metal detector rental Sanford Tag | Page 2 of 2 | The Ring Finders

Lost ring while playing football, Springfield, Ill…..found and returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

While visiting with good friends in Springfield, Illinois, I mentioned that I had my metal detector in the car and would be willing to look for anything they might have lost in their yard over the years. They remembered one special ring that was lost 15 years ago during a touch football game. Apparently the youth group from their church would come out and play games, have bonfires and spend the evening on the farm. Our friends kids always enjoyed playing games and their son, Kurt in particular, would set up a small area to play football. The youth group leaders would join the kids as they played and on that fateful day, Crista, felt her rings fly off of her hand as she went to catch the football. Everyone immediately stopped playing and they began searching for her two lost rings in the thick grass. Moments later one of the teens found her engagement ring but the small gold wedding ring was no where to be found. This particular ring was a family heirloom that was handed down to Crista from her grandmother. The lost ring was never found and they gave up hope of ever seeing it again. Over the years the ring slowly sank into the thick grass and damp soil but being made of gold, it never tarnished or corroded. Fifteen years later I was given the opportunity to search for this long lost ring. I set up 4 corner flags and started my grid search pattern. Being as the ring was rather thin, I figured I needed to dig every signal that sounded even close to what a small gold ring would sound like. Three hours later I dug a quiet repeatable signal and there in my pile of dirt I say the glint of gold! And sure enough it was Crista’s lost ring!
Many times lost rings remain very close to where they were originally lost. Maybe you know of a lost ring that was never found. Give me a call and we can discuss the possibilities of doing a search. Never hurts to ask!
Mike McInroe….always ready to help!

Lost wedding ring, Orlando, Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Today Derek wrote, « My wedding ring slipped off my finger in my friends backyard. 15 people were on their hands and knees but couldn’t find it in the grass. I called Mike up and he was super friendly and confident he could find my ring. He showed up on time and was just as nice as on the phone. We talked a bit and then he went about searching. He used flags to create a grid and methodically scanned the yard. After about an hour of searching he called me over. My wedding band was pushed into the dirt and I never would have found it. He saved me time and got me out of the doghouse with my wife! Thanks Mike! Derek »
Derek thought about renting a metal detector and as he typed « Metal Detector Rental » into his phone he was directed to web site and one of the many successful search stories.
Lost your ring or other valuable item? Call ASAP!
Mike McInroe….thankful member of TRFers

Lost wedding ring, Flagler Beach, Florida….Found and Returned!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mr. Rod wrote, « My name is Rod. I, after bathing my dog in the yard, discovered that my wedding band was missing. Having been married for 43 years, I was very disappointed to lose it and I searched frantically with the help of about 10 friends for 6 days without success.
Fortunately, a kind neighbor knocked on our door and gave us Mike’s name and address. So I called him. An appointment to initiate the search was made and at which time Mike arrived promptly. After marking off the area, he was able to locate and retrieve my ring within approximately 5 minutes of initiating the task at hand. My wife and I are so pleased and grateful. Thank you Mike! » Rod and Jean
You lost it? Maybe I can help you find it! Call ASAP! Mike McInroe…honored to be a member of TRFers