Lost Wedding Ring West University-Houston, Texas (Recovered)
I received a call today from Ryan and Jess regarding Ryan’s lost wedding ring.
Ryan and Jess reported Ryan was playing football in the front yard with family when
his ring flew off of his finger.
Ryan mentioned his wife Jess was not happy :), but after speaking to her she
insisted Ryan would be sleeping in-doors tonight regardless of the out-come.
Ryan reported one of his family members had located www.theringfinders.com after
his failed attempts at finding his ring.
I think you can tell from the smiles, today was a good day
I was happy very happy for Ryan and Jess, you could see the relief and happiness
in both of them when the ring was recovered.
Ryan and Jess
Ryan’s Wedding Ring
Equipment used on this Recovery: CTX 3030 and Pinpointer Pro