metal detector rental highland township michigan Tag | The Ring Finders

Lost White Gold Ring Found Inside House in Highland Township Michigan

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Window Pain…..

…..What started as a complete house search for Amy’s lost ring led to searching the car and with still no luck, we took a short break to consider other possibilities. Racking our brains started to give us both headaches. Gazing out the window into the back yard helped clear the fog. She mentioned that occasionally she takes her ring off and sets it on the windowsill. The crank for it was off and I asked if the window ever gets opened. She said yes and went to get the crank. Leaning over the sink I heard the creaks as I cranked the window open. Poking my head thru the pane eased my pain when I saw Amy’s ring stuck in the weatherstripping! Who would have thought that sticking my head thru a windowpane would get rid of this pain in the glass search! Amy was shattered with excitement and cracked a huge smile, amazed that the ring was there! I asked, how does it feel not to be framed anymore? She replied, you crack me up and finding my ring is clearly top of the glass.


Lost White Gold Ring Found In Toledo Ohio

  • from Detroit (Michigan, United States)

Red, White and BOOM!…..

…..Going into her 2nd week of marriage, Amanda’s 2 rings came off while at a fireworks display. She recalled carrying coolers, food and beverages up and down some stairs. Early today they located the smaller of the 2 rings but couldn’t find the larger ring. Feeling red with anger, white with fear and blue of not seeing the ring again I told her on the phone I was up for some high flying fun of a search. Scanning the land that I love, the metal detector rang out with the sound of freedom. When I reached down in the grass, something was sparkling so bright I thought it was a firework… but it was her wedding ring! When she came to the spot and saw her ring, her smile was indeed as bright as fireworks as she displayed her excitement with indepen-dance! We soared high on the great feeling of matching the spirit of the holiday by bringing freedom back to the ring and were thankful we live in the U.S. of Yay! As I departed with a piece of pie on this great 4th of July I said, Keep calm and sparkle on!
