#metal detecting services utah Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Gold Wedding Band Found- Ogden Utah

It was late in the evening and Lee was working to get some vegetation planted on his slope behind his house to prevent erosion. He only had an hour of sun left so he was hurrying as fast as he could. After finishing, he went to wash his hands and notice his gold wedding ring that he had been wearing for the last 37.5 years was missing. He reached out me for help but I was traveling for work at the time. His neighbor offered to come search the area with his metal detector but was unsuccessful. We made plans for me to come search when I was back in town and upon arriving at his house, he showed me the area to search. I dare say it took all of about 4 minutes to get a signal that turned out to be his ring! As you can see by the picture, Lee & his dog were happy to see the ring again! Check out the full recovery on Youtube!


Lost Titanium Wedding Ring Found- Salem, Utah

I received a call from a man who was working construction near Salem, Utah. They were putting in a large underground pipe system and his hands got dirty so he went to wash them off. While he was doing that, he put his beautiful titanium ring with turquois inlay in his vest pocket. After returning to work, he realized he never put his ring back on and upon checking his pocket, it was gone. They searched the area with a metal detector and for a last resort he reached out to me for help. They were about to fill in that section of the pipe system so I knew I had very little time.

When I arrived, the recent warm weather turned the area into a very muddy construction site. I searched all over the area he thought it could be and then I went down into the area that they dug out. I cleared some trash from the area to ensure I could get all the signals. Fortunately, right next to the valve where he was working, I found his beautiful ring. His wife had joined him that day and they had just barely returned from getting food when I was able to surprise both of them with the ring. Check out their reactions on my YouTube Channel!

Lost Wedding Ring Up Big Cottonwood Canyon- Found

This was actually my last recovery of 2023. I received a call from a couple that was visiting from Florida. They were finalizing all their wedding plans and were preparing to fly back to Florida to get married on New Year’s Eve. They went up Big Cottonwood Canyon to take pictures when he realized his ring was missing. It was a beautiful silver ring with an opal stone.

We made plans to meet the following day to search the area where they had taken pictures. He provided me with some very good intel on possible areas to search. They were staying at a relative’s house about an hour away so I was able to get to the  location before they did and I quickly started to search. The snow was not deep and since silver is usually such a high tone, I quickly focused on signals in that range. In about 5 minutes, I had located the ring! They pulled up and I was able to surprise him with the ring! It’s always awesome to see the stress go away when presenting that lost item to someone. They sent me pictures of them getting married just a few days later! Congrats on a beautiful wedding! Check out the full adventure below!

Lost Wedding Ring Found After a Year at the Bottom of the Lake- Provo, Utah

I received a call from a woman who had lost her wedding ring in Utah lake. The only issue was that she lost it in August of 2022 when the lake was 47% full. With the great snow year we had here in Utah, the lake is currently 87% full. She was walking on the rocks when she made a quick move to catch herself and the ring flew off her finger into the water. Utah lake is a shallow lake and because of that, the visibility is less than 6 inches. I decided since I would not be able to see in the water to set my discrimination on my minelab equinox to only get signals from 9-13. I used a couple of rocks for markers from where she sent me pictures of where she was standing. I tried my best to grid back and forth picking up a few lead sinkers and then I finally got a decent hit on the detector. I took my glove off to feel for the item and immediately realized it was a ring. Could it be her ring? After returning to the surface I looked down and sure enough it was!

After almost 14 months at the bottom of the lake, It is back where it belongs! So happy for you Melanie and thanks for reaching out to me!


Another Apple Watch Proactively Returned to Owner- Utah

I have spent almost 10 hours under the water looking for a lost ring for a gentleman who lost it the day after he got married. Every time I have dove in the area, I have found other items to return. So far I have returned two apple watches and an iphone 13 from that location. On my last dive, I found 7 apple watches in the area but only 3 would turn on after being dried out for a week in a bag of rice. Of the three, only one had medical ID information which lead me to the owner who lived out of state. I love proactive recoveries cause most people have given up ever seeing their items again. She was so grateful to me for reaching out and sending her lost item as she was preparing to buy another apple watch!

Make sure to fill out your medical ID info on your wearables, you may never know when it might come back to you!

Full video of the recovery and return:

After 51 Days in the Lake, Found Owner of Apple Watch Ultra Near Kamas, Utah

After my last post where I dove down to find a lost apple watch and came back with 10 total apple watches, I started to dry them all out and see which ones would charge. Now the thing with apple watches is that if they have a medical ID info or are not locked, I can usually find the owner. I have returned 3 proactively over the last year. After drying them out for almost a week, only 3 powered back on and only one had the medical ID information. I was able to find the contact information and reached out with a short clip from my dive and letting them know I had found their apple watch. I was surprised to find out that the apple watch in question had been in the water for 51 days!!! It was an apple watch ultra and was lost while on a backpacking trip in the mountains. He had tried to find someone that would scuba dive to find it but gave up hope. It was so awesome to meet up with him and return it! Please check out the second half of the video to see this happy reunion!

Lost Apple Watch in the Lake Near Kamas, Utah- Found

I received a call from a gentleman who had just lost his apple watch that day in a lake above Kamas, Utah. The lakes in the area are well over 10,000 feet elevation making the water extremely cold. After seeing a few videos and explaining where to look, I made the 1.5 hr drive to the location. I then had to hike about a mile to get to the lake with over 60 lbs of equipment to dive. After getting set up, I could see that the clouds were rolling in so I decided to get in and get out as fast as possible. I was looking for a white band apple watch so it should stick out. Well it just so happened I stumbled into an apple watch graveyard cause after about 20 minutes, I came up with 10 apple watches, 2 sun glasses, and 2 other watches. Fortunately one of the 10 apple watches was his!!!

Later that night, we were able to meet up and after a stressful 24 hours, he had his apple watch back on his wrist! Hopefully I can find a few of the owners to the other 9 apple watches!

Full Video on Youtube:

Massive 3+ Karat Diamond Ring lost in Alpine, Utah- Found

On Saturday, I was heading to run some errands with my 2 year old when I received a call regarding a lost diamond wedding ring. While babysitting a neighbor’s puppy, She went out into the yard to do some yardwork and took off her rings. After finishing, she went back to where she had put down her rings and could only find the wedding band. She went back inside to review the security camera footage and saw that the puppy had gone over to where she had put down the rings and immediately thought the puppy had swallowed the ring. In a panic she rushed the puppy over to the vet to have x-rays done. When the x-rays came back negative, she searched all night around the backyard for the ring but was unsuccessful. She even borrowed a metal detector from a neighbor but still no sign of the ring.

Since I typically have my detector in the car for situations like this one, I quickly drove over there to see if I could help. I met her and her sister and went over the area of where potentially it was lost. They were so kind to bring out some toys and watch over my son while I detected the grass. Fortunately, It took only about 10 minutes to locate the beautiful 3 Karat diamond ring. As you can see by the video below, everyone was very happy! Enjoy!


Lost Cell Phone in 40 Feet of Water Above Heber, Utah- Found

I received a call regarding a lost iphone at the bottom of a lake above Heber Utah. While celebrating their wedding anniversary, they decided to take a canoe around the lake. The lake was located in the Uintah mountains which was above 7800 feet elevation. While out on the canoe, a bee flew around her and since she is allergic to bees, she went to swat the bee away and her iphone fell out into the water. Cell phones can be easily replaced but what can’t be is the photos and memories that are on them. She hadn’t backed up her iphone is over a year so with the loss of cell phone, the stress of losing all those fun memories came with it. Also the newer model cell phones seem to be a little more water resistant so I knew if I could get up their quickly, there was a good chance the phone could still work.

I made the 100 mile drive the next day and met Patricia and her family near where the cell phone was lost. We had to hike a fair way to get to the location and carrying all the dive gear and detectors was quiet a journey. The water was also very cold due to the high elevation and recent run off from the winter. They were told it was about 25-30 feet of water so I geared up and used my Air Buddy dive system to get down to the bottom. The bottom was full of dead branches and bushes and probably only had 1-3 feet of visibility on the bottom which is not uncommon for around here. I dove for about 30 minutes and then came up to let the sediment at the bottom of the lake settle down. On my second dive, I went a little further down (35-40 feet) and as I was cruising along the bottom detecting, I could see the edge of what looked like a cell phone sticking out of the sediment. Sure enough it was  the iphone! I quickly returned to the surface and presented the phone back to Patricia who was so happy to see it. 48 hours later, I received an update from her that after sitting in a bag of rice, the phone did manage to charge back up. She was able to get all those great memories back and I couldn’t be happier for her and her family!

Lost Diamond Gold Ring in South Jordan, Utah- Found

Received a call from a lady regarding a lost diamond gold ring that had been given to her by a late uncle. She received this ring when she lived in Iran and had it on her finger for several years. While playing volleyball in the park with friends and family, she went to hit the ball and the ring popped right off her finger. They spent the next several hours looking for it and even went out and got a metal detector but were unable to locate the ring. That is when she found me online and we made plans that night to go search for it before the park services started to mow the lawn.

With just an hour of light left in the day, I met her at the location and started to grid off the area. Parks are historically very trashy areas so there were a lot of low tone signals. Small gold rings will give off a signal very similar to a pull tab or small piece of aluminum. As the sun was setting, I got a good hit on the detector and sure enough it was the ring! It had flown 20+ feet from the area of where they were playing volleyball. Her reaction when I brought it to her is the whole reason I love doing this! Check out the video below!