Lost Apple Watch in the Lake Near Kamas, Utah- Found

I received a call from a gentleman who had just lost his apple watch that day in a lake above Kamas, Utah. The lakes in the area are well over 10,000 feet elevation making the water extremely cold. After seeing a few videos and explaining where to look, I made the 1.5 hr drive to the location. I then had to hike about a mile to get to the lake with over 60 lbs of equipment to dive. After getting set up, I could see that the clouds were rolling in so I decided to get in and get out as fast as possible. I was looking for a white band apple watch so it should stick out. Well it just so happened I stumbled into an apple watch graveyard cause after about 20 minutes, I came up with 10 apple watches, 2 sun glasses, and 2 other watches. Fortunately one of the 10 apple watches was his!!!

Later that night, we were able to meet up and after a stressful 24 hours, he had his apple watch back on his wrist! Hopefully I can find a few of the owners to the other 9 apple watches!

Full Video on Youtube:

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