Metal Detector Service Philadelphia PA Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Wedding Band Lost, Recovered and Returned in Fort Washington, PA!!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Received a text from Mike from the Fort Washington/Oreland, PA on a Saturday night. Earlier in the day he was getting a headstart on  a pool installation project in his backyard. After a few hours of digging a trench for the water lines he looked down and noticed his 10-year old gold wedding band was no longer on his finger! He searched for a bit but soon realized it was hopeless without the help of a metal detector…after a quick search of internet he found me in the Ring Finders Directory. I came the next day (before the Eagles Super Bowl victory!!!) and met him in his backyard. I brought 2 detectors with me….one with a small search coil to search under shrubs and one with a larger coil to cover a larger search area. After talking to Mike and him pointing out where he thinks the ring most likely fell off (in and around the muddy trench) I set to work around the muddy trench with my 6 inch coil. I had my machine set to just search out just gold ring signals…5 minutes into the search I received a beautiful signal in my headphones…honestly from doing this for so many years…without even looking I was a 100% sure this was his ring. I called Mike over and let him hear the signal and told him there it was…my machine was showing it 2-3 inches beneath the surface of the mud. I bent down and dug a little with my pinpointer and I think Mike and I both saw it at the same time ..there it was!!! Mike was surprised I found it…he thought it was a goner for sure! It’s always thrilling to be successful in a recovery operation and I was very happy I could come through for Mike!


Gold Wedding Band Lost, Recovered and Returned in Broomall, PA!!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Received an afternoon call from Mark seeking assistance in finding his beautiful and ornate gold wedding band. In speaking with him on the phone he shared that he felt his ring fly off his finger while unfurling a hose in his front yard a month earlier. Apparently he and his family had spent countless hours searching for the ring and even purchased a metal detector in hopes of finding it. It finally dawned on them that they might need to hire a professional…so they consulted the Ring Finder directory. I met Mark the following day at his home in Broomall, PA…he walked me to his front yard and showed me the area where he was convinced the ring was lost. Despite them searching for hours and using a cheap metal detector over the course of a month…I had no doubt that i would find the ring if it was there. Let me just say that a gold ring on the surface has a very unique and powerful signal on a detector…any experienced detectorist would recognize it immediately…so i didn’t pay much attention to all the other signals I was getting on my machine…I was hyper focused on a surface gold ring signal. Well…8 minutes into the search I finally heard the signal I was focused on….sure enough I reached down into the high grass with my pinpointer and there it was!!! When I showed Mark where I found it he was dumbfounded…he scoured that exact area with his eyes and the metal detector. I was so happy to be able to reunite Mark with his lost wedding band….he told me that it’s inscribed with his wedding date and initials and it has been with him for 45 years.

White Gold Wedding Band Lost, Found and Returned in Willow Grove, PA!!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Received a text from Edward after he found me in The Ring Finders directory. He was raking and bagging leaves at his home in the Willow Grove, PA area when he noticed his ring had fallen off. He searched for hours and even purchased a metal detector to try to find the ring himself….but no luck. He decided to consult with an expert and i promptly met him at his home the next day. I told him on the phone the day before to not throw away any of the bags of leaves that he collected. When i got there…I noticed that he poured the contents of all the leaf bags into one large pile….but he said he and his wife went through it all already. I turned my machine on….after 2 or 3 swings over the leaf pile…I received a signal in my headphones that was an obvious surface gold ring! Bent down with my pin pointer and after a total search time of 1 minute I picked up his ring! He couldn’t believe it but the relief on his face was priceless!


Gold Wedding Band Lost, Recovered & Returned in Yardley, PA!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Received a Saturday afternoon text from Joel regarding his lost gold wedding band. We immediately got on the phone and he told me he was working with his garden hose in his backyard the day before when he felt the ring slip off is finger while pulling the hose from the storage wheel. He was convinced it fell right there in the 3-4 inch high grass….he searched for hours on hands/knees, raked the area and even bought a metal detector on amazon….but he could not find it! He mentioned his lost ring to a friend….and it turns out I had found that friends lost ring with my metal detector several years prior. So they tracked me down and I got the call. I met Joel at his house the same day he texted me…he was surprised at my confidence when I said I would find his ring in less than 5 minutes….turned out it took me 6 minutes! I was happy to be able to return his ring to him!

Massive gold signet ring lost, recovered and returned in Wallingford, PA

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

John reached out to me after finding me in the Ring Finder directory. He was looking for help in finding his 60 year old gold signet ring that came up  missing at his Wallingford, PA home after a day raking leaves. After considering buying or renting a detector himself he decided to hire a pro instead. I met John at his home the next day and he shared the details of where he was working in his yard. After a quick demonstration of my machine to prove to him I would not miss his ring if I scan over it…I went to work. He thought the ring most likely fell off in the front yard…so I started my search there…no luck. Off to the back yard we went…still no luck. Ok…time to step up my game! Back to the front yard with an expanded search…BOOM! I got that glorious gold surface tone in my headphones…I look down and there was his beautiful, massive gold ring! I called out to John who was sitting nearby…I was so happy to see the big smile on his face when he saw his ring in my hand!


20 Year Fireman Service Ring recovered in Philadelphia Creek

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Received a call from Susan on 11/28/2017 desperately looking for help in finding a friends lost 20 year fireman service ring. Susan was calling on behalf of her friend Joe…a retiree and former fireman. It turns out Susan runs and operates a hot dog cart(great hot dogs and sausages!) right outside Pennypacker Park on Pine Road in Philadelphia, PA and her and Joe have enjoyed a somewhat regular routine of feeding the ducks in the creek. I met Susan at the park on Friday 12/1/2017 and she told me in detail what she though might have happened to the ring and walked me through the area of interest. As It turns out…they don’t even go into the park…they walk down the street on the curb and drop bread over the side of a small bridge to the hungry ducks below. Susan conveyed to me that she and Joe thought that the ring most likely slipped off his finger while throwing bread to ducks the previous Sunday. In looking at the area I was optimistic in that it was not a large search area and the water was shallow…but it is December in Pennsylvania and while i remembered my waders I forgot my long handled scoop! Thankfully the temperature was in mid 50’s so not too bad.

I searched with my Garrett AT Pro for about an hour in the area below the brige…about a 25 square yard area in the middle of the creek where Susan had pointed me to. Quite a few healthy signals that got my heart racing but just some shotgun shells and caps/tabs…the ring was described to me as being the size of a « superbowl » ring so I knew it would ring up strong if  I passed over it. After an hour,  with some freezing hands/arms from reaching in water, I decided to get out and walk back up to bridge and look down again to confirm my search grid was accurate. While on bridge looking down, Susan joined me and we talked through again the whole duck feeding routine. She mentioned that Joe didn’t like to forget the female ducks who were a little more timid and congregated in a very shallow corner close to the bank…an area that I had not detected.

Back into the water I went. After 3 minutes in this new area… I sort of saw something in muddy sand before running my machine over it. What a satisfying mid tone my detector announced….It was in 3 inches of water! And there it was!!!!

I very happily got out of water and removed my waders and stowed my gear. Susan was manning her cart and busy with customers so I patiently waited till she was free before opening my hand and showing her the ring. Joe was at a doctors appointment but Susan immediately got home on phone and I had the honor of telling him I found his ring. I thanked him for his service and told him I was extremely happy that I was able to return his ring to him!