Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered In Perry Hall, Maryland!

  • from Baltimore (Maryland, United States)

The success continues! I must admit that I never imagined this 100% success streak would continue this long. The best part of it is not the actual streak, but the amount of people that I’ve been able to help out over the past few years.

The most recent, or should I say the most recent TWO recoveries happened this past Sunday(1/5/14)! The first was for Rodney. He called me on Friday explaining how he lost his wedding ring while taking down Christmas decor. I’ll let Rodney tell you how things went down after that.

Last week I took down my Christmas lights and decorations and was hurrying as it was quickly getting dark and beginning to snow outside.  As I finished and came into the house I realized that my wedding ring had somehow fallen off while outside.  I frantically went outside with a flashlight and attempted to locate the ring but was unsuccessful.  The next day I was searching the internet looking for anyone that may be able to help, when I came across the Ring Finders website.  I read Jim’s blog and was given a sense of hope that he may be able to help as he has a 100% location success rate.  I contacted Jim and we made plans to meet that Sunday to attempt to locate the ring.  When Sunday arrived I did not think we would be able to search as it was raining / sleeting with still over 5 inches of snow on the ground.  Jim arrived with his friend Lance and after introductions the two men began to search for the ring.  After nearly two hours of searching Jim began to thoroughly search each bush while on his hands and knees as a last attempt to locate the ring.  I heard Jim call out that he found it and immediately showed it to me.  Jim & Lance’s professionalism and skills were very present that day and I would recommend them to anyone who ever needs their services going forward.




Stay tuned for the story of the second recovery in the same day!

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One Reply to “Lost Platinum Wedding Band Recovered In Perry Hall, Maryland!”

  1. Chris Turner dit :

    Nice going Jim! Keep up the streak! Happy 2014

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