The Ring Finders Blog | Page 923 of 973

Lost Keys found in San Diego

  • from La Jolla (California, United States)

       When I turned my phone on this morning, there was a voice mail message from Ken about some lost keys. I called him back but was told that he already found someone else to search for them. I told Ken that if they weren’t found to give me a call back. Sure enough, a couple of hours later, he called back and told me that the other guy with a metal detector (not a ring finder) couldn’t find the keys and had left. Ken wasn’t quite ready to give up yet and wanted to be sure the keys were truly gone before buying new ones hence the call back. I told him I’d be happy to search for them but in my mind, I was a little skeptical that they could be found as the search area described wasn’t very big, Halloween trick or treaters had been all over the search area, and someone else had already given it a shot.

       When I arrived, I was warmly greated by Ken and got the story on how they were lost. Seems he arrived home late afternoon on Halloween after getting some groceries and had them in one hand and his keys in the other as he went to his front door from the driveway. When he saw a palm tree seed husk laying across the path, he reached down with his « key » hand and tossed the husk over to the side. Well, the keys went with it and even though he searched until dark and the next morning, they were nowhere to be found….at least by the naked eye. After I had him reenact the husk throwing, I started with the most likely area they should be. There was some landscape wiring, sprinklers, and rebar inside the concrete so it wasn’t the easiest place to hunt but after about 15-20 minutes, I found them under the short palm on the left in the photo and down inside the long leafed plant shown in the other photo. Ken was now a happy man as he was able to lock up the house and run (drive) away from home! I’m glad I was able to help you Ken and thank you for the reward. It helps keep the ring finder and keyring finder service going. Now repeat after me… not call brand X when you can get a genuine ring finder!

Shaw TV Calgary interview with local Ringfinder Kevin Niefer

  • from Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

Found clients wedding band another recovery that by Kevin

Lost Gold Ring Recovery

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Fall Festival – Dave’s 3 Gold Bands linked as one – Recovered.



Lost Ring found metal detector

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Fall Festival – Andrew’s lost Tungsten Band – Recovered.

Wedding Ring recovered metal detector

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Fall Festival – Jillians Platinum Diamond Wedding Ring Recovered.


Metal Detecting Grouse Mountain Ski Resort for a lost Gold Wedding Band…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Friday afternoon I got a call from a young man who was visiting from Columbia, he told me he lost his gold wedding band while he and his wife were up at Grouse Mountain Ski Resort checking out the snow that has arrived early this year.

I was at work when he called and I know he was hoping I could come out that afternoon to help find his wedding band but I couldn’t get to him till the next day. We set a time to meet (8:45am) for Saturday and off we went to the top of the mountain.

When we got up there he showed me the area were the ring was lost in the snow,  it wasn’t that deep. However there was lots of nails all around and that makes it a bit of a tough search! I just eliminated the possibilities and in less then 30 minutes in about 5 inches of snow I found his gold wedding band.


I love my job! As soon as I showed him the ring I could tell that they both were so happy! When I handed it to him he kissed his wife!


It was nice meeting you both today! Thank you for the kind reward! And I hope you enjoy Vancouver.

Lost something? Call Me ASAP!

You can watch the video of the search below…

Metal Detecting 3rd Beach in Stanley Park Vancouver, Turns up a Lost Silver Ring

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Mid September I received a call from a lady who lost her diamond engagement ring at 3rd beach in Stanley Park. I responded quickly and spent over two hours searching for the ring with no luck.During my grid search I found over a hundred bottle caps and pull tabs along with a beautiful silver ring that had a moonstone and garnet set in it…I never found the ring I was looking for and later that evening the lady called and told me she found her ring when she got home…That happens from time to time.So when I got home I posted the ring I found on the Craigslist but I had no response…Later that month while I was in Napa Valley visiting my brother & sister in law  I was checking the Craigslist and saw a posting that caught my attention and when I opened it… there was a write up about a young lady who lost her moonstone and garnet ring.  I sent her an email to let her know that I found her ring and she was very happy…today I met up with her and returned the ring…She told me it was a birthday gift from a very good friend, she felt horrible losing the ring only 5 days after it was gifted to her.  It was very nice meeting you today and I’m happy that your ring is back were it belongs!I love my job! Lost something?Call me ASAP! Watch the video for this recovery on the video below…

Lost Ring St. Paul Minnesota Metal Detector Recovery

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Hans was out raking leaves along the boulevard of his St.Paul home and after bagging up 3 large bags of leaves; he noticed his Platinum wedding band was not on his finger. He searched the web and found the ring finders. Hans called and we set up a meeting to recover the ring. He thought the logical place to look first would be the bags of leaves, I agreed and he pulled the 3 bags out of the garage. This is an older neighbor hood and it took me a little while to find a « clean » area of grass not filled with coins people lost over the years, so I could check the bags. The first two bags were clean, then I got a faint sound in the 3rd one. We opened it up and using my Sun Ray probe I searched in the densely packed leaves. The further in the bag I pushed my prob the louder my detector sounded off. I switched to pin point and heard that great screaming sound of  a Platinum ring. Glad I was able to help you out Hans!

Take Care.



Lost Ring Recovery Minnesota

  • from Twin Cities Metro (Minnesota, United States)

Amanda called to ask for help searching for her White Gold Diamond Engagement Ring. She lost it while playing in a corn pit at a local fall festival. I met Amanda and her family down at the festival at closing time to search. The pit is around 3 feet deep of corn and metal detectors only have a range of 12 to 15 inches for an item as small as a ring. I searched the area where the ring came off to no avail, Amanda and her family shoveled corn so I could get down deeper with my detector. We all searched for a couple hours and could not find it. I could see Amanda was heart broken at the loss and I told her not to give up hope – I will try again. I went home that night and called another Ring Finder in my area – Scott Juusola <- This is the guy who got me started in Metal Detecting around 25 years ago. Scott & I brainstormed on how to get down deeper into the corn with our detectors. We came up with a couple of ideas and a few days later, we set out to the corn pit for another search. We put both of our ideas to work and 15 minutes into the search, we recovered Amanda’s ring. What a great feeling to call Amanda and let her know that her precious ring was found. I truly believe the satisfaction we get from returning that special item that people thought was lost forever; gives us the determination to never give up! Congrats Amanda and Thanks to your Mom for her kind e-mail.

Take Care

Darrin –

Ring Found in Kentwood, MI

  • from Manistee (Michigan, United States)


Brian Bierenga with ring back on finger

I received an email today from a  friend, Vickie J. ,who works where I used to work. She  knew that I metal detected and retired just to go detecting.  A co-worker mentioned to her that her husband had lost a lot of weight and was doing some yard work and lost his wedding ring as it was very loose. She told Rhiannon B. about me. I called Vickie after receiving the email and then decided to message Rhiannon on FB. Before you know it between 2:30PM when I received the email and 5:30PM when I went to their home, the ring was back on Brian’s finger.

Brian had bagged three big bags of leaves to be thrown out the next day. When I messaged them on FB I told them not to throw out any bags until I check them. I got out my Bounty Hunter metal detector and check bag one and two with no alerts, checking bag three I got a great signal then emptied a few leaves and there it was.

Brian is a teacher at Mattawan High School and I’m sure will have some good news for his students tomorrow.