Vancouver, Kits Beach Lifeguard lost his wedding band!

  • from Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada)

Over the years the lifeguards at the Vancouver beaches have been very supportive of my service  »Finders » I have helped two lifeguards in the past 14 years find their lost wedding bands in the ocean at low Tide.

This picture is of a lifeguard who lost his wedding band at Kits Beach while working on a summers day. He lost it at high tide and when I met up with him he gave me the area he believed he lost the ring.

I had to wait a few days for a good low tide and when I started the search of the area it took me close to 3 1/2 hours to locate the ring.

Why so long you say? Well I have to grid search a very large area due to the fact that he put me close to the area but not in the exact area the ring was lost…

I really enjoy helping these people that save lives!

I love my job!

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