ring finder philadelphia Tag | The Ring Finders

IPhone lost in Snow in Philadelphia, PA….Found and Returned!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

After the largest snow storm of the year dumped 6 inches of snow in Philadelphia this week…Adeep ventured out to have some fun in the deep snow drifts around his University City apartment. Unfortunately his Iphone slipped out of his pocket while playing around. His « find my iphone » app got him close to the location of the lost phone but it was clearly under the snow somewhere! He found me listed in the Ring Finders directory and several hours later I was there with my metal detector! He pointed out where he was fooling around in the snow….and where the « find my iphone » app was suggesting its location. Less than 10 minutes into search I got the signal I was looking for with my machine…moved aside about 8 inches of snow…and there was his iphone!!! Adeep was surprised and very happy that I was able to locate his lost phone so fast!

Wayne PA Lost Cartier LOVE Ring Found by Ring Finders South Jersey John Favano

  • from North Wildwood (New Jersey, United States)

Lost a ring?

Don’t Wait Call Now!


Randy reached out to me for help to find his son, Alex’s, lost 18k white gold Cartier LOVE Ring.
The ring flew off Alex’s finger while he was throwing a football to a friend on the field at Valley Forge Military Academy in Wayne, PA. I met Alex at the field and started the search where he thought it may have landed. After looking for awhile, I expanded the search farther down the field. After another 30 minutes of gridding, the ring was found!

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Find a lost ring in the grass with a metal detector.



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ring finder

metal detector service