lost jewelry Tag | Page 83 of 84 | The Ring Finders

Diamond Ring for her 16th Birthday…Lost at Kits Beach, Vancouver.

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

A few years back I get a call from a young lady who lost her diamond ring that was given to her on her 16th birthday from her parents.

She was at the beach in Vancouver (Kits Beach) enjoying the hot summers day and playing some volleyball, after the game she sat down and had a drink of water and shortly after realized that her ring was gone.

When I arrived at the beach she showed me the area that she was playing volleyball, it was a makeshift area that they made so they could play as the courts were full. It was getting dark and I didn’t think it would be to hard of a search as she thought she knew the area it was lost in. I started my search and after an hour and a half no ring.

The reason was the area was full of metal, parts of tin cans and nails all kinds of crap! I packed it up and told her that I’d be back in the morning before I went to work.

Early the next morning I could see where I left off and continued my grid search. I had to dig everything as it was so full of garbage and I didn’t want to miss it, after another hour and a half I started to think that the ring wasn’t there, and then bang! There it was, in my sand scoop! I called the owner and told her that I found the ring and she and her parents were very grateful.

I love my job!

Visit my website… www.lostjewellery.com

Lost Bling on Kits Beach Vancouver!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call one summer’s night from a young lady that lost her gold heart shaped diamond pendent at the beach while she was playing volleyball.

It was dark out by the time I arrived at Kits Beach in Vancouver, that doesn’t matter to me as I’ve spent many a night searching the beaches.

We meet and discuss the area that she believed the pendent came off, I start my grid search and within 10 minutes I found the heart shaped diamond Bling!

For some reason I was thinking small… When it was in my sand scoop it was huge! You can tell by the smile that she was happy to get it back.

This was a simple search due to the size of the pendent, if it was a smaller size it would of taken a little longer to find.

I love my job!

Visit my website: www.lostjewellery.com

Ocean Diamond Lost in sand, Kits Beach, Vancouver

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

This is a story about a young lady who lost her diamond engagement ring and wedding band that were soldered together, last year at the beach while putting suntan lotion on her son.
This was a tough one as it was a large area that I had to search, also we had to wait for the low tide to be right in order to get out far enough to search for it, and that was a week after the ring was lost.
As I set out to meet the lady and search for her ring on a beautiful sunny day, my truck broke down about five blocks away from the beach… I had it towed to a repair shop and I walked to the beach.
I met the lady at the beach and she gave me the area it could be lost in, I started my grid search and after 11/2 hours… still no ring.
I asked if it could be out a little further then my grid that I did and she said it could be.
I extend the grid further out and I was under pressure as the tide would be making its way back in shortly.
Within 5 minutes I received a good signal, as I bend down and scooped up the sand I could see the glint of gold in the bottom of the scoop.
Just then the lady who was about 15 yards away looked at me and yelled… Is that my ring!
I walked to the waters edge and cleaned the ring off and held it up and said, I believe it is.
I’m sure you could hear the screams of joy for miles! Wish I would of had a video camera to show you the reaction…
I love my job!
You can read the ladies testimonial on my website… www.lostjewellery.com
(Look for the ring on the testimonial page).
Thanks for reading my story

Steveston BC/First ring of 2009/Happy New Year!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Its snowing out and cold and I get a call to search for a man’s lost wedding band here in Vancouver. We meet and he takes me to an area where he was at a house party, he tells me that he walked out of the house to the street and flagged a cab.

I search this area to no avail and then he tells me he walked eight blocks home… Realistically we both knew there is no chance, he doesn’t know where or when it came off his finger.

I’m on my way home and I get another call that a man lost his white gold wedding band out in Steveston. I head off in the snow to meet this young man and hopefully find his ring.

When I get there he tells me that he came out of his place and was greeted by a couple of the neighbors dogs, he was petting the dogs and walking down the street where he stopped and petted them some more.

Then he carried on up the road to a restaurant for breakfast, when he was in the restaurant and waiting for his wife he noticed that his ring was gone…

After hours of searching the neighborhood with the help of everyone who was out playing in the snow, he gave up and went inside.

He told me within minutes he was on his computer searching for a way to find his ring. He typed ”I lost my ring in the snow” and up comes a testimonial from a man who had his ring found by a treasure hunter who has a service called ”Finders”

His first thought was there’s no way this service is here in Vancouver… To his surprise it was.

He showed me the area that he first was petting the dogs… no ring. I did a grid search up the street to the second location he petted the dogs… no ring. After a few hours and heavy snowfall we decide to call it a day.

That evening he called to see if I’d come back to search an area that we didn’t check. The next day I drive back out to continue the search, the hardest part is when the person isn’t sure where the ring came off, but he felt strongly about an area that we didn’t search the day before.

The walkway and area where he believed it could be had been shoveled and piled up high on the side. I started searching in the deep powder as the snow was soft and easy to search, but it was deep in spots and some places were too built up to search.

A few hours and no ring, are we in the right spot? The young man was thankful for my help and rewarded me both times I came out to search, which was so incredibly kind as I didn’t find his ring.

A couple of weeks go bye, I believe it was New Years Day, I called him to see if I could do a follow up as the snow had melted, he agreed to meet me.

We check all the smaller snow piles and no ring, we went back to the area that we checked the last time I was there and on the side of the walkway where the snow was piled up I got a good strong signal.

As I bent down to search the snow, I told him this signal sounded good and out pop his hammered white gold ring! I felt so happy for him, I get as excited as the people I find it for, I just don’t show it.

He had a good hunch that the ring would be in this area and he was right!

I love my Job!

You can read the testimonial at www.lostjewellery.com

Just look for this ring…

Visit my Youtube page at… https://www.youtube.com/user/TurnersTreasureTeam

Thanks for reading my story.

Search and we will Find

Spanish Banks Vancouver Beach hunt for lost diamond ring…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I received a call from a young man one evening last year in the summer of 2008. He was at the beach in Vancouver playing volleyball with his team, that would meet every Wednesday throughout the summer months.

He said his wife & child came to the beach to watch his game and to enjoy the beautiful day. His wife left for home before his game was over and shortly after arriving home she noticed her diamond wedding ring was gone.

The only thing she could think of was it came off when she was applying the suntan lotion to her child. Very upset she called her husband and told him to check by log where she was sitting during the game.

He rushed over and started to search the area by the log but didn’t see anything. He started to dig all around the area but had no luck, a lifeguard who happened by asked what he was looking for, and he replayed, my wife’s diamond ring.

The lifeguard said he knew someone who could help him find the ring, a service called ”Finders” He went to the lifeguard tower and brought him a flyer with the info and number.

Believing he could still find the ring himself he kept searching until it was dark, he then resorted to calling the number on the flyer.

When I arrived at the beach around 10 pm, it was dark out and I could see someone off in the distance with a flashlight searching around a log… I knew I had my man! As I approached I said hi and called out his name, then I said if you find the ring I’m selling my metal detectors and hiring you!

The area that the ring was lost in is one of the hardest areas to search, due to all the beach fires, melted aluminum and junk, that’s in the sand. It drives my detector crazy.

After a very slow search and reading the many signals on my visual display of my metal detector, I was able to find the ring after 15 minutes. On any other part of the beach it would of taking only minutes to find.

He was very happy to get the ring back and so was his wife!

I love my Job!

You can read the testimonial at www.lostjewellery.com
Just look for this ring…

Visit my Youtube page at… https://www.youtube.com/user/TurnersTreasureTeam

Thanks for reading my story.

Search and we will Find

Lost ring with 44 diamonds at English Bay Beach…Where can you be?

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

A few years ago I received a call from a young lady who lost her custom made ring with 44 diamonds. She told me she was at English Bay Beach, after work I met up with her to go over the area were she believed the ring was lost.

As I arrived at the beach and met the lady, she showed me where she was swimming and where she believed the ring came off. She was lined up with the floating dock when she realized the ring was gone, this gave me a good line on how to judge the area when the tide was low enough to search. I knew that the dock would move approximately 40 feet with the slack.

I walked with her and discussed the area of the lost ring and knowing the time and the water level she lost it in, I had to hit a very low tide to have a chance to find this ring.

As we talked more she told me that she was leaving the next day to go back home to Austria. She gave me 100 Euros and told me to keep it for my time and effort for helping her find the ring. I told her I’d do the best I could, and I would keep her updated on the search.

I had to wait a week to the tides were low enough to give me a chance to get out to the ring, I started my search of the area. I did a slow grid search up & down the beach for hours and found no ring.

The next day I returned and did a grid search in the same area but this time I crossed the grid. I found nothing and spent more then 3 hours searching. I felt confided it wasn’t in the area that I did the cross grid in, so the next thing to do was re-think the area.

Could it of been further out or closer in? The next 3 visits to the area produced no ring, just change, pull tabs, and other junk. Where could this ring be? Knowing how large of an area the ring could be lost in, and how long it took me to do my grid search, this could take a very long time.

I’m usually very successful at recovery lost jewellery for people and I don’t like to give up, but I felt it was best to offer other treasure hunters a chance to find this ring and make the 100 Euros before the ring disappeared into the sand forever. I posted the lost ring and the location on my website Finders.

I contacted a few treasure hunting friends that I know and told them to spread the word. After my many searches and close to two months with others searching now, no sight of the ring.

Then one day I got a call from a local treasure hunter I know asking if the ring had been found, I said not yet. He asked how many diamonds were in the ring, I told him 44, he said his friend found it the other day!

Close to three months later the ring was found by a treasure hunter named… Jerry Russell. What a great guy to turn the ring over to me in order for me to return it to it’s owner! I was honored to give him the 100 Euros!

We met at the beach and he showed me where he’d found the ring, it was no where close to where the lady thought it was lost, and where I and other were searching. The ring had come off her finger close to the shoreline, almost as soon as she started her swim.

As she was swimming, and when she saw her ring was gone, that was where she believed it was lost. In actuality it was lost much sooner!

Are metal detectorist finding rings at the beaches? Yes they are! And most are great people who want to help find the owners of the rings, because they know how much it means to them!

I love my Job!

You can read the testimonial atwww.lostjewellery.com
Just look for this ring…

Visit my Youtube page at… https://www.youtube.com/user/TurnersTreasureTeam

Thanks for reading my story.

Search and we will Find

Tungsten Carbide Ring Found at Jericho Beach… Is it yours?

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I went out the other night at a low tide on one of our local beaches(Jericho Beach) to do a little metal detecting. As I was waiting for the tide to go out I decided to search the dry sand, I received a faint signal and scooped up a Tonnie (Canadian $2.00 coin) that was deep down in the sand.
After digging a few more targets I received another faint signal, this one was deep as it took me three scoops to get it out. It was a ring! It was heavy! But what kind was it… White Gold, Platinum, Silver? None of the above!

This was a first for me in the ring department, its a Tungsten Carbide Ring. Reading up on it, they are becoming very popular and commonly used as a wedding band.

Its a very heavy ring and very smooth, due to the depth it was found at, I’d say 12 inches or more, it makes me believe that it was lost last summer or the summer before.

I like this ring and I’d like to find its owner! The hardest part is just that! Finding the owner. Who ever lost this ring has given up now, who knows, he could of been visiting Vancouver.

Three other items of interest I found that night…

1st… A hat badge from…”The Seaforth Highlanders” Gaelic writing… Cuidich ‘n Rich (Save the King)

2nd… Commemorative Medallion, its hard to make this one out as it was so corroded, on the front is a picture of what looks to be a miner. Alaska Pacific Yukon Exposition 1909 Seattle USA, On the back I can only make out the words… Alaska Nugget. After researching this on the internet, it was Seattle’s First Worlds Fair.

3rd… Along with all the change I found that night, I also found a United States Silver 1880 (One Dime)… Bad shape as its been in the sand for a long time.

Thanks for reading my story!

Visit my website… www.lostjewellery.com

Visit my Youtube page… https://www.youtube.com/user/TurnersTreasureTeam

Search and we will Find

Help find my Diamond Ring at 3rd Beach…Leaving tomorrow!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

A couple of years ago during the summer months I got a call from a man who said that his wife lost her diamond ring at the beach. He said they had spent hours searching for it and someone told them to get a flyer at the lifeguard tower for this finder guy who will come out and help them…

Would you be the finder guy he said in an English accent on the phone… I replied yes that would be me. He told me about the lost ring and gave me the location, I grabbed my detector and headed to the beach.

When I arrived at the location I saw people kicking the sand and looking around, I was greeted by a man and woman who were very happy to see me. They told me they were from London, and they were leaving tomorrow to go home.

They were a very nice couple and had made friends very quickly with the people on the beach as most of them were busy searching for the ring. I listened to the story about how the ring was lost and where, she had taken the ring off and put it on the blanket so not to lose it when she went in for a swim.

Before they were leaving she picked up the blanket to shake off the sand… Ring goes flying! OK I have the idea now where the ring can be, I start my grid search of the area and find the usual garbage, pull – tabs, bottle caps, some change.

Every signal I get, gives the lady hope then she gets depressed when I show her a pull tab. I heard people on the beach telling her… he’ll find it don’t worry!

After extending my search further out and across I received a good signal, I bent down and scoop up the sand and at the bottom of my scoop this time is the glimmer of diamonds, as I pulled out the ring she gave a little scream and the people on the beach started cheering. That was a first for me!

They were very happy and I could tell how relieved she was to have the ring back on her finger, It took 10 minutes to find, for her it felt like a lifetime.

I love my Job!

Thanks for reading my story.


(Search and we will Find)

Shaughnessy Vancouver, Midnight Diamond Ring Discovery

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

I get call a few years back when I was at work, this young lady tells me that she just lost her diamond ring while wiping the snow off the car window.

She goes on to say that it was a three Layer White gold wedding band with 30 small diamonds, ten in each band.

Unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to get out to her place to search for it until I was finished work, and that would be late as I work in the film industry and our hours are long.

She decides to search for it herself and call me back if she doesn’t find it. She and her neighbors search for hours in the snow between the road and sidewalk where her car was parked.

Later in the day with no luck she called around and found a metal detector to rent. After hours of searching and no luck she called me back later that day.

I told her that I would get there as soon as I could after I got off work, and that I had to go home first to get my metal detector .

I arrived at her place shortly after midnight, she showed me the area that she had searched and it was pretty easy to tell as the snow was packed down from everyone walking on it and searching for the ring.

After listening to where she believed the ring had flown off her finger and landed, that’s where I began my search. I think she was so frustrated from searching all day that she started to believe that the ring wasn’t there. It took me appoxatmently 3 minutes to find her ring, she was ecstatic!

I love my job!

My website… www.lostjewellery.com

Visit my Youtube page at… https://www.youtube.com/user/TurnersTreasureTeam

Thanks for reading my story.

Search and we will Find

White Rock Beach in February…

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Here’s a beach I searched just for fun the other day, no rings but keys and lots of change. Last year around this time I found a beautiful diamond ring for a lady that lost it off the pier into the water below.

This is a beach that our parents took us to every weekend in the summer time, when we were kids. What makes this beach so difficult to search is that it’s such a big beach and the tide goes out a very long way… Making it hard to concentrate on a specific area where lots of people gather.

Searching the area around the pier is where you will have a chance to find rings & coins. That being said get ready to dig many pennies as I believe people make a wish and toss it into the water.

As I was searching the beach on Feb.4th near the end of the day, I was blessed with this amazing sun set! I love the search for hidden & buried treasure and I treasure this world we live in…