Cape Cod Tag | Page 11 of 12 | The Ring Finders

Lost Ring Yarmouth, MA Leaves Man at Rope’s End

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Out for an early morning walk Devin came across a rope swing hanging over a pond. He climbed the tree to reach for the rope and his wedding band, just 362 days old fell from his finger. My search of the never before seen area with heavy brush cover yielded only one target, a silver quarter. Now knowing the area, I call Devin for a bit more information on the ring’s loss. I traded in my Big Foot Coil for a Sniper coil and went back for a second search. I also carried along a ring with an orange tail tied to it. I climbed the tree, dropped the ring and started the search in the area of the dropped ring. Within 6” my detector emitted a golden signal. I bent, moved brush and dirt away…no ring. I still had the signal so more dirt was mover, and with no ring in sight I put my finger under a tree root, removed dirt and the ring. Unfortunately, I found the ring on the 366th day, it was not in its’ proper place on its’ first anniversary. Still the anniversary was a success and the ring is now back where it belongs. Happy days to follow and many more smiles will surely be in Devin and Brenna’s future.



FINALLY! I Found Owner of Lost Ring West Yarmouth, Cape Cod MA.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

FINALLY! and its meaning.
Ron & Mary ring1



Last summer while waving to his children that were on the beach, Ron’s ring took a slide off his finger and a plunge into the water. As hard and long as Ron tried to find his ring, he had no success. He and his wife decided to enjoy the rest of their vacation and left a note with the property owners should some one find and turn in the lost wedding band. Months passed and having very little luck in finding anything I started detecting the lesser used, private beaches. Late in December I found Ron’s ring. The property was closed for the winter and would not re-open until mid-May.

Mid-May came and I called the property office. I did not get a chance to fully describe the ring I had found before Heather was telling me of the entire inscription and where and how the ring was lost. Due to their privacy policy Heather could not give me the owner’s information. But she said she would contact the owner and have him call me.

Ron and I played phone tag for the next day. We FINALLY connected and after confirmation was made I mailed the ring the next day – Friday. I was informed that the package would be delivered on Tuesday. It is hard to believe but the package was delivered Saturday – the next day. FINALLY the ring was back where it belonged, on Ron’s finger. During our conversation I had to ask. . .what was the meaning of FINALLY being engraved on the inside of the ring. It seems Ron and Mary had known each other since early grade school. They were friends, but never close until many years lafter. It took a long time for their true love to FINALLY blossom. Now they have been married for 13 wonderful years. It was worth my and their wait to FINALLY reveal the story. I always enjoy being part of a ring return with smiles.

What is the best tool to find a lost ring? – TheRingFinders Richard Browne

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Toby rs

Toby ring rs

Toby was out for a fun day at the beach, just yards from his vacation hide-away.
A bit of catch was in order when it happened…the ball came in at just the right angle to whisk his wedding band off of his finger. The last glimpse he had of it was it flying out of sight. Game over.
Hours of searching with a rake, shovel, rented metal detector, many friends and family including his father-in-law crawling in the sand. Nothing seemed to work in the daylight…neither did flashlights in the dark of night.

His friendly neighbor started searching the world wide web and came across a site called Minutes later Toby was convinced to give Rick Browne a call. And so he did.

Within an hour the call was returned, tide time and weather check was made along with a meeting time for a search for the ring to begin. The next day after an introduction, bit of information gathering, the entourage was off, down the wooden stairs, the aluminum stairs (more like a swinging bridge) to the edge of the wet sand. After a quick demo of how and where the ring was lost and I began the search.

Forty-five minutes later, after covering the area I was shown plus a bit more, I was going to enlarge the area even more. One pass, one turn and three steps later my detector gave me the best signal I had had all day. A shallow scoop of sand and there it was, in my scoop, Toby’s ring. A quick rinse and it was presentable enough to let Toby retrieve his ring from the scoop. He did it in grandeur with yelps and praises. Of course with a smile a mile wide.

Lost wedding band found and returned in Chatham, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Alex a rs

Alex had made a wedding band for his bride and she had made his. A beautiful pair of rings and a couple with many wonderful memories between them. And now they have one more memory. How Alex lost his ring while taking an evening beach stroll to watch a sunset. The next morning was spent raking and sifting through the sand. Only one quarter was found and that was by their son. They did have the presence of mind to inform the lifeguards who told Alex of

That were I came into the scenario.

After I received an E-mail I called Alex, asked a few pertinent questions and headed for the beach at 5:30am the next morning. I was lucky, Alex had remembered the precise area of loss and described it perfectly. However the previous night’s high tide was very high and washed all the way to the dunes. The sand was now pristine and very easy to grid. Though Alex had said the ring was most likely lost above the high tide line, the tide was coming in and I had to make a few passes at the water’s edge, just in case the ring was washed down the beach’s slope. Only an old pocket knife was retrieved from its sandy resting place. Back to the now dry sand I made another two passes and then bingo…the ring was in my scoop. Beautiful, the sun was rising over the dune, the ring had risen from its sandy spot and I was on my way to return the ring. I first called at a bit after 7am, no answer, had a cup of Dunkin’s Coffee, called again, still no answer, so I headed home. Just a few minutes later Alex returned my call. He gave me directions to his vacation home. I made the U-turn and Alex was wearing his ring about 45 minutes after I had found it.

One of the pictures below show the pair of hand made wedding bands, where they belong. The one above is for The Book of Smiles.

Ring rs

rings rs

How to a Find Lost Ring on Cape Cod – Call a Ring Finder

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Fourth of July ended with the sky rockets bright glare and a bang, as I returned Alex’s lost and found wedding band. The band had been lost the day before and no amount of searching had found it. I was called and was quick to start a search. Not wanting to get my socks wet I started the grid on the ocean side, working toward the beach which had some drainage and the tide was coming in. The search went to the second possible area as detailed by Alex who had left for a birthday party. Not finding the ring, I had no other option but to hit the drainage run-off areas. Yep, there it was about an inch deep in the center of the run-off. My feet were wet, the ring came up, the sun went down and everyone left the beach and I headed for the party. I was greeted by a houseful of wonderful family members. Entertaining stories were exchanged and pictures taken as we watched a fireworks display beyond the back yard. A fitting end for a memorable day.


Cape Cod beach holds wedding band for 5 months

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

When it is meant to be it will happen.

A call for help finding a unique wedding band came in and I went, not once but several times with no success in finding it. August, September, October, and November came and went with no sign of the ring. I was feeling that some other detectorist may have found it, With so many visiting detectorist to Cape Cod there is no way I could ever hope to hear or read of the majority of items found.

My detecting partner of 4 years took off this summer to plant his roots in Florida. Why? To get away from the cold winters and enjoy the warmer waters. Why else? Most of his family still resides in New England and I was to enjoy his company on occasion when he would come north for the holidays and family visits. Such as the case was in December. Of course we were to get some detecting time in and to look for a lost ring. Three hours and about time to leave the cold water, Dick dug his last signal for the year…it was to be Jonathan’s ring that had survived the onslaught of detectorists and my effort to locate it.

Five days later Jon showed up on my doorstep for his ring and to pose for a photo. Jon was sporting a “replacement non-precious” metal ring that he plans to wear it on all future beach adventure, leaving his special band home in a safe place. I could not have asked for a better way to end one year and start the next. Sometimes a good thing just takes a while to come together for a Happy New Year!Jon1320 JonRing1318

Mother’s wedding band lost, found and returned

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

IMG_1802ring cu


A very overcast day turned into liquid sunshine when I found Frances’ lost ring. The ring had been her mother’s and Frances was devastated when it went missing from her finger while feeding birds at the woods’ edge.

When I arrived Frances and her boyfriend had marked the area with ribbons and had been searching for hours with a rented metal detector. Their unsuccessful searching had them searching for more help. They found The Ring Finders and sent an e-mail. Within 4 hours I was at the site and with a helpful explanation of where and how the loss happened I started a search.

The edge of the woods was grassy and sloped downhill. The ground cover beyond the tree line was very low shrub growth. I really hoped the ring was not in the shrubs as I thought I would not be able to swing the detector close enough to the ground to hear a signal if I passed over the ring. I tried putting my ring on the ground under the shrubs and I could hear the ring’s presence. My hopes heightened.

I decided to search from the edge inward. On my second pass and still in the grassy area I got a signal and under a leaf was the ring.

Needless to say Frances was overwhelmed and very thankful for my help. I was very pleased that the hunt had gone so well and was over quickly as the day’s drizzle turned in more harder rain.

The picture say it all, and with a smile to boot.

Ring found in Dennis Port, Cape Cod, MA returned!

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

A visiting California detectorist, Jim, was detecting on a Cape Cod Beach when a stranger, Arty, struck up a conversation. The conversation got around to items Jim had found. Artie asked Jim if he had found a Celtic Knot wedding band. Jim had but it was not at “this” beach. However, Jim did know of one found at the beach Jim and Arty were standing on. Jim gave Arty the detectorist’s contact information and Arty passed it along to Matt, the man who had lost the ring two weeks prior.

Within some fifteen minutes I was talking to Matt who could not believe I had found the ring and wanted to return it for just a Thank You Note. Long story short a few days later I returned the ring to Matt.

The strange twist in the story Jim is on the board of directors of a company who’s President had hired Matt several years ago. It sure is a small world and the meeting of strangers and a the ring’s return was just meant to be. Call it what you like, but strange occurrences do happen for a reason believe it or not!

Matthew B  Matthew B ring

A posting by Matt:

It was Tuesday, July 22 and I was spending the day with my family at Glendon Beach (Dennis Port, MA). My friend Brian and I were throwing the football around in shallow waters when I noticed that I nearly lost my wedding ring after making a diving catch into the ocean. At this point, the normal person would have walked up to his belongings and taken the ring off but I, of course, didn’t do that!! Sure enough 3 minutes later I noticed that my ring had slipped off.

I spent nearly an hour looking for the ring and assumed it was lost forever. Later that week I ran into a lady with a metal detector and asked her if she had found a ring but no luck. Nearly two weeks later, and a day after we left the Cape, my friend Arty ran into a guy who also had a metal detector. He asked about my ring and this guy hadn’t found it either but he said it sounded ‘familiar’ to a ring his friend Rick had found at this same beach. He gave Arty a business card for the “The Ring Finders” which had Rick Browne’s contact info on it.

Shortly after Arty texted me Rick’s info I sent an email to The Ring Finders. Only 13 minutes after I hit send on that email Rick was calling my cell phone. Amazingly he had found my ring!! I thought for sure this ring was long gone and my wife and I were already considering replacement options. I cannot thank Rick and the The Ring Finders enough for finding my wedding ring!

You guys are awesome!!


New Seabury, MA lost ring – found and returned.

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

It had been two years since I was called from the New Seabury area, a very private community, to look for a lost ring. The beach area where a ring was lost was well described and I was on my way with another detectorist, the hunt was on. We arrived 15 minutes before the beach area closed and were granted access and told how to exit the beach after hours. The tide was going out, and we worked the slope to the water’s edge until we were stopped by the heavy presence of seaweed. We then walked through the band of seaweed and detected further out for another half hour.

The sun had set; it was time to leave. We set up for the last pass before being defeated. Then, right in line where we were told the ring was lost I got a signal from my detector. From under an inch of seaweed, two inches of water and 4 inches of sand a ring was caught in my scoop. Time for a happy dance; the ring was found!

A couple of days later the ring was reunited with Dana and a Happy Smiles picture was taken.

Thanks to The Ring Finders and Dana for making this story a great memory for all.

Dans Rick Dana Ring

Lost Engagement Ring Found on Beach in Eastham, Cape Cod, MA

  • from Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States)

Others using several different detectors over many hours had  search the beach area during a ten day period before I had my chance to detect  the area. In an hour and forty minutes on the beach I dug over 50 pull tabs and  bottle caps before locating the platinum ring holding onto its nine beautiful  diamonds. Somehow it had hidden from the onslaught and waited for me to unearth  it from beneath 5 inches of wet sand, just one inch above the water table. Cell  calls to Maine and frantic runs up the hill for better reception to communicate correct  information culminated in another Happy Ending with a big Smile on Nicole’s  face for my memory book. I will also cherish the wonderful hand made ceramic crab ornament and two candy dishes I was given.