Platinum Ring Lost in Surf at Manhattan Beach, CA. .. Found and Returned

  • from Newport Beach (California, United States)














Important to call as soon as possible if you lose a ring in a public place … 949-500-2136

**** Luke called me as I was stuck in traffic on one our famous freeways in Los Angeles, CA. His platinum wedding band flew off his finger into to the surf when he threw a football to his brother. He said, he had the area well marked but the tide was rising.

The tide was rising and I was not far away. The problem was traffic was so bad that it would be more than an hour till I could get to him. There were no other options. I assured him if I could get the location while he was still there, we still had a chance to find the ring even if I had to comeback at the next low tide.

When I arrived Luke and his friends were  directly in front of the location. One of Luke’s friends had actually stepped off 30 ft. to where he saw it land in the water. By now the waves were surging up the slope fairly powerful. I still go a great strong signal in knee deep water. Put my sand scoop in and retrieved Luke’s platinum wedding band. He was elated, as were all of us. Luke was happy that it was found before he took off for Salt Lake City the next morning.

One factor that made this a successful search was he had been standing in the surf while throwing the ball and he was actually throwing the ball towards the top of the beach, so it landed away from the deeper water. I guess we gained a little time before the tide took over the spot.



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