A few years ago I received a call from a young lady who lost her custom made ring with 44 diamonds. She told me she was at English Bay Beach, after work I met up with her to go over the area were she believed the ring was lost.
As I arrived at the beach and met the lady, she showed me where she was swimming and where she believed the ring came off. She was lined up with the floating dock when she realized the ring was gone, this gave me a good line on how to judge the area when the tide was low enough to search. I knew that the dock would move approximately 40 feet with the slack.
I walked with her and discussed the area of the lost ring and knowing the time and the water level she lost it in, I had to hit a very low tide to have a chance to find this ring.
As we talked more she told me that she was leaving the next day to go back home to Austria. She gave me 100 Euros and told me to keep it for my time and effort for helping her find the ring. I told her I’d do the best I could, and I would keep her updated on the search.
I had to wait a week to the tides were low enough to give me a chance to get out to the ring, I started my search of the area. I did a slow grid search up & down the beach for hours and found no ring.
The next day I returned and did a grid search in the same area but this time I crossed the grid. I found nothing and spent more then 3 hours searching. I felt confided it wasn’t in the area that I did the cross grid in, so the next thing to do was re-think the area.
Could it of been further out or closer in? The next 3 visits to the area produced no ring, just change, pull tabs, and other junk. Where could this ring be? Knowing how large of an area the ring could be lost in, and how long it took me to do my grid search, this could take a very long time.
I’m usually very successful at recovery lost jewellery for people and I don’t like to give up, but I felt it was best to offer other treasure hunters a chance to find this ring and make the 100 Euros before the ring disappeared into the sand forever. I posted the lost ring and the location on my website Finders.
I contacted a few treasure hunting friends that I know and told them to spread the word. After my many searches and close to two months with others searching now, no sight of the ring.
Then one day I got a call from a local treasure hunter I know asking if the ring had been found, I said not yet. He asked how many diamonds were in the ring, I told him 44, he said his friend found it the other day!
Close to three months later the ring was found by a treasure hunter named… Jerry Russell. What a great guy to turn the ring over to me in order for me to return it to it’s owner! I was honored to give him the 100 Euros!
We met at the beach and he showed me where he’d found the ring, it was no where close to where the lady thought it was lost, and where I and other were searching. The ring had come off her finger close to the shoreline, almost as soon as she started her swim.
As she was swimming, and when she saw her ring was gone, that was where she believed it was lost. In actuality it was lost much sooner!
Are metal detectorist finding rings at the beaches? Yes they are! And most are great people who want to help find the owners of the rings, because they know how much it means to them!
I love my Job!
You can read the testimonial atwww.lostjewellery.com
Just look for this ring…
Visit my Youtube page at… https://www.youtube.com/user/TurnersTreasureTeam
Thanks for reading my story.
Search and we will Find