TheRingFinders Metal Detecting Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Kids Hearing Aid at Seymour Mountain Vancouver, BC…In the Snow

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I got the call the other night and this call I knew would be a tough search, because it was for a kids hearing aid and they are hard to find due to the little metal used to make them. I talked to Sue and she said that she was pretty sure of the location it was lost in so I said lets meet and take a look.

We were to meet the next day at 6:45 am and when we got there it was a nice day, still not light out but nice that it wasn’t snowing. I took a few detectors not expecting them to work as I’ve had some tough times with these hearing aids in the past. I noticed that the one detector wasn’t doing that good with getting a strong signal so I took out the trusted Garrett carrot and started the long process of grid searching on my hands & knees.

I told Sue that she and her husband & son should go for breakfast as it could take a few hours, before they left I asked if I could test the other hearing aid with my last detector…The Garrett AT Gold and bingo! I got a good strong signal.

I went back and started re-searching the whole area and I found it under a couple of inches of snow by a small tree!

What a great felling to know that I will be able to give it back and surprise them all…





I love my job! Lost something? Call TheRingFinders!

Lost Ring North Myrtle Beach

  • from North Myrtle Beach (South Carolina, United States)


Lost Ring, Jewelry, Keys or other valuable metallic item in North Myrtle Beach or the surrounding area?

Why rent a metal detector when you can hire a metal detecting specialist with the experience and equipment to find your lost item!

Contact Jim Wren a member of The Ring Finders, a trusted and proven Metal Detecting Service Inc.

Ring Thrown off Balcony .. Recovered .. Huntington Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Tuesday  12-23-14

I had two calls within 20 minutes Tuesday morning. Both lost rings were lost as a result of arguments with spouses and the rings were thrown. It happens more often than people like to admit. I choose to search for the one that was lost in a public area first but  had no success in locating that ring. I’m sure it was found by somebody as it was a wide open area with hardly any hiding places.

Nikki’s mother called me about the ring and neckless that Nikki had thrown off a second floor apartment. They had searched for two days finding the neckless, but the ring was still waiting to be found. Nikki was embarrassed about her actions, but helpful with her description of how she threw the ring. The neckless did fall just in front of a large boxwood shrub. Then there was a 7 foot fence separating her garden area from her neighbor’s yard. The large shrub was going to be a challenge that I wasn’t wanting to tackle.  I decided to try the neighbors yard first, because it was more detector friendly. We could eliminate that area first, although it seemed like it would be pretty far to throw a small ring. First problem was the neighbor was not home and the gate was latched from the inside. Nikki called them and was given permission to search the yard. I found a ladder that helped give me access to open the gate. It only took a few minutes to find the ring. She was very happy to have it back on her finger, but still remorseful for losing her temper. It was a ring that had belonged her spouse’s grandmother and very sentimental to both of them.

Nikki, Thank you for the reward and especially the jar of homemade salsa..

