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Heirloom gold wedding band lost in water Port Carling, ON

  • from Brampton (Ontario, Canada)

Had a message come in through the ring finders site from Ellen after she had google lost ring.

Ellen & Stephen was recently married on their lovely property by the waters of Port Carling, Ontario. She had asked her Son Andrew to be the Best Man and surprised him with his late Grand Father’s wedding band. After the nuptials, Andrew decides to go for a swim to cool down but the ring had slipped off his finger to the murky bottom. Two days later he advised his Mother the devastating news. I met Ellen & Stephen two days later on the property. They had advised the ring was in 3′ to 4′ of water… it was just over 5′ up to my ears. I had the tone with my Minelab Excalibur 2 in just 5 minutes but it took another 8 minutes to scoop the ring out between sticks and boards.

This sentiMental Heirloom 10k white/14k yellow late Grandfather’s wedding band is back were it belongs…with FAMILY !! Pleasure to meet this Family and thanks to

Here is the video from this ring recovery & return!!

Another donation to the Kelly Shires Breast Cancer Foundation greatly received for my « Pay-it-forward » fundraising campaign!!