The Ring Finders Blog | Page 937 of 959

Lost Monster Diamond Ring, Fernandina Beach, Florida…Found

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Aug. 11th I received an e-mail from Cassi saying her husband lost his wedding ring while swimming at the beach and asking if I could possibly help them find it. She said it was not your ordinary ring and that it was actually 3 white gold rings put together with a total of 19 diamonds!!! You can just imagine how devastated they were when they spent a half hour in waist deep water frantically searching and not able to locate it. I called her back right away after reading her e-mail and tried to get more information on the exact area and how long it had been since they lost the ring. The soonest I could get to that beach would be the following Saturday. If they could put me in as close as possible an area then I felt there was some hope of finding the ring. There had been no storms along the coast and the surf had been fairly calm so with a heavy ring like that there was a good chance it was still roughly in the same area, I hoped!

So the following Saturday I drove 2 hours to Fernandina Beach and was met by Micha and Cassi and we started right away trying to figure out just where they were when the ring came off. I spent 5 hours griding and searching in and out of the water with no luck! Around 3pm Cassi said they would be heading back home to Georgia and gave me my gas $ and asked me how much longer I would continue looking. Because I had the whole day off and was waiting for low tide I decided to keep searching for a few more hours. We said our goodbyes. Two hours later while griding the wet sand area I got a good signal and out of the sand pops this massive set of rings with sparkling diamonds!! I could not get to my phone fast enough to call Micha and Cassi and as they answered the phone I said « You’re right Cassi, your husbands ring is huge!! » I had to hold the phone away from my ear for all the shouts and hollering! It was an awesome experience to be able to find this ring and to return it to its rightful owners and to see and hear the joy and happiness it brought them.

So their story continues and my adventures are just starting!  Thanks to Chris Turner and  « The Ring Finders » I have received phone calls and e-mails from folks near and far away asking if I can help them find their lost items.

I too really love my job!!

Lost something?

Call ASAP: Mike McInroe 321-363-6029

Lost White Gold Wedding Band…2nd Beach, Stanley Park, Vancouver…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I just got home from the United States where I was helping one of our members from The Ring Finders on a big search that I will be writing about soon.

As I was getting close to home I received a call from a young man who had just lost his white gold wedding band. It was lost at 3rd beach at Stanley Park, Vancouver.

After talking to Mike, the young man who lost his ring, we decided to meet at 2 AM at low tide so that he could show me the area where his ring was lost.

I think he was surprised that I wanted to meet him at such a time but the only chance we had was at low tide.

So when I met Mike he showed me the area the ring was lost at, the water was waste deep and he felt that I was in the right area.

He told me that the ring was made from his wife’s great grandmother’s rings and that it could never be replaced.

Mike stayed for 45 minutes then he said he was getting tired and would wait to hear from me in the morning to weather or not I found his ring.

Less then 15 minutes after Mike left for home I got a good signal, I scooped the sand and there in my scoop was his white gold wedding band…

I called him right away as I knew that he’d still be up and he was very happy to get the news!

I love my job!

Thanks for reading my blog!

Lost your ring?

Call ASAP!

Chris Turner 778-838(Find)3463

Lost Platinum Wedding Band 2nd Beach, Stanley Park, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call late afternoon from a young man who had just lost his Platinum wedding ring. It was lost at 3rd beach at Stanley Park, Vancouver and the tide was coming in fast.

I jumped into my car and drove there and it took me 20 minutes to find parking! When I met Mike he showed me the area that he lost his ring and I started my grid search.

I met the lifeguard who said that I was in the wrong area as the tide had come in and it would be well over my head. I continued searching in hope that the ring was lost closer to shore, no such luck.

Sometimes you can’t find what your looking for and I knew that Mike was sad but I told him that I’d come back for low tide at 3 AM.

When I arrived back at the beach at 2:30 AM the tide was way out, I began my grid search and after one hour I found his platinum wedding band with a dragon on the outside and inscription on the inside.

I e-mailed Mike the good news and a picture of his ring and now its back on his finger.

I love my job!

Thanks for reading my blog!

Lost your ring?

Call ASAP!

Chris Turner 778-838(Find)3463

Lost Ring White Gold Lake Amelia Minnesota

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Michael lost his white gold wedding band while playing football on a sandbar in Lake Amelia. He watched it come off his finger and tried to retrieve it right away as he was in waiste deep water. No Luck, so he rented a metal detector and went back. Still no luck. He looked on the internet and found « The Ring Finders ». Lake Amelia is around 2 hours away from my place, so when I found the ring I decided to stay a little while longer and see if I could find any old relics from the 1800’s. A lot of shot gun shells and pop tabs and then came another gold wedding band. Anyone reading this blog, if you have lost a valuable and you remember the approx. location, no matter how long ago it was. I have found many rings and other valuables just searching for relics – I would Love to get them back to their rightful owners!

Lost Wedding Ring Square Lake Minnesota

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Jason contacted me with a huge problem. He had been married 3 days and his wedding ring slipped off his finger while swimming in square lake. I know from experience that this lake is hunted frequently by detectorists, so..getting the hunt under way as soon as possible was critical. I cleared my schedule for the next day and asked him to meet me out at the lake to pinpoint where he was swimming as this is a very large beach. He did his job! It took me less then 5 minutes and I had his ring in my basket. This is one of the nicest rings I have seen – Take care Jason and I am so glad I could help out!

Lost Diamond Ring at VanDusen Botanical Garden, Vancouver/Video

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

A search for a young ladies diamond ring that was given to her by her grandmother…Lost at VanDusen Gardens…Found

Lost Gold Wedding Ring at Kits Beach…Found!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Kits Beach Vancouver, a young married couple playing Volleyball on a hot and sunny day  and enjoying the long weekend, that was until the young man’s wedding ring came flying off his finger into the sand… they searched the sand for hours but no luck!

Thankfully a friend approached the lifeguards for help and they passed my flyer to them. I received a call for help around dinner time and I was off to the beach.

I met the couple and they told me the area they thought the ring came off at and I started my search. There were few good signal and about 20 minutes into the grid search I had a loud signal and I felt it was going to be the ring…It was!

I love my job!

Lost something?

Call;Chris Turner


Lost Ring Lake Minnetonka

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

David went fishing last night and it was a bust, as he returned his boat to the slip and was covering it, his wedding band slipped off his finger and into the 8 feet of merky water. He searched the internet and found « The Ring Finders » which pointed him to me. I wasn’t very busy so I packed up my scuba gear and met him at his slip. As he knew exactly where the ring came off it only took around 10 minutes and it was back on his hand. He said even though fishing was slow and he lost his ring – getting it back made his day, and he said his wife would be very happy also!! Take Care David and good luck on your next fishing trip.

Lost Wedding Band.

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

David lost his white gold wedding band in Minnetonka’s regional swimming « pond ». He called and said he would be at a softball tournament in kansas City and was wondering if I could try to recover his band. He describe as best he could, the location in the water – He did a great job!! It took about an hour of searching and I got that great hit on my detector. David said he was going to surprise his wife and make it a great romantic evening with her slipping the ring back on his finger. Glad I could help out!!!!

Lost Gold Wedding Ring at Kits Beach, Vancouver…Found/Video

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Volleyball Gold lost at Kits Beach…4 year anniversary not far away!