we made the recovery Tag | Page 3 of 3 | The Ring Finders

Extremely valuable diamond wedding ring almost ends up in landfill…FOUND!!

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

Michelle contacted me on the morning of the 24th.  A ring had been lost in a kitchen during a dinner party that Monday. Despite extensive searching by the family, and a plumber the ring had not been located.  Would I be willing to assist?

Always up for the task, I agreed to meet her at the home later that afternoon.  Not knowing what I might be facing I brought all manner of tools; my trusted metal detector, a video endoscope, long reach recovery tools, a selection of hand tools, etc.

I arrived to meet Michelle promptly at our agreed upon time.  As it turns out Michelle is a fun, positive thinking individual who serves as a personal assistant for our client (who wishes to remain anonymous).  Michelle told me a bit more about the back story and showed me a photo of the ring, a real Bobby Dazzler!

Garbage pick-up would be the next morning and the two of us decided that clearing the trash bins should be the priority task.  We emptied the trash onto a tarp and attempted to use the metal detector to search, however the plethora of metallic objects within the trash rendered the detector useless.  This would have to be a hands and eyes search.

Michelle and I kept a positive attitude during our less than appealing task and even shared a few laughs while searching.  We cleared 1 trash bin, and on to the next.  Just when we reached the last of the trash bags to search, I tore open a bag, stuck a nitrile gloved hand into it, and that’s when I saw the flash…we had made the recovery!

This recovery was a good reminder to me that although I have invested in a lot of special technology and tools, these are not always what is needed.  Sometimes what is required is just good old fashioned search techniques, persistence, and a positive attitude.  It also brings up another factor, seek help and call early.  Less than 18 hours later this very valuable ring could have made it’s way to a waste station or landfill and that would have been a real tragedy.

Ending on a positive note, I was very happy that the ring was recovered and to take part in the new legacy and story of this cherished item.

Bay Area Ring Finders Brendon Chapman… Metal Detecting Service/Call ASAP     925-580-2590

Wedding Ring Lost at a Pacifica, Ca Beach…FOUND!!!

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

We made the recovery!!!  Just after 2:30pm on June 21st good friend and fellow metal detectorist Jes Muse contacted me.  She was feeling under the weather but had received a call in Pacifica, Ca.  She asked if I’d be willing to take it.

With local weather being over 100 degrees, I couldn’t think of a better opportunity to beat the heat and lend a helping hand.

I contacted a Mrs. Laurie LeRowe for additional information and to confirm my appointment, and 1 hour later we were introduced beach side.  Mrs. LeRowe provided some background information as well as some landmarks defining our search area and our search began.

Approximately 20 minutes into the search and only my second good target, we made the recovery!!!

There were many reasons leading to the success of this story and there is some credit due…Thank you to Marshal Smith of Portland, OR who put the family in contact with Jes Muse (Pacifica, CA).  Thank you to Jes Muse who always puts her best foot forward seeing to the needs of those who contact her.  This was not the first time she’s entrusted me with a search and recovery and I hope not the last.  Also to the American Mining Supply for the new machine I used for this recovery, thank you!  Last, but most important, Mrs. Laurie LeRowe who tirelessly sought out information and services and who coordinated with most of the folks mentioned above to make this search happen and successful…Great Job!

To Fernandes and Hilary, I am grateful to get the opportunity to be woven into your love story and wish you both endless happiness in the future.

We Made The Recovery!!!

For assistance finding your lost item contact Brendon Chapman at (925) 580-2590.  For best results call sooner than later!


Testimonial for Brendon Chapman:

Brendan’s willingness and promptness to drive more than an hour to the site, through traffic (valley folks heading to the beach for cooler temps in addition to afternoon traffic) his detective skills and tools, and most importantly his kindness and generosity of time and effort with no guarantees of success. The ring was lost the afternoon before. Thankfully we were able to bless him for his efforts, skills, time and gas. I enjoyed our visit as we waited for Hilary and Fernandes to arrive after their works, to thank him in person . I highly recommend Brendon, and the others who helped me find him…Ringfinders site, Marshall, And Jes.

The recovery that started it all: Lost diamond engagement ring lost in Milpitas, CA…Found!!!

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

I had seen the call for help go out over one of my many metal detecting groups.  When I offered my assistance I didn’t think I’d have the opportunity and thus went about packing for my Mount Diablo overnight with my boys and some friends.

When another md’ing friend asked if I was still available and that another of our piers had searched but had no luck, I again offered my assistance, packed some gear, and off I went.

The client took me to the 5th floor balcony from which the ring was lost and we observed the location from above.  After moving back down to ground level it was revealed that two rings went over the edge and one had been recovered that night from the planter bed.  Now, knowing that a searcher had previously swung over the area, I knew that if we were going to find it, it was going to be found within one of the many plants and bushes in the planter bed.

I offered the client the opportunity to assist by using a Garret pin-pointer to start probing the area including the foliage.  I did the same, and within 20 minutes or so, an ecstatic client exclaimed, « I’ve found it! »  It was indeed within one of the plants of the planter bed.  The stoke was high on both our parts and he requested « Can I give you a hug? » To which I replied « of course. »

The successful search and recovery sparked really good vibes that carried me throughout the weekend. This would serve as my first search as a member of The Ring Finders team and…we made the recovery!!!


Lost Engagement Ring In Fairfield, CA…Found!!!!!

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

After receiving a call from an obviously disappointed individual who had lost her engagement ring, I made my way out to Fairfield to conduct a search.

The family had spent numerous hours previously looking for the lost ring with little luck.

When I arrived the individual explained the circumstances and sequences of events that led to the somewhat mysterious disappearance.

I searched a good amount of time and was almost at the point of conceding when…

there it was!!!  We made the recovery!!!

Testimonial for Brendon Chapman via text message:

« I would recommend Brendon to anyone in the CA Bay Area who needs help finding lost precious jewelry such as wedding and engagement rings.  He is prompt in responding, empathetic, and sincere. »  « Thanks again. And g’luck in future findings. »


Heirloom Confirmation Ring Lost in Pittsburg, CA…Found!!!

  • from Walnut Creek (California, United States)

It was a routine day at my office where I’m a Project Manager for a steel erection company.  In between writing up change order requests and preparing for an annual Quality and Safety Management Systems Audit I received a text message from the Dunmore Family in Pittsburg, CA.  The text was requesting someone to locate a children’s ring lost in the backyard.

I promptly contacted the family on the phone for more details and to schedule a time for the search.  I explained the service I could provide and the contract that would be required once I arrived to the site.  Once a time was decided upon, I requested the family to confirm the appointment and their address via text message.

Arriving at the location, I was greeted by the family and we discussed more details about the missing ring and how it was lost.  It was revealed that the ring was a gold heirloom « Confirmation » ring that was once a gift to the son who was preparing to pass it down to his son at an impending Confirmation Ceremony.  The child was wearing the ring while playing with a soccer ball in the backyard when it flung from the youngsters hand. The family searched and the ring was not recovered.

Before I searched, I explained my process to the family and we had the child duplicate his actions and the location to the best of his ability.  After approximately 15 minutes of being on site and maybe 6 minutes into the search…we made the recovery!!!


Dunmore Family Testimonial:

Thank you Brendon! Thirty years ago our son received a gold ring from his Godmother and was passing it down to his Son. We were all heartbroken when informed it had flown off his finger in the backyard. We searched without success when I googled how to find lost rings and came across “theringfinders.” Brendon responded promptly and showed up the next day and found the ring in minutes. He was timely and courteous and we appreciated the explanation of how he would search the yard and what the different metal detector sounds would mean. Thank you Brendon for finding the ring which will allow it to continue being passed down for generations.