lost ring Navarre beach Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring on Navarre Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

With all of the beautiful weather, the first ring recovery of the year came in February. Sarah called and explained that she had lost her Tiffany wedding band out on the beach somewhere. She wasn’t positive where and was concerned that it might even be in her van. After a few questions I decided that it was probably in the sand and grabbed my gear and drove the hour over to Navarre. I ended up finding it very quickly and I think Sarah was shocked how fast she had her beautiful ring back on her finger. I made good on my promise from earlier saying “if it’s there, I can find it.”  😃👍. I look forward to a great year of helping people get their precious items back.

Family Heirloom, lost ring Navarre – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

This weekend was the Blue Angels show so I assumed that Sunday morning I would have a lost ring call from Pensacola Beach.  In reality, the call came from Stefanie, just down the road in Navarre.  When I spoke to Stefanie, I immediately knew that I had to go look for this ring and when I hung up I looked over at my wife Jeannie and she said “I want to go with you”.  It’s always a good sign when my lucky charm wants to go so I started getting excited as I packed up my gear.  When we got to Navarre, we quickly parked and headed to the beach.  As we walked along on the sand, I saw a woman waving at me about 100yds away.  When we got to her she explained that her name was Nicole and she was the actual owner of the ring.  She had Stefanie call because she was too upset to talk when she lost it.  As we walked over to the rest of her family she explained that her mother received this ring 65 years ago and had left it to Nicole when she passed away 14 years earlier.  Nicole was actually raised by her Grandparents and refers to them as her mother and father. It made it even more important because her Father, who was a Police Officer passed away in the line of duty seven years ago.  This ring was a symbol of the two of them and Nicole had every intention to pass it down to her oldest daughter, Josie who was also looking on expectantly as I prepared to hit the water.  Nicole had been knocked down by a wave a few hours before and when she came up from all fours in the shallow water, her precious family heirloom was no longer on her hand.  She had a good general idea where she was but with the tide coming in quickly and the waves getting bigger every minute, she was rightly concerned.  I told her that I would grid out the entire area and that if it was there, I would find it.  It only took about fifteen minutes before I heard a very deep signal up on the shelf before the sand drops down.  I happened to be right in front of Jeannie and she quickly started videoing for prosperity.  I made one deep scoop and looked down to see the beautiful diamond ring with so much history at the bottom of the scoop.  Nicole was a short way down the beach but I motioned to her that I had it.  She came over and in disbelief pulled out the ring and gave me a huge hug.  As Josie and Stefanie came over, I got to see the smiles and happy tears and once again be reminded why I do this.  Congratulations to you all, I am glad I got to be a part of the story for such an important part of your family’s history. God Bless!

Lost Ring Navarre Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

It would be great if every Saturday morning could start out like this one. This one actually started out yesterday with a phone call from Mary from Ohio. Mary explained that their family had been coming to Navarre for decades but this trip had started out on a sour note. That morning her son-in-law was in the gulf throwing the football back and forth when suddenly he realized that his wedding ring was no longer on his hand. To make matters worse, Jason is left handed so when he threw the ball he could have flung the ring off just about anywhere. When Mary told me everything, I explained how I could help and she said that she would call me right back after she talked to her daughter Diana. I was already planning my trip when I got a text saying that they had decided not to look for the ring. I was shocked and asked why, Mary explained that both her husband and Jason felt like there was no way it would be possible to find the ring in that huge body of water and they didn’t want to get their hopes up. I thought to myself that I knew I could find it but I hoped that my words didn’t get in the way of God’s plans for this young couple. After a long conversation, my wife laughed and said that it was different that I was the one trying to convince the other person to let me find the ring. 😊 I must have said something right though because Mary asked me to come the next morning. I drove to Navarre this morning and got there at 7am.  I got to meet everyone and quizzed Jason about the ring and explained what I was going to do. I told him that he was officially allowed to be optimistic now and he gave me a sheepish grin. I waded out about waist deep in the water and started my search. I made a couple of passes and heard the telltale sound of gold. I saw Jason and Diana and Mary all watching me expectantly as I very gently scooped up the ring. I got a huge smile and started wading that way. Diana rushed down to the water’s edge and said that she didn’t even believe it yet. When I presented the scoop and she pulled Jason’s ring out she burst into tears. I asked Jason if he was optimistic yet and he told me that I was amazing. I’d say that’s a good turn of events for the day. I love helping people like this! 😃

Ring found at Navarre Beach

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

Steve called me asking if I could find a ring. Steve’s wife lost her new anniversary ring while doing some yard work at their home in Navarre. Their backyard has a lush landscape with a thick carpet of grass where a ring could easily fall in and be hard to locate. In addition there property bordered a forested area with fairly thick understory vegetation. They didn’t know where the ring was lost, so Steve and I recreated their activity as best he could remember. First I carefully searched the grass areas with no luck. Next was going into the shrub plantings, also no luck. Then I expanded the search area assuming the backyard was the most likely place to look since that’s where she was working, no luck strike 3. In desperation I decided to look in the forested area bordering their backyard. I started a north/south grid about 5’ wide. There were no targets in the understory, clean ground with no metal in it. So when I got a signal it screamed, the sound was unmistakable, the sound of gold! Somehow the ring had left her finger and traveled about 15’ into the woods. I never met Steve’s wife because she was working that day but Steve called her and she was overjoyed. Ring recovered, everyone smiling, no more worries, made my day!

Lost Ring at Navarre Beach – FOUND!!!

  • from Orange Beach (Alabama, United States)

I opened up Facebook two nights ago and saw that Pensacola Ring Finders had been mentioned in a comment. Ellyce told Amanda that if there was any hope, I could find her ring. I thought to myself as I turned in for the night that if Amanda reached out to me, I really hoped that I could live up to Ellyce’s trust in me. Sure enough the next morning I saw I had a text from Amanda and I quickly gave her a call. She told me that their family was staying in Navarre and that her niece Kaylee had lost her engagement ring in the surf while posing for a picture and they were pretty distraught. I told her that I could come out after work in the afternoon and I would be glad to help. When I got there I also got to meet Felix, Kaylee’s other half and you could tell that he was really concerned about losing Kaylee’s ring. The two of them walked me down to the water and told me where they thought the ring was lost and where they thought it might be. I started canvassing the area above the top shelf of sand with no luck and then switched to the deeper area below the shelf. I tried east and west and north and south and even expanded the search area a bit but I got nothing. Everyone had focused on two blue chairs on the beach and when two people who had helped the day before came up and confirmed the same location I thought, “ okay, it’s got to be down there I just can’t hear it”. I decided to use a trick I have learned over the years and I got down where the sand was being curled back into the shelf by the waves. I turned my machine onto a different pinpoint mode and cranked up the sensitivity. I got right in front of the chairs and heard a very faint grunt that was so deep I couldn’t hear it any other way. I started taking out sand with my scoop and after several tries I looked down and there sat Kaylee’s beautiful engagement ring 💍. That one surprised even me a little bit. 😃. I went up and showed Kaylee and as she started to cry and celebrate with her family I looked up the beach and saw Felix coming back from a trip to the room. I saw it dawn on his face that I had found it judging by all the happy smiles and he took off on a dead sprint and picked me up and jumped up and down with me in the air in celebration. This was a great reminder of why I do this and I want to thank everyone for having the trust to recommend me every time they do. I know that Kaylee and Felix are very thankful as well!  Congrats y’all.