We can search virtually any location, some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks, and even your own back yard.

If you lost your RING or other precious item

« Don’t Wait-Call Now! »


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                              Don’t wait… Call now!
