Lost Gold Wedding Band Vancouver, BC...Found

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Yesterday I was on a water hunt that started in February but I had to put it aside for warmer water. Well the temperature was perfect and the water was warm but after 4 1/2 hours in the stinky the beaver pond  I sadly had no success. I put in a total of 7 1/2 hours in a relatively small area but with some difficulties. The only thing I could guess was that the ring didn’t go in the water where he thought it did…? It happens, I don’t always have success but with that said I received a call while I was wrapping up the search from a young man that needed help finding his lost wedding band at a playground.

I headed out to the park and got there before him, I started my search and within 15 minutes I found his ring!












He was extremely lucky that no one found it before us, he had lost it the day before and the following day was a hot one and lots of people at the playground even when I got there around 8pm.

The ring was found in front of the slide and visible to the eye, the good thing was that the wood chips helped camouflage the gold ring.


I love my job! If you or someone you know has lost a ring please contact a member of TheRingFinders.com ASAP


Watch Video of the search…


1 Comment »

One Reply to “Lost Gold Wedding Band Vancouver, BC…Found”

  1. Ryson Zettlemoyer dit :

    Nice Recovery Chris! Good Thing he called you when he did.

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