Gold Wedding Ring Lost in Sand at Newport Beach, CA. .. Found

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)














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Bill gave his wife, Taylor his white gold wedding ring to hold while he went swimming in the bay at Newport Beach, CA.  Sometime during the next couple hours she had lost the ring, but they didn’t realize it was lost until they returned home. This was exactly what happened about six weeks ago, when I was able to find the same ring in the surf at a San Clemente, CA.

This time Bill knew to call me that night as soon as could. We set up a time when he could get away from his job at lunch break the next day. The area they had been that day was approximately 40 feet square. Then there was the walk to the car, something like 100 yards across the sand.

Bill had to return to work which didn’t bother me. I had what information l needed and I could take my time to do a thorough grid search. 

The beach was very clean without bothersome bottle caps and pull tabs. I was nearing the end of the main search location and it looked like my next grid would be the long walk to the parking lot. Then the sweet tone of a gold ring in my headphones. Boom! a quick dig and I had Bills wedding ring in my scoop.

Just as I was getting ready to send Bill the good news I received a text from him ..  “ Any luck? If not please forget about it.” ..  I texted Bill a photo of the ring and he called right away. It was nice to hear the joy in his voice. I was able to hold his ring for more than a week, until he was could pick it up. It’s always great to see the smile and the eyes light up when you hand the ring back to the person that thought it was lost forever.

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