Lost Silver Wedding Ring in Sand at Newport Beach .. Found with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












I was on the beach detecting about 4 miles away from Newport Beach when Mary called asking if I was available to help her husband to find his wedding band lost in the sand. She texted me the location and I met the family on a crowded portion of the beach a half hour later.

Mary’s husband Dee had been waving his hands in the air when he felt the Silver wedding band fly off his finger. All their attempts to find the ring by dragging their fingers through the sand became frustrating. Then someone on the beach told them about TheRingFinders website. 

They had contacted me in a timely manner and were able to stay in the location till I arrived. These are the kind of searches that I like and can tell them, I will find your ring.

It was a quick find. Most detectors could have found it. The problem would have been that the wrong person found the ring and had no way to find the owner. It was a pleasure to help Mary and Dee. Their visit to the beach was not upset by the loss of a sentimental keepsake.

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