Metal detecting service available to help you find your lost ring or other precious metallic jewelry.. 949-500-2136
…. Mark was attending a company beach party at Dockwieler State Beach with more than 25 coworkers. They had a friendly volleyball competition where Mark’s gold wedding band flew off his finger. He immediately knew when it came off and it went directly into the sand.
For the next few hours several of his colleagues tried to find the ring in the sand. Mark did realize that he would have a better chance to find his wedding ring, if he rented a metal detector. Little did he know, this beach is a highly mineralized sand. Most metal detectorists avoid this area like the plaque.
Mark could not find a place to rent a metal detector but he did find my contact information on a google search. After hearing his story, I was able to make sure he could be there when I got to beach.
The party was still in progress when I arrived. Everyone was excited to see me find the ring that they had attempted to find. Mark showed me where he was standing as he took a powerful swing at the volleyball. There was a lot of frustrating small signals but I was sure the gold ring would be much stronger. After a doing three cross grids two hours had passed. It was dark and all the people had gone home.
Just Mark and I were the only persons on the beach. This simple search was beginning to look like a “no find”. As a last resort, I went 90 degrees from the spot where Mark hit the ball approximately 40 feet outside the right side boundary lines. My thoughts were if this was unsuccessful, I would have to go back to my car to get a different detector that might be more efficient in this highly trashy/ mineralized sand. THEN ! Boom, a great signal there in my scoop was Mark’s wedding ring. I found the ring on the first couple passes outside the area where the ring was most unlikely to be. I did waist some time going over the primary search location three times. Only because it was unstable with a lot of false signals. We often say, “Don’t Forget To Search Outside the Box.” Lately I have more respect for rings recoveries in volleyball courts. Rings lost playing volleyball can go a lot further and in unpredictable directions.. This was certainly a good example of searching outside the box.
“I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “ … For your best chance of a recovery, Call Now .. 949-500-2136