Found! Diamonds and Gold Wedding ring at Log Castle during lowtide... Langley Washington!

  • from Seattle (Washington, United States)

Last weekend, Corianne was digging up bait shrimp during lowtide at her family-owned vacation rental, The Log Castle Bed & Breakfast,  when she realized she had lost her custom made white gold and multi diamond wedding ring! And since the sand was like quicksand while digging, it could be very deep in one of the holes they made digging up sand shrimp…

She emailed me after  purchasing a detector and having no luck searching with her husband. Unfortunately my schedule wouldn’t allow me to hunt for it for at least a week after she had lost it. The soft sand and tides could really engulf it in that time, but it was worth trying.

After a week, I was able to take a road trip up there, and after searching for about 3 hours, surrounded by bald eagle nests and at least 3 eagles  and about 25 seagulls watching me work… I found it!

It was an emotional reunion and a great location to hunt at, despite the quicksand like conditions… and I will be camping on the property as an added bonus! Maybe some bald eagle photos to follow…

Diamond dazzler!


Lowtide @ Log Castle … LOCATED!



3 Replies to “Found! Diamonds and Gold Wedding ring at Log Castle during lowtide… Langley Washington!”

  1. Mark dit :

    Wow! That’s amazing! A week cold and in quicksand. Well done!!

  2. Jeff Morgan dit :

    Nice work, great recovery and thats one heck of a search coil you got there buddy!


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