Lost ring found with metal detector, Belle Isle, Florida...returned to happy owner!

  • from Sanford (Florida, United States)

Mike’s Emergency Metal Detecting Service just for you in your time of need!  Don’t wait…call ASAP…321-363-6029!

Daniel and his friends were playing soccer at one of  Orlando’s local parks and in the heat of the game he fell and twisted his ankle.  And as it was very warm out and the humidity was high his hands were not only sweaty but now they were full of grass and sand!  Having been married for only 1 year he was in the habit of wearing it all the time and also had a habit of feeling it with his thumb and spinning it…and he said it was a bit loose as well.  He had no idea that it would come off so easy and when he stood up to hobble off to his car, he immediately realized that his ring was missing.  He and his friends tried searching through the thick grass and after well over an hour he gave up and headed home to take care of his swollen ankle.  Later that evening Daniel was searching on Google and typed « Metal Detector Rental »  and as he scrolled through the options he came across theringfinders.com and found my number.  We made arrangements to meet the next morning at the park.   It was a beautiful morning and as we walked to the field Daniel explained what happened and  was very precise about where he fell!    Within minutes I found his lost titanium wedding ring with my Deus 2 metal detector.  Daniel was overcome with emotion and as he smiled he said a sincere « Thank you Mike…you saved my marriage! »  What an absolute joy and honor it was to help Daniel and his young wife and to be a help and blessing to them!

How can I help you?  Call me ASAP at…321-363-6029 and let’s talk about how I can help you!

Mike McInroe…waiting and ready to help you!


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