While at work on Thursday I got a text from Julianna who found me doing a Google search about lost jewelry at beach asking if I thought I’d be able to help her find her mother’s lost chain and rings she lost while swimming. Julianna and her mother were enjoying the beach on the Sunday before when her mother went into the water and got knocked into by a wave and felt her gold chain slip over her head into the ocean. She was so devastated and sad she didnt tell her daughter till Wednesday what had happened. The chain held her mom’s and late father’s wedding bands. Her father had passed away in 2019 and her mom has been wearing the rings around her neck ever since. Low tide that night was 730, I got to the beach at 530 to start hunting. When I got there I saw that a sand bar had formed in the past couple of days of rough sea and thought her chain had to be buried to deep to find. I started mid slope and worked my way down the slope, into a trough that was before the sand bar with no luck. I moved onto the bar and wasn’t getting to much out there either, it was getting late thinking it was a lost cause I figured I’d do 1 more pass on my way back to my jeep and about 15 feet away I got a soft deep double signal, mid tune and low tone together indicating 2 possible gold pieces. I dug a foot of sand out and at the bottom of the hole I saw a gold chain laying there. Reached down and pulled it up and the 2 rings came with it. I couldn’t believe it. I called Julianna when I got to the jeep to give her the good news. Made arrangements to meet up with her on Saturday to return her mom’s necklace. This one was a great feeling and recovery for all.

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Jersey Shore Ring Finder
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