Macain and his extended family where celebrating his Grandmothers 80th birthday. While enjoying the water his wedding ring dropped off his finger. He, his wife and brothers searched as best they could with snorkel gear and feeling the sandy bottom with hands and feet with no success. They texted Pensacola Ring Finders facebook page and I responded back that I would be happy to help. When I arrived everyone was having a grand time, kids running around and family and friends enjoying Grandmother birthday. I got to meet Granny and wished her a wonderful birthday. She was in great health and I enjoyed our conversation. Macain’s ring was lost in shallow water between two docks and didn’t take long to find, about 45 minutes. Macain and his wife are newly weds so the recovery of the ring meant a bunch to them. When I found it I held it up in the air to show them, they immediately stood and rushed to the dock. The news of Macain’s found ring rapidly moved amount the family and friends. Very exciting! On my way to leave, the family Matriarch, Granny, came up and thanked me, that meant a lot to me.
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