find lost phone Tag | The Ring Finders

IPhone lost in Snow in Philadelphia, PA….Found and Returned!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

After the largest snow storm of the year dumped 6 inches of snow in Philadelphia this week…Adeep ventured out to have some fun in the deep snow drifts around his University City apartment. Unfortunately his Iphone slipped out of his pocket while playing around. His « find my iphone » app got him close to the location of the lost phone but it was clearly under the snow somewhere! He found me listed in the Ring Finders directory and several hours later I was there with my metal detector! He pointed out where he was fooling around in the snow….and where the « find my iphone » app was suggesting its location. Less than 10 minutes into search I got the signal I was looking for with my machine…moved aside about 8 inches of snow…and there was his iphone!!! Adeep was surprised and very happy that I was able to locate his lost phone so fast!

Rogue Strong Wave Results In Lost Wedding Rings And Found Later With Determined Effort

  • from Emerald Isle (North Carolina, United States)

Diane messaged me that she was frolicking near their North Topsail beach rental when a large wave came and knocked her over. As her hands plunged into the sandy bottom, her loose wedding rings slipped off. She didn’t realize they were gone until she returned to the beach house. I started my search in the rolling waves just before low tide after asking a few questions. Sadly, the rings remained unfound on this initial try. Diane attempted to show me a photo taken by someone in her group right after her fall, but the glare and my poor vision made it impossible to see on her phone. I requested the photos be sent to me, and upon reviewing them on my laptop, I understood I had been searching too far out; the tides suggested she must have been nearer to the dry sand.

On my second attempt, I spent over two hours conducting a North-South and East-West grid search in the wet sand around low tide. My arms ached from the effort as I expanded the search zone. At last, a bit beyond my previous search area, I discovered the beautiful ring hidden under the wet sand, a spot that would have been submerged most of the time. I called Diane over, and her relief was palpable, especially since they were set to leave the next day and had begun packing.

I-Phone lost in the surf, Lavallette NJ, Recovered by Edward Trapper, NJ Ring Finder

  • from Lavallette (New Jersey, United States)

  Tony was doing some surf fishing in Lavallette NJ early one Saturday morning with his buddies. It was pretty close to high tide when he realized his phone was missing, but he wasn’t quite sure where it could be. He looked everywhere possible when he figured it must have fallen out somewhere in the water while he was fishing. Loosing a phone can be very devastating with all the pictures, videos, and other information that can be stored on them now. Needless to say this was the situation with Tony, especially the pictures and videos of friends and family that can NEVER be replaced. Luckily I was able to locate his phone during the next low tide, about  20′ down the hill, right where the low tide waves were breaking. It was already buried in the sand over 12″, and prob. very close to being lost for ever. Time is so important when recovering lost items in the surf or ocean, that is why you need to call  ASAP when an item is lost.

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  • from Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States)

Shawn SGT Sherrill – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost your ring?… Call/Text ASAP  Anytime 24/7   918-313-2202

I received a call from a gentleman that lost his phone on the side of a road. I met up with him with fellow Ring Finder, Doug Hardy. After getting all the details of the location of about where it was lost we began looking for it in the high brush and thorns.  It was a visual search, there was no way to swing a metal detector. After about 30 mins I was able to locate it under a bush next to some thorn bushes. I had to crawl under them to get to it. We called the owner back and confirmed it was in fact his phone!! The photos/videos on his phone were priceless to him. He had had this phone since the birth of his child and hadn’t backed it up to any cloud. He was beyond grateful to get this phone back with all of the memories, that were irreplaceable.











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iPhone se Found on Random Hunt at Matauri Bay – Traced and Returned

  • from Paihia (New Zealand)

Ring Finder – Ring Recovery Specialist…Lost ring? Lost necklace? Lost keys?… Metal Detector Service – Call ASAP 021 401626

Not all recoveries are planned, some are random exercises in detective work.
I was working Matauri Bay beach doing a casual hunt before work this morning, when I dug an iPhone SE. Usually phones are no more than fancy spirit levels when they come out of the tide but this one was a recent loss and showed potential to be able to at least allow the owner to salvage their photos and contacts.

I headed off to work a bit early in order to put the phone through intensive care, quick rinse in fresh water, dried it off and delicately picked the sand out of the charging port. Firing it up, it flickered to life, complained about flat battery and shut down. It lives! Hopefully I could now reunite the owner with their rather expensive phone.

While I charged it, I swapped the sim out into my phone to discover a couple of missed calls which occurred after loss and looked promising leads.

Dropped the sim back into the found phone and sent a text to both numbers from my one explaining the situation and asking if they had a name I could follow up…and waited.
On the off-chance it had been dropped by a camper at the adjacent holiday park, I phoned the office to enquire if anyone had lost a phone recently.
« Yes, a white iPhone », « Well, I have found it! » – A cheer is heard in the background at the other end of the line. I arranged to drop it off after work.

It seems Nakita had dropped it a couple of days previously, the fact it had survived at least three tides was a testament to the quality of the phone as it had lain under the sand at about the half-tide mark spending quite a few hours underwater at each high tide.
A family member gratefully accepted it on behalf, and I headed home.