#metaldetecting Tag | Page 2 of 2 | The Ring Finders


  • from Dunedin (Florida, United States)














A few days ago I was detecting on Honeymoon Island. I found the usual handful of coins and scrap metal but as I was leaving the beach, I found an iPhone buried under about 2 inches of wet sand. I quickly removed the phone as the tide was about to cover it again and took my recovery photo in dry sand. I could not determine at that time if the phone was operational but it looked new. I stopped by the state park office on the way out to see if anyone had reported the missing phone to the park service but the office was closed. I returned home and cleaned the phone as best I could and attempted to charge it. The phone soon displayed a message which indicated it was lost and provided a phone number to call. Unfortunately, the number provided was the number to that phone but at least I heard a voice message which provided the first name of the owner. After about 30 minutes of online research with the assistance of my wife, we were able to email and Facebook message the owner who lived in our area. There was no immediate response but we also located a  friend of the owner in our research, contacted her, and she in turn contacted the owner’s fiancée. It wasn’t long before we received a call from the grateful owner. She said that she had lost the phone the day before. As it was fairly late in the evening by the time we made contact, we made the exchange through the local sheriff’s department.

Carolyn, I hope your phone is fully operational and I am glad I could return it to you so quickly after you lost it!



  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a desperate phone call from Maria that she lost her precious late grandmother’s engagement ring in the waters of an Ontario Park near Thunder Bay, Ontario.

I could hear the desperation in her voice but the thought of travelling 15 hours one-way was daunting.

I reached out to another ‘Ring Finder’ Ann who is listed in Peterborough, ON. Ann normally drives down to the Garrett Memorial metal detecting hunt in Texas and we’ve drove to a hunt last year in Chazy, New York. Ann is like me… we love to drive!

We set out on this incredible long distance journey, while swapping driving duties when our eyes started to cross while the other rested.

We arrived around 7 AM in the morning with thunder and lightning happening. We closed our eyes for a half hour rest and soon after the thunder stopped and the rain let up. We decided to “GO FOR IT” after all we were getting wet in the water anyways!

Prior to the trip I had Maria and her husband Thomas “Google Earth” the location and mark it up with an “X”. Originally I requested them to GPS the location but after more communications with Maria there was no cell reception there!

I grid searched and within 40 minutes I came across a double tone on my equinox 800 7/8 and 11/12 readings! Second scoop and there was Maria’s beautiful heirloom engagement ring in my sand scoop!!

We decided to leave immediately and hit the “Flying J“ for breakfast and conjured up a plan to surprise Maria! Check out the video of the phone call to her… PRICELESS!!!!

On the trip home it was pouring rain from the location until Orillia where I dropped Ann off at her vehicle at my good Friends Alan and Dale’s home. We both messaged at 4:00am that we were home safe!

Next day, I had 2 schedule recoveries to be completed. One the farmer found his keys and the other I decided to push back in order to meet up with Maria and Thomas! Maria was so thankful that we took on this crazy challenge of a drive and she was so very grateful we found her precious late Grand Mother’s engagement ring which is now a Family Heirloom!!

We would like to thank Ontario Parks for permission to allow us to metal detect to find Maria’s ring!!

Thank you Maria and Thomas for the generous donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation!!



  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

I am honoured to be finishing off 2018 with 13 successful clients and look forward to many recoveries and returns for 2019! I have met some really amazing people and raised over $1,300 going to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation for my #PayItForward campaign using my metal/scuba dive detecting hobby raising donations which is all my reward monies going to this wonderful charity!

I have completed a compilations of most of my successes in this YouTube video

I had a few unsuccessful attempts but will be heading back to those locations this summer to continue searching. I will continue to search for some of the owners of the other rings I have found during searches using social media. THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT « THE RING FINDERS DOT COM » !!!

I wish all « The Ring Finders » dedicated MEMBERS/TEAM MEMBERS a very successful 2019!! Stay safe and keep the S*M*I*L*E*S coming!!



Tiffany & Co Platinum 950 wedding band lost in snow! Brampton, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a phone call from Steven during a search for lost keys in the snow for a lost Platinum 950 men’s wedding band in Brampton, Ontario. I advised that I will be happy to attend in a few hours after my ongoing recovery of lost keys.

Last Thursday and Friday was Southern Ontario’s first winter snow event….and guess what!! Here comes another round of ‘lost’ special items!!

I headed down to Brampton and met up with Steven. He advised that he was horsing around in the snow with his Brother and didn’t know if he lost it throwing snow or wrestling in the snow with his Brother….

Well, after a swing with the Minelab Equinox 800 and the hydro primary conductor and overhead secondary lines….there was a great deal of interference! So I swapped Noxie out to my #1 machine the Minelab Excalibur 2! Not only is the Excal2 amazing in water…and beach…it ROCKS on land and SNOW!!

Few minutes later after the switch…..BINGO IN THE  DRIVEWAY…..the wedding band was stuck in ice!! Little did I know it was a absolutely stunning and heavy « Tiffany & Company » ‘Double Milgrain’ wedding band! My FIRST T&C recovery and return. I am sure honoured they will be making a « PAY-IT-FORWARD » donation to my participation in the 2019 20th annual Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation Snow Run in February 2019 in which they will receive a tax receipt from the foundation!

Here’s a link to the YouTube video for this recovery and return;


Thank you Stephen for your donation to my charity!! NO MORE SNOWBALLS LOL!!



November 18th, 2018

Lost Ring Orange Beach, AL – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I am glad to say that I found my second Texas A&M class ring of the year today.  Josh emailed me this morning and let me know that he was throwing football in the Gulf yesterday when his class ring that he has had on his hand for 22 years went flying into the waves.  He immediately began to search for it and some kind strangers helped but the waves just knocked them around and the sand swallowed up the heavy gold ring.  Luckily he called me and I showed up this afternoon and after getting all the information I could, I began the search.  Josh stayed hopeful for the first hour and watched as I uncovered 2 different earrings and some other bits of metal.  I could tell he was starting to get down as I went into the second hour but I assured him that this was normal and the ring could move in heavy surf and sometimes it’s just not where you think it is but I wasn’t giving up.  Josh was kind enough to get me a Gatorade and as I took a break, I asked him to recreate exactly what happened the day before again.  I picked up another detail or two that allowed me to slightly adjust my search.  Sure enough, on the second pass I heard a good signal that had possibility so I called over Josh.  He was definitely not getting his hopes up but I have to say that when he saw the gold flashing in my scoop, I have never had anyone get so excited so fast.  He grabbed it and ran for the beach and then stopped, came back and started jumping up and down high fiving me.  I told him we should high five on the beach so we didn’t lose it again and we headed that way.  By that time, there were tons of people that came up to see if I had really found it.  It was just an awesome time and totally why I do this.  I feel like I’ve made a great new friend in Josh and I am truly happy that I could give him back something that has been such an ever present part of his life and his memories.  Congratulations Josh and thanks for calling me!


Sheila’s twice lost ring into Lake Sammamish in one day

  • from Mercer Island (Washington, United States)








I received a call from Sheila and she explained to me that she lost her diamond wedding ring in Lake Sammamish,  off a private residential dock. While she was dipping her toe over the edge of the dock to check the water temperature for a swim her loose fitting wedding ring of thirty years slipped off her finger into the lake. She continued to tell me that she could see the ring glistening on the bottom. She them jumps into the lake and retrieved the ring from about thirteen feet below. She had no place to secure the ring as she didn’t want it to fall off her finger again during the swim back so she placed it into her moth.

Watch the video to see the full story unfold:

On her way to shore she was in about chest hight water when she started taking to her friend in the back yard when the ring slipped out of her mouth and back into the lake a second time! At this point her feet had stirred up the silt, boats going by were causing some wakes, she was getting cold and feared she might just keep steeping on the ring burying it deeper. So she noted the area and got out of the water.

She then went on line to find some professional assistance were she found me.

I agreed to assist in the recovery of her ring. Arriving with full dive gear not ever knowing exactly what to expect and how solid the information provided will be this has proven to make these missions much more successful than by simply free diving. Having the proper drysuit to keep warm and conferrable and and redundant air supplies for these types of task take a lot of other issues out of the loop. Of course SCUBA brings with it a whole other required skill set of its own to be done with proper risk management.

Sheila had told me way back in the day there was a lumber mill near the lake and many of their logs are still imbedded in the silt. She also provided a solid landmark that her feet was near one of the planks when she lost the ring the second time. These provided details greatly aided in the recovery effort by firmly marking the target zone of the search efforts.

The search took a bit of time as they sometimes do however I found the ring in the general area under water as Sheila described. 

I proceeded to surprise her with the ring and she was very happy to be reunited once again.


Jeff Morgan



Men’s Wedding Band Missing for 4 Years in the Barn Hay~Caledon, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)


So Farmer Jim & Karen McA knew I was a metal Detectorist and happen to mention that Jim’s Nephew Warren K of Orangeville was working bailing hay in the McArther Farm and lost his beloved wedding band. I was totally down for detecting in an old barn….like finding a freakin’ needle in a haystack full of century old iron nails and other goodies….

WOWZA, what a challenge for my Ring Find #2. Middle of December I went out on 2 occasions and at the 3rd occasions I decided to call Warren to get the deeds from the hay bailer himself. I decided to proceeded up a rickety wood ladder to get up where the hay was drying up top. No one was around until Uncle Jim showed up with a ‘specialty’ tea (hint hint). I called down « give me a few minutes ». Soon after I said that my detector went off BEEP BEEP BEEP…in the 12-13 range….and I was praying that this was it!! Oh boy was I praying to the Detecting Gods!!

I decided to get the iPhone video rolling ….just in case! And WHAM…there was Warren’s 14k platinum wedding band that had been missing for 4 YEARS!!! Uncle Jim couldn’t believe it…he thought I was joking!! I handed down my detecting and down the crazy ladder and showed him the ring. He was so shocked that after 4 years it had been found. I then said….lets surprise him. Here’s the video https://youtu.be/_-ou5RfVg2Y

Aunt Karen & I came up with a crazy idea to wrap the ring in hay….but inside 4 other gifts wrapped inside each other with a note for each opening. So the gift was dropped off at Warren’s Mom Debbie’s home. Karen told her that someone dropped it off at her house to give to Warren and a video was to be taken when he opened the gift at Christmas. Well Christmas came and went without Mom & Son connecting …..

Finally a message was sent in January to get his butt over to his Mom’s home and open a gift (LOL). Sure enough, Warren opened each and every gift till the last won! To his surprise and everyone else’s watching his beloved wedding ring was back home. Apparently he didn’t tell any of the Family that he lost his ring at the farm over 4 years ago….OPSEY!!!

What an awesome but very difficult ring find. Very proud to be given the opportunity in this crazy ‘needle in a haystack’ condition. BUT I TOTALLY LOVED IT!!!

(PS. Thank Goodness for Jim’s specialty tea to warm up a cold lass on this adventure *wink)


Lost Gold Eagle pendant playing Volleyball @ Professors Lake~Brampton, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Received a phone call from a young man from Malton, Ontario. He was playing volleyball on the weekend with his Friends at the beach volleyball area at Professors Lake Brampton, Ontario when he noticed both his gold plated cross as well las his 14k gold eagle pendant was missing because his large chain was broken. He was heartbroken more the the eagle pendant was missing as is it was a gift from his Aunt.

After obtaining permission from City of Brampton staff to metal detect for the young mans jewellery, I met him there in the early evening. (Lucky I work for COB!!)

I started without him as the skies were getting dark and was worried we would have to leave due to the storm approaching and our personal safety. I started grinding the west beach court….then the east. Within 20 minutes after the young man showed up and advised he was in the south court….we found he precious 14k gold eagle pendant. No luck in finding his small gold plated cross but he didn’t mind.

He was gracious enough to make a donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation Snow Run 2018 Charity via my link!!