. metal detector man Los Angeles Caliif Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost Silver Ring Found and Returned to Grateful Owner.. Cresent Bay, Laguna Beach, CA.

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Metal Detector Man available to help you now.. Call or text   949-500-2136

*** Lost Silver Ring at Cresent Bay, Laguna Beach, CA. was found afterJack gave up searching and called a professional ringfinder. Jack had taken his ring off setting it in his baseball cap when he went swimming. His friend move the beach towels further up on the beach while Jack was body surfing. The big silver ring fell somewhere in the sand.

Jack had heard that there was a mobile metal detecting service in the Orange County area. A quick Google search gave him my contact information.

We met at Cresent Bay shortly after he called and 15 minutes later he had his ring back where it belongs.

Diamond Stud Earring Lost in Sand Recovered with Metal Detector, Southern California Beach

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)


If you need help finding a lost piece of jewelry call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. Call or Text .. 949-500-2136

… Robert and Monique were at Balboa Pier which is located in the city of Newport Beach, CA. Monique dropped her gold diamond stud earring in the sand.

After frantically search by hand with no success, Robert contacted me asking for help. I did tell him there was a possibility that it may be difficult to find with a metal detector because some stud earrings don’t have enough metal.

I do have a special detector that has settings that work well for small gold and I carry  sifting equipment if necessary.

This search was successful using my high frequency metal detector settings. Thankfully it was not buried too deep in the sand after all their attempts to find it.

This was an hierloom past down from a relative and irreplaceable. I always feel good after these small metal recoveries because they can be difficult to find.

Call now for prompt response to recover your lost ring or othe metallic keepsake . I WILL TRY ANYWHERE .. Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

Small Silver Pendant Lost in Grass at a Home in Bellflower, CA. Found by Stan the Metal Detector Man

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

Metal Detecting Service anywhere in SoCal  cities.. call or text for prompt a professional metal detecting expert .. Stan the Metal Detector Man.. 949-500-2136
** Rob called me asking for help to check his lawn for a lost silver religious pendant. He had been given this pendant to repair for a friend. When  he returned home, he  believed it slipped from his hand as he was carrying bags from his car to the house.

He was calling me from work and could not meet me at his home in Bellflower, CA. His aunt Vicki would be there to meet me. She showed me where he normally parks his car. After a short time, I was able to find the pendant in the grass.

Call or Text now for service or information of how a metal detecting service can help you.. 929-500-2136. Your privacy is important to me.

Lost Diamond Wedding Ring Set in Surf.. Huntington Beach, CA. Found at Lowtide with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)

If you lose a piece of jewelry in the surf call Stan the Metal Detector Man .. It’s not lost forever. Call or Text 949-500-2136 .. Also you can email .. stan@metaldetectorman.com .. timing is important so call or text is preferred.

***Jonathon and Vanessa had been at the the Huntington City Beach RV camping spot for the weekend. Vanessa took a walk on the beach to hunt for sea shells, while reaching down to pick up a shell at the tide line, her gold diamond wedding ring set slipped off her finger. Before she could grab the ring, a wave washed over the spot and the ring disappeared immediately..

i received a frantic call from Vanessa asking for help. we discussed the circumstances of her loss while looked at the tide chart. I told her we had a chance to find the ring as the tide receded. Even though the tide was rising I would be there soon to confirm the location, which is very important.

Jonathon was there to meet me. He had the area marked off with sticks and a couple soft drink cans. I wasn’t going to leave because the tide drops about one foot per hour this time of the year. I would just grid about a 20’x 40′ then leave to for a half hour to search for other treasures. About an  hour and a half later, BOOM! diamond ring set in the scoop. I walked a couple hundred yards across the sand to their camp site with the good news. Jonathon was there to get the surprise, he told me, he doubted the the rings could be found. We waited Vanessa to return from her trip to the store.

Jonathon and his friends were all present to watch her reaction when he held up the wedding ring set that she believed was lost forever.. a side note, while waiting for the tide to go down, I found two other rings and a hand full of clad coins.

Stan the Metal Detector Man is ready to help you now. Call for information or help to find your lost keepsake.. Stan 949-500-2136 … “I WILL TRY ANYWHERE “

Lost Gold Wedding Ring in the Sand at Hermosa Beach, CA.. Found by Metal Detector Man

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)














If you lost your ring in the sand call ”Stan the Metal Detector Man ” now.. 949-500-2136 .. ..

**** Patrick and Scott live at Hermosa Beach, CA. they often relax on sand to watch the waves and sunset. Patrick put his gold ring safely on his watch band. Scott left his ring at their home for safekeeping.

While sitting on the beach, Patrick decided to adjust his watch band because it was too tight. Then the unexpected happen. His very sentimental gold wedding band slipped into the dry sand. They saw exactly where it went into the sand. Finger searching was not successful. They went back to house to get digging and sifting tools. Again the search was beginning to look futile.

I passerby saw them searching the sand and recommended they google TheRingFinders for a metal detector specialist. They called me and we met on the beach before the incoming high tide reached the area of the loss. I was surprised by the how they had scooped a perfect flat spot 8ft by 10ft piling the lose sand to each side. 

I set up my detector beginning a grid search. A short time later the ring was recovered in the side of their excavation zone in a pile of sand the removed. They had actually dug the ring throwing to the side of the spot it was dropped in the sand. Patrick was elated and very relieved to have original wedding ring recovered. Also he was beating himself up for even bringing it onto the beach. Look a the smiles, they are real!


 ”I WILL TRY ANYWHERE ” Available Now ..  Call or Text  Stan.. 949-500-2136

Lost Car Key Fob in Sand at San Clemente, CA. Beach .. Found with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)












Metal Detector Man .. Mobile Detecting Service available to help you now …. 949-500-2136

**** After a day at a local San Clemente, CA. beach, Justin and his family had discovered his car key fob was missing. The last they saw of them was when their 5 year old son was playing with them.

Justin thought his wife took them from their son. His wife thought Justin had taken the fob from then son. Nevertheless the keys were missing somewhere in the sand.

A passerby saw them searching for the missing key fob and told them about TheRingFinders. After he called me, agreeing to stay in the location, I met him a little more than a half hour later. 

It was a 25’x 25’ spot. The usual bottle caps and small metal trash. As I was running out of search area when I got a deep weak signal. I dug more than 12” deep to my surprise it was the car key fob. Usually they are just below the surface, but the youngster must have been burying pirate treasure. Who knows, just happy for a successful search and recovery.


I WILL TRY ANYWHERE” Call or text Stan the Metal Detector Man .. 949-500-2136

Platinum Diamond Ring Lost in Sand.. Sunset Beach, CA. .. Found with Metal Detector

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)
















Stan the Metal Detector Man.. Call Now..  949-500-2136 

**** Mila called me from Sunset Beach, CA. asking for assistance to find her platinum and diamond ring. The ring came off her finger as she jestured with a flick of her hand. It went directly into the dry sand disappearing immediately. 

She and her friend spent an hour feeling through the sand realizing it was going to be impossible to find the small ring in the sand. They also had to a very important appointment across town in just a few hours.

Mila told me she could be at the location till I arrived. From what she told me, I assured her we could find the ring in a short time. It was just a half hour drive and a short walk to the beach. I set up my detector and within a few minutes we had the beautiful platinum diamond ring back on Mila’s finger where it belongs.

 Mobile Metal Detecting Service …. Call with any questions ..  Stan…  949-500-2136