Lost Wedding Ring Stanley Park Calgary
CTV Calgary Published Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 11:58AM MDT Last Updated Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012 7:37PM MDT
Losing a wedding ring is a sickening feeling for anyone that’s misplaced the piece of sentimental jewelry.
A local metal detector specialist, known as ‘The Ringfinder’, is doing his part to end the emotional pain.
Kevin Niefer has been metal detecting for the last 25 years.
In 2011, Niefer joined the Ring Finders Network, and is the group’s representative here in Calgary.
Niefer says he’s been quite successful helping people find their lost rings.
He’s currently helping Alicia Tropak locate her lost wedding ring. She misplaced her ring on September 23, 2012, somewhere near Stanley Park.
Tropak is expecting her first child at the end of the month, and says her fingers swell sometimes. She took her ring off, put it in her pocket, and lost it somewhere along her walk.
Niefer is hopeful he can find the ring using his metal detector which has a history of locating all kinds of hidden treasures.
“And that could be jewelry or old relics like pins or chauffeurs badges, or coins,” says Niefer. “You never know what you’re going to dig up, and when you dig it up, it’s thrilling.”
“Or it might be a bottle cap.”
Niefer and Tropak were unable to find the ring on this day, but will return to expand the search.
For more information about the Ring Finders, website
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