Lost Platinum Wedding Rings in Surf While Grunion Hunting .. Newport Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Max and Cherry had read online about how to hunt for grunion on Southern California beaches. Grunions are small sardine sized fish that come up in the surf at nighttime high tide to lay their eggs in wet sand. A lot people think grunion hunting is a hoax. ( google search )

Max thought he should hold both his and Cherry’s platinum wedding rings for safe keeping. Both rings stayed on finger most the evening until he went to rinse the sand off his hands in the surf. He shook his wet hands off and both platinum rings went into to water.

Max called me and we met at the beach the next morning, eight hours after the loss happened. This could be easy if he could get me to the general location. At first Max was not quite sure of where they had been as it was dark when the arrived at the beach that evening.

As I started to grid search the high tide wet beach, after 20 minutes, Max came up to me suggesting that it may be the closer to the next lifeguard tower south. No problem, I could always return to the area I was grinding. 

General location is the key word, within about fifteen minutes I got the first signal and recovered the first ring. Then it was a mater of a few more swings of my search coil the other ring sounded off in my headphones. I marked a spot in the wet sand and asked Max to dig it by hand because I knew it was less than 3” deep. He had fun retrieving his own ring and both Max and Cherry were very excited and happy to have their wedding rings back They have only been married one month. So this wouldn’t have been a good way to start their marriage off.

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