metal detector for hire willow grove Tag | The Ring Finders

Gold Wedding Band Lost, Recovered and Returned in Fort Washington, PA!!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Received a text from Mike from the Fort Washington/Oreland, PA on a Saturday night. Earlier in the day he was getting a headstart on  a pool installation project in his backyard. After a few hours of digging a trench for the water lines he looked down and noticed his 10-year old gold wedding band was no longer on his finger! He searched for a bit but soon realized it was hopeless without the help of a metal detector…after a quick search of internet he found me in the Ring Finders Directory. I came the next day (before the Eagles Super Bowl victory!!!) and met him in his backyard. I brought 2 detectors with me….one with a small search coil to search under shrubs and one with a larger coil to cover a larger search area. After talking to Mike and him pointing out where he thinks the ring most likely fell off (in and around the muddy trench) I set to work around the muddy trench with my 6 inch coil. I had my machine set to just search out just gold ring signals…5 minutes into the search I received a beautiful signal in my headphones…honestly from doing this for so many years…without even looking I was a 100% sure this was his ring. I called Mike over and let him hear the signal and told him there it was…my machine was showing it 2-3 inches beneath the surface of the mud. I bent down and dug a little with my pinpointer and I think Mike and I both saw it at the same time ..there it was!!! Mike was surprised I found it…he thought it was a goner for sure! It’s always thrilling to be successful in a recovery operation and I was very happy I could come through for Mike!


White Gold Wedding Band Lost, Found and Returned in Willow Grove, PA!!!

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Received a text from Edward after he found me in The Ring Finders directory. He was raking and bagging leaves at his home in the Willow Grove, PA area when he noticed his ring had fallen off. He searched for hours and even purchased a metal detector to try to find the ring himself….but no luck. He decided to consult with an expert and i promptly met him at his home the next day. I told him on the phone the day before to not throw away any of the bags of leaves that he collected. When i got there…I noticed that he poured the contents of all the leaf bags into one large pile….but he said he and his wife went through it all already. I turned my machine on….after 2 or 3 swings over the leaf pile…I received a signal in my headphones that was an obvious surface gold ring! Bent down with my pin pointer and after a total search time of 1 minute I picked up his ring! He couldn’t believe it but the relief on his face was priceless!


Beautiful, sentimental silver ring recovered and returned in Willow Grove, PA

  • from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, United States)

Madison found me through the online directory and contacted me on June 10, 2020. She conveyed to me that her young son was playing with her beautiful, David Yurman, silver ring after she had left it on the back patio table. He had it on his finger and was running around her small backyard in Willow Grove, PA when all of a sudden she noticed it was no longer on his little finger. After spending hours on her hands and knees looking for it she decided to contact me for help. I arrived at her house on the afternoon of June 12th and, as always, I asked her to go through exactly what happened step-by-step with a re-enactment of actions leading to the lost ring. I also always do a quick demonstration of how my metal detector works so she could feel confident that if the ring is there I will find it. I turned my machine on and started sweeping where she thought it most likely fell and less then 60 seconds later I got a perfect silver ring tone in my headphones. I bent over and pushed the grass aside and there was her beautiful ring! Besides being extremely happy to see her ring again she was amazed because she was 100% sure she had searched that area on her hands and knees. I was very happy to be able to recover and return such a beautiful ring to its rightful owner!