If you lose a piece of jewelry in the surf call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. It’s not lost forever. Call or Text 949-500-2136 .. Also you can email .. stan@metaldetectorman.com .. timing is important so call or text is preferred.
***Jonathon and Vanessa had been at the the Huntington City Beach RV camping spot for the weekend. Vanessa took a walk on the beach to hunt for sea shells, while reaching down to pick up a shell at the tide line, her gold diamond wedding ring set slipped off her finger. Before she could grab the ring, a wave washed over the spot and the ring disappeared immediately..
i received a frantic call from Vanessa asking for help. we discussed the circumstances of her loss while looked at the tide chart. I told her we had a chance to find the ring as the tide receded. Even though the tide was rising I would be there soon to confirm the location, which is very important.
Jonathon was there to meet me. He had the area marked off with sticks and a couple soft drink cans. I wasn’t going to leave because the tide drops about one foot per hour this time of the year. I would just grid about a 20’x 40′ then leave to for a half hour to search for other treasures. About an hour and a half later, BOOM! diamond ring set in the scoop. I walked a couple hundred yards across the sand to their camp site with the good news. Jonathon was there to get the surprise, he told me, he doubted the the rings could be found. We waited Vanessa to return from her trip to the store.
Jonathon and his friends were all present to watch her reaction when he held up the wedding ring set that she believed was lost forever.. a side note, while waiting for the tide to go down, I found two other rings and a hand full of clad coins.
Stan the Metal Detector Man is ready to help you now. Call for information or help to find your lost keepsake.. Stan 949-500-2136 … “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “