Youtube Videos Category | Page 71 of 72 | The Ring Finders

Metal Detecting…Garden Gold/Wedding band

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Here is the video of the white gold wedding band I found today…

I love my job!

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Metal Detecting…Gold on the beach

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Found a white gold wedding band at the beach today at Spanish Banks in Vancouver. You can read the story on the post below…

I love my job!

Thanks for watching…

Found…Gold cat ring/Lost in the garden/North Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

The Cat Came Back!

Thanks for watching…

I love my job!

Lost something? Contact me ASAP

Treasure Hunter Chris Turner Interview / Metal Detecting / Ring Finders

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Here is a short interview on my service  »Finders » it was done by BCIT collage students for a class project.

This video takes 24 seconds before it starts.

Like I said before if the public was aware of this service I’d be searching for lost jewellery every day of the year.

I love my job!

If you’ve lost your jewellery and want it found contact me ASAP.

(Click on the HQ tab on the bottom right of the video once it starts to watch in High Quality)

Video…Metal Detecting Service/Finders

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This video is by Jason Krowe for  »Living Vancouver » its about my Jewellery Recovery Service  »Finders » here in Vancouver, BC
The hardest part of my job is getting people to know that it exists… If  »Finders » was a household name I believe I’d be doing this full time…And loving every minute of it!

There are so many people that could use this service, the only problem is I’d have to be a millionaire in order to advertise so that the public are aware of my  »Finders » company.

My next goal is to look for corporate sponsorship…Jim Pattison???

I love my job!

(Click on the HQ tab on the bottom right of the video once it starts to watch in High Quality)

Lost and Found Rings… Montage

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

We had a big snow fall this year and it was the first year I offered my service to the public in the winter time.

Here is a montage of my 2008 winter ring discoveries.

I love my job!

Click on the HQ (High Quality) tab on the bottom right of the video once it starts.

Lost in Steveston BC… White gold wedding band lost in snow.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I get a call from a young man from Steveston who lost his white gold wedding band some where in the snow.

I met up with him and we discuss the area the ring was lost at, its a big area so I have to eliminate the possibilities. We start out by his place where he was petting the neighbors dogs.

This happens a few more times down the street and around the corner as the dogs were following him. I start my search and after 11/2 hours searching in heavy snow we decide to call it quits.

That night I get a call from the young man and he said that there was an area we didn’t check that he remembered wiping the snow off his jacket and petting the dogs.

When I get there the next day the walk way was shoveled high to the side, I searched the area and no luck as the snow was even deeper then the day before.

We talked and I told him that I would come back when the snow had melted. New Years day was the day I found his ring in 4 inches of snow… It took me three visits out there and over 4 hours. He was very happy and was very kind and generous in rewarding for finding the ring.

I love my job!

You can visit my website and read his testimonial at…

Thanks for reading my stories

Make sure to click on the HQ tab on the bottom right of the video to watch in High Quality

Large white gold wedding band lost in the snow at Cypress Bowl

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This video is about a young man who was up at Cypress Bowl skiing and when he was returning home his car got stuck in the snow on the side of the road.

He jumped out and started to dig his front tire out of the snow and shortly after realized that his large white gold wedding band was gone. He spent a few hours searching the snow for his ring but gave up as it was dark and cold.

He went back the next day armed with a metal detector and determined to find his ring. Unfortunately the area he lost his ring, by the side of the road was plowed, after hours of searching with the metal detector he gave up.

When he got home he was about to post his lost ring on the craigslist when he saw my add for Ring Finders…
He called me and we met the next day, I found his ring in 5 minutes.

I love my job!

View the testimonial on my website…

Video/Lost my diamond engagement ring in Seattle…Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This video is about a young lady in Seattle who lost her diamond engagement and spent Christmas day with her family searching the front yard in the snow for her lost ring.

I received an email on Dec.26th from a lady in Seattle that lost her engagement ring outside in the snow while throwing snow balls and playing with her nephew’s.

In the email she goes on to say that she had searched all Christmas day and went online to rent a metal detector and found my website.

My first thought was to find someone in the Seattle area that could help her as it was a 3 1/2 hour drive to get to her from Vancouver Canada.

After searching my contact list and offering the search to others but because of the holidays it was impossible to find someone who could make the time.

I discussed the search with my wife and she said lets go find it for her, we left the next day in snow storm to meet up with the lady in Seattle.

This is a short video of her reaction when I found her ring…

You can read her testimonial on my website…
Look for the title…It was the worst Christmas morning when I work up and realized my engagement ring was gone…

Also checkout my blog on this story.

I love my job!

Thanks for reading my stories.

Click on the HQ tab at the bottom of this video to watch in High Quality.

Video/Lost my Diamond Rings in the Snow…Help!!!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Well Vancouver sure got lots of snow this winter and it stuck around for a while. Its March and we are still getting that white stuff, cold winter for us!

That being said I was able to help find a few rings that were lost in the snow this year and this video is about a lady that lost both diamond rings while she was shoveling her mothers driveway.

When she realized that she had lost her rings panic set in… After hours of searching and no luck she had to break the news to her husband.

You can read the full story on this blog site under…Lost my rings in the snow!Surrey BC

I love my job!

If you have lost something of sentimental value please call me and I will do my best to find it for you!

Thanks for watching the video.

Make sure to click on the HQ tab on the bottom right of the video to watch in ”Hi Quality”