How to find a ring in sand Tag | Page 2 of 2 | The Ring Finders

Wedding Band Recovered at Groton Long Point Beach, Groton CT

  • from Stonington (Connecticut, United States)

I received a call from a woman who lost a ring in the ocean while playing with her daughter. This particular ring was very special to this family. The ring was worn on her thumb in her late husband’s memory – retrieving this ring was critical. We picked a low tide, and I headed over to begin searching. About an hour and a half into the search, I heard a promising signal in chest-deep water. Bingo! I carried the ring back to the dry beach, where the family was reunited with a significant memory. They did a great job of using the reference points around them to identify where they thought they were standing when the ring slipped off! It was retrieved even after spending a couple of days in the ocean! 

If you lost something in the water, call/text 860-917-8947.









