Call Ray at MyGoldFinder for lost items 571.258.7217
I received a text from my fellow ‘theRingFinders’ detectorist and friend, Rob Ellis. He had received a call from a young lady who lost an earring and he referred the job over to me. Rebecca contacted me shortly afterwards about having lost the circular round back part of her 18K white gold earring, the diamond stud sat in the center. Rebecca was staying at a beautiful Bed & Breakfast located on several acres in Warrenton Virginia with family. While out for a stroll on a gorgeous sunny morning she was carrying her son across the field to the house, when her son grabbed her ear and the earring came flying off.
After I gathered a few more details from Rebecca I got on the road and arrived in Warrenton about an hour later. Once I arrived Rebecca showed me the grassy area that she believed the other part of the earring should be as this was the location when her son grabbed her and she had found the stud on her dress. The area was slightly on a hill, with the area where the earring might be was unmowed, probably to ensure the earring didn’t get chopped up or tossed out by the mower blades.

As the item was pretty small I asked Rebecca if I could have her place the other earring on the ground so I could get a signal reading from it, both with the stud and post, and without. Without the earring and the post the signal was very weak, on the Equinox 800 very low tone 2 I was very concerned I wouldn’t be able to locate this weak of a signal in the taller grass.
I started the search in the grassy areas first, gridding up and down to ensure full coverage. As this B&B location is used for weddings and other events, there was a lots of hits I had to sort through, most were high tones and since I was only looking for this specific low tone range it made it a little easier, but a bit frustrating not to dig those other solid signals!! After a couple of hours in the grass and no luck I decided to start back past the pavilion and in between the large shed and gravel area. and BEHOLD, there it was just waiting to be found hiding slightly under a gravel stone.

When I do recover an item I like to just send the owner a picture text and then wait for their reaction, typically priceless. Rebecca came running out the front door yelling « You found it!? », at which time I held it high into the air. Rebecca has been reunited with her precious earring and couldn’t have been happier this day.

Rebecca, it was a pleasure meeting you and I’m thrilled I was able to recover your item for you.
God Bless and Keep on Hunting!