I got a call from Liz a rising star, on Monday morning 7/18/2016 hoping that I could help her find her lost Engagement Ring … they were out late swimming in the ocean the night before…I jumped into action immediately, because here on the east coast, we have tides to contend with… within an hour I was on the beach with 3 people that were really hoping that I could pin point the ring … ( No Pressure there…LOL ) They put me in the general area, I went to work, and literally 3 holes and only 5 minutes into the hunt there it was laying there on top of the sand … Liz, is an up and coming Star Actress from NY… She was extremely happy to have the ring back and she sent me 2 front row tickets to her play they were doing over the weekend… Thank You Liz, for letting me be the one to rejoin a special Diamond Ring back to you… A friend always Leighton..
I received this from Liz Tancredi this afternoon…
Two weeks ago, on a beautiful Thursday night complete with high tide and the full moon, some friends and I went for a midnight dip in the bay. We all worked for Cape Rep Theatre in Brewster, so this little patch of the bay, a mere stroll from the theater, is a favorite spot for all of us, even a place of nostalgia for summers past.
I run to the water, dive in, and as soon as I emerge I realize my engagement ring is no longer on my finger. I say, « Guys, not to cause any alarm but my engagement ring fell off… » next thing I know my friends Val and Amanda and diving and desperately swatting at the water and sand, to no avail. Realizing it’s useless to look for a ring at high tide in total darkness, we head back to the beach and I gather my things to head home, trying my best to stay positive, « We’ll come back at low tide! It’s just a ring! I’m fine! At least it’s in a place I love! » Of course I was so upset and holding back a waterfall of tears. I had gone swimming a dozen times with this ring on my finger! Why this time!?
While I was sulking back to the house, Lewis, another witness to the loosing, paced back out into the water so he could mark on the beach the general area of bay it must be in, and Amanda began a desperate internet search for a metal detector and what did she come across but Ring Finders!
I get up at 6am to begin my low tide search, immediately realizing there’s no way I will find it with bare eyes and hands. So I email the one and only Leighton Harrington, hoping beyond hope he decides I’m a cause worth helping. Sure enough, he calls!!! We have a window of a few more hours of low tide, in which the bay is almost devoid of water, prime searching conditions. Lewis and Amanda are back on the beach, who also couldn’t resist the urge to just keep looking. Lewis does a grid walk of the area, we jam a stick in the sand where we feel like it fell off, and we wait for our knight with a metal detector.
Leighton arrives with his gear and a positive attitude. He was so confident and upbeat I had a hard time believing him when he said, « there’s no guarantee we’ll find it. » We show him the area and had a good laugh at our plotting and stick markers. In less than 5 minutes Leighton had come across 3 spots that could be a small white gold object. The first beep was a nail, the second was an old cap, and the third beep made him stop and take off his headphones to beckon me over. « Liz, I think you’ll want to come over here. » My heart was beating out of my chest, I was so nervous! Sure enough he scoops up some sand, spreads it out, and before I see the glimmer I hear Amanda yell, « OH MY GOD! » and sure enough, a diamond ring, MY diamond ring, was in the pile of sand. We all burst into tears, hugged each other, and took a million photos. I was so ready to say goodbye to it forever, the elation of finding it was indescribable. Leighton had the tools, the knowledge, and the personality, to find the ring and make me feel like everything was going to be ok! We thanked him with tickets to our play which was closing that weekend.
Thanks to Lewis, Amanda, Val and of course, Leighton Harrington, I still have my ring, which I love now more than ever! My husband’s response to all of this, by the way, was simply, « Thank God it wasn’t your wedding band! ». As he would have taken that as a terrible omen. Liz Tancredi